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いざ英文を書き始めると、同じ語句を何度も繰り返して使いがちです。「しかし」はbut、「〜が原因で」はbecause 〜、など。




目次へ | ホームへ | サイトマップ | 簡易文法用語集へ | 先頭へ
"so 〜"(結果として〜だ) → "therefore 〜, for that reason 〜, etc" 先頭へ



  • therefore, consequently, accordingly, thus
    (= その結果〜、そして〜、だから〜、それで〜、したがって〜、よって〜、ゆえに〜、結果として〜、結末は〜)

"so"は接続詞なので、前にコンマ(,)を置いて二つの文をつなぐことができます。一方、"therefore, consequently, accordingly, thus"の四語はどれも副詞なので、二つの文をつなぐことはできません。前にピリオド(.)を置いて文をいったん区切り、大文字で始めて、語尾にはたいていコンマ(,)を打ちます。

【英訳】:Civilization has progressed, so environmental destruction has been worsen.
【英訳】:Civilization has progressed. Therfore, environmental destruction has been worsen.
【英訳】:Civilization has progressed. Consequently, environmental destruction has been worsen.
【英訳】:Civilization has progressed. Accordingly, environmental destruction has been worsen.
【英訳】:Civilization has progressed. Thus, environmental destruction has been worsen.
→"therefore, consequently, accordingly, thus"の次にコンマ(,)を置く

  • for that reason, as a result, that is why
    (= その結果〜、そして〜、だから〜、それで〜、したがって〜、そういう理由で〜、それが原因で〜、そのために〜)


"so"は接続詞なので、前にコンマ(,)を置いて二つの文をつなぐことができます。一方、"for that reason, as a result, that is why"の三つはどれもイディオムなので、二つの文をつなぐことはできません。前にピリオド(.)を置いて文をいったん区切り、大文字で始めます。

【英訳】:Civilization has progressed, so environmental destruction has been worsen.
【英訳】:Civilization has progressed. For that reason environmental destruction has been worsen.
【英訳】:Civilization has progressed. As a result environmental destruction has been worsen.
【英訳】:Civilization has progressed. That is why environmental destruction has been worsen.

目次へ | ホームへ | サイトマップ | 簡易文法用語集へ | 先頭へ
"because 〜"(原因は〜だ) → "The reason is that 〜" 先頭へ

"The reason is that 〜"(原因は〜である)

"The reason is that 〜"は"because"とほぼ同じ意味を表わします。意味は「理由は〜である」「原因は〜である」です。"because"と違うところは、"The reason is that 〜"の場合、常に文頭に置いて新しい文で始めます。

【 × 】:I was absent from school, the reason is that I caught a cold.
【 ○ 】:I was absent from school. The reason is that I caught a cold.
(= I was absent from school, because I caught a cold.)
→"The reason is that 〜"の前はピリオド(.)で区切る

"The ○○○ reason is that 〜"(○○○な原因は〜である)

"The reason is that 〜"は"reason"の前に"main"や"only"などの形容詞を置いて、ニュアンスにバリエーションを付けることができます。

# The main/big/chief/key/major reason is that 〜(主な原因は〜だ)
# The only/sole reason is that 〜(唯一の原因は〜だ)
# The simple reason is that 〜(原因は単に〜だ)
# The real reason is that 〜(本当の原因は〜だ)

【英訳】:The marathon was put off. The main reason is that many classes had been closed due to flu.
【英訳】:The marathon was put off. The big reason is that many classes had been closed due to flu.
【英訳】:The marathon was put off. The chief reason is that many classes had been closed due to flu.
【英訳】:The marathon was put off. The key reason is that many classes had been closed due to flu.
【英訳】:The marathon was put off. The major reason is that many classes had been closed due to flu.

【英訳】:The marathon was put off. The only reason is that many classes had been closed due to flu.
【英訳】:The marathon was put off. The sole reason is that many classes had been closed due to flu.

【英訳】:The marathon was put off. The simple reason is that many classes had been closed due to flu.

【英訳】:The marathon was put off. The real reason is that many classes had been closed due to flu.

目次へ | ホームへ | サイトマップ | 簡易文法用語集へ | 先頭へ
"because 〜"(原因は〜だ) → "This is because 〜, That is because 〜" 先頭へ

前の文を受ける"This is because 〜"と"That is because 〜"


【 ○ 】:The nuclear power plant automatically stopped, because a strong earthquake occurred.

ただし、ピリオド(.)で区切った前の文を受けて「その理由は〜である」と表現することはできません。こういう時には"This is because 〜"や"That is because 〜"を使います。"this, that"は前の文全体を指します。

「理由」を表わす文が長くなるときは、"This is because 〜"や"That is because 〜"を使って文を二つに分断すると見やすくなります。

(= 原子力発電所は自動的に停止しました。原因は強い地震が発生したからです。)
【 × 】:The nuclear power plant automatically stopped. Because a strong earthquake occurred.
【 ○ 】:The nuclear power plant automatically stopped, because a strong earthquake occurred.
【 ○ 】:The nuclear power plant automatically stopped. This was because a strong earthquake occurred.
【 ○ 】:The nuclear power plant automatically stopped. That was because a strong earthquake occurred.
→「ピリオド(.) + Because」は不可

目次へ | ホームへ | サイトマップ | 簡易文法用語集へ | 先頭へ
"because of 〜"(〜が原因で) → "on account of 〜, owing to 〜, etc" 先頭へ

原因や理由を表わす"because of"

"because of"は次に「語句」を置いて「原因、理由」を表わします。

【例】:because of a cold(風邪のせいで)
【例】:because of El Nino(エルニーニョ現象が原因で)
【例】:because of a traffic accident(交通事故のせいで)

同じく、「原因、理由」を表わすイディオムがいくつかあります。"because of"以外の語句も使ってみましょう。どのイディオムも次に来るのは主語と動詞を備えた文ではなく「語句」です。

"because of"の代用表現
  • on account of, owing to, thanks to, dut to, as a result of
    (= 〜が原因で、〜が理由で、〜のせいで、〜のために、〜のおかげで、〜が元で)

【英訳】:We may suffer from osteoporosis because of improper diet.
【英訳】:We may suffer from osteoporosis on account of improper diet.
【英訳】:We may suffer from osteoporosis owing to improper diet.
【英訳】:We may suffer from osteoporosis thanks to improper diet.
【英訳】:We may suffer from osteoporosis as a result of improper diet.

目次へ | ホームへ | サイトマップ | 簡易文法用語集へ | 先頭へ
"moreover"(その上) → "besides, furthermore, etc" 先頭へ



  • besides, furthermore, in addition, what is more, what is worse
    (= その上、さらに、そして、しかも、おまけに、追加で、それでもって)


【英訳】:Business has been worse. Moreover, deflation is in progress.
【英訳】:Business has been worse. Furthermore, deflation is in progress.
【英訳】:Business has been worse. In addition, deflation is in progress.
【英訳】:Business has been worse. What is more, deflation is in progress.
【英訳】:Business has been worse. What is worse, deflation is in progress.
→"what is worse"は主に「悪いこと」が続く場合に使う

【英訳】:Solar power generation cuts CO2 emissions. Moreover, it saves electricity expense.
【英訳】:Solar power generation cuts CO2 emissions. Furthermore, it saves electricity expense.
【英訳】:Solar power generation cuts CO2 emissions. In addition, it saves electricity expense.
【英訳】:Solar power generation cuts CO2 emissions. What is more, it saves electricity expense.
→"what is more"は「良いこと」でも「悪いこと」でも使える

目次へ | ホームへ | サイトマップ | 簡易文法用語集へ | 先頭へ
"but"(しかし) → "however, yet, etc" 先頭へ



  • however, yet, though, nevetheless, nonetheless
    (= しかし、けれども、ところが、だが、だって、だけど、それにもかかわらず、もっとも、それでも)


"however, nevetheless, nonetheless"はどれも接続詞でないので、文をつなぐことはできません。前にピリオド(.)を置いて文をいったん区切り、大文字で始めて、語尾にはたいていコンマ(,)を打ちます。


(= コーヒーは買って来たけど、砂糖を切らしていた)
【英訳】:I bought some coffee, but I've run out of sugar.
【英訳】:I bought some coffee. However, I've run out of sugar.
【英訳】:I bought some coffee, yet I've run out of sugar.
【英訳】:Though I bought some coffee, I've run out of sugar.
【英訳】:I bought some coffee. Nevertheless, I've run out of sugar.
【英訳】:I bought some coffee. Nonetheless, I've run out of sugar.
→"however, nevertheless, nonetheless"の次にはコンマ(,)を置く

目次へ | ホームへ | サイトマップ | 簡易文法用語集へ | 先頭へ
"I think that 〜"(私は〜だと思う) → "I suppose that 〜, in my opinion 〜" 先頭へ

個人的な意見を表わす"I think that"

個人的な意見であることを明示するとき"I think that 〜"をよく使います。ほぼ同じ意味を表わす表現がいくつかあります。"I think that 〜"以外も使ってみましょう。

"I think that"の代用表現

"I think that"と"I suppose that"はほぼ同じ意味です。どちらも"that"は省略可能です。

【英訳】:I suppose that Japanese people are poor at learning grammar.
I think that Japanese people are poor at learning grammar.)
【英訳】:I suppose Japanese people are poor at learning grammar.
I think Japanese people are poor at learning grammar.)

"in my opinion, in my view, to my mind"の三つは文頭、文の途中、文尾のいずれの位置にも置くことができます。たいてい、文頭に置くときは次にコンマ(,)を、文尾に置くときは前にコンマ(,)を打ちます。

【英訳】:My opinion is that Japanese people are poor at learning grammar.
【英訳】:My view is that Japanese people are poor at learning grammar.
【英訳】:In my opinion, Japanese people are poor at learning grammar.
【英訳】:Japanese people are poor at learning grammar, in my opinion.
【英訳】:In my view, Japanese people are poor at learning grammar.
【英訳】:Japanese people are poor at learning grammar, in my view.
【英訳】:To my mind, Japanese people are poor at learning grammar.
【英訳】:Japanese people are poor at learning grammar, to my mind.

"it is my opinion that 〜, it is my view that 〜"の二つはやや堅苦しい表現です。

【英訳】:It is my opinion that Japanese people are poor at learning grammar.[※やや堅苦しい表現]
【英訳】:It is my view that Japanese people are poor at learning grammar.[※やや堅苦しい表現]

目次へ | ホームへ | サイトマップ | 簡易文法用語集へ | 先頭へ
"can 〜"(〜することができる) → "able, capable, etc" 先頭へ



  • be able to, have the ability to, be capable of, have the capacity to, have the capability to
    (= 〜できる、〜できる能力がある、〜することが可能だ、〜する才能がある、〜できるほどの手腕がある)

"capable"は常に"of 〜ing"を使います。"able, the ability, the capapcity, the capability"はto不定詞を使います。to不定詞の代わりに、"the capacity"は"for"も、"the capability"は"of"も使えます。"capable"の名詞形が"capability"です。

【英訳】:It is said that camels can survive for a month or more without water.
【英訳】:It is said that camels are able to survive for a month or more without water.
【英訳】:It is said that camels have the ability to survive for a month or more without water.
【英訳】:It is said that camels are capable of surviving for a month or more without water.
【英訳】:It is said that camels have the capacity to survive for a month or more without water.
【英訳】:It is said that camels have the capacity for surviving for a month or more without water.
【英訳】:It is said that camels have the capability to survive for a month or more without water.
【英訳】:It is said that camels have the capability of surviving for a month or more without water.

秘めた能力を表わす"capable, the capacity, the capability"

"capable, the capacity, the capability"の三つは、今はまだその能力を発揮していないけど将来的には可能であるいう「潜在能力」を表わすこともできます。

【英訳】:You are capable of running 100 meters under eleven seconds.
【英訳】:You have the capacity to run 100 meters under eleven seconds.
【英訳】:You have the capacity for running 100 meters under eleven seconds.
【英訳】:You have the capability to run 100 meters under eleven seconds.
【英訳】:You have the capability of running 100 meters under eleven seconds.

やり遂げたことを表わす"was able to, were able to"

過去時制の"was able to, were able to"は本来持っている能力ではなく、物事を最後までうまくやり遂げることができたという「完遂」の意味を表わすこともできます。ニュアンスは「〜することに成功した、うまいこと〜できた」です。


【 × 】:This old wooden temple could withstand the earthquake measured 7 on the Japanese scale.
【 ○ 】:This old wooden temple was able to withstand the earthquake measured 7 on the Japanese scale.

目次へ | ホームへ | サイトマップ | 簡易文法用語集へ | 先頭へ
"cannot 〜"(〜することができない) → "unable, incapable, etc" 先頭へ


何かをできないことを明示するとき、"cannot"をよく使います。ほぼ同じ意味を表わす表現がいくつかあります。"cannot"以外も使ってみましょう。何かをできることを表わす"able, ability, capable, capacity"の反意語を使います→【参照】:『"can"の代用表現(〜することができる) → "able"や"capable"など

【例】:"able"→"unable", "ability"→"inability", "capable"→"incapable", "capacity"→"incapacity"


  • be unable to, have the inability to, be incapable of, have the incapacity to
    (= 〜できない、〜できる能力はない、〜することは不可能だ、〜する才能はない、〜できるほどの手腕はない)

"incapable"のみ常に"of 〜ing"を使います。"unable, the inability, the incapapcity"はto不定詞を使います。"the incapacity"はto不定詞の代わりに"for"も使えます。

【英訳】:It seems that Government currently cannot control the military.
【英訳】:It seems that Government currently is unable to control the military.
【英訳】:It seems that Government currently has the inability to control the military.
【英訳】:It seems that Government currently is incapable of controlling the military.
【英訳】:It seems that Government currently has the incapacity to control the military.
【英訳】:It seems that Government currently has the incapacity for controlling the military.

目次へ | ホームへ | サイトマップ | 簡易文法用語集へ | 先頭へ
"should 〜"(〜すべきだ) → "ought to 〜, be supposed to 〜, etc" 先頭へ



  • ought to, be supposed to, be obliged to
    (= 〜すべきだ、〜しなければならない、〜する必要がある、〜したほうがよい、〜しないといけない、〜するのが義務だ)

"ought"は助動詞ですが次に必ずto不定詞を使います。"be supposed to"と"be obliged to"も同じようにto不定詞を使います。

【英訳】:In this college all students should take at least one class in their second language.
【英訳】:In this college all students ought to take at least one class in their second language.
【英訳】:In this college all students are supposed to take at least one class in their second language.
【英訳】:In this college all students are obliged to take at least one class in their second language.

法令上の義務を表わす"be supposed to, be obliged to"

"be supposed to"と"be obliged to"の二つは特に、規則や法律などで決まった義務であることを表わします。

【英訳】:You are legally supposed to get your dogs vaccinated against rabies.
【英訳】:You are legally obliged to get your dogs vaccinated against rabies.

目次へ | ホームへ | 先頭へ | サイトマップ
"maybe"(たぶん) → "perhaps, probably, etc" 先頭へ



  • possibly, perhaps, conceivably, supposedly
    (= たぶん、おそらく、ひょっとしたら、どうやら、ことによると、もしかして、推測すると)
  • probably, presumably, no doubt, doubtless
    (= たぶん、おそらく、きっと、だいたい、間違いなく、確実に、疑いなく)

"possibly, perhaps, conceivably, supposedly"は"maybe"とほぼ同じ意味。ニュアンスは「それほど自信はないけど多分〜だろう」。もう少し自信があるときは"probably, presumably, no doubt, doubtless"を使います。

【英訳】:Maybe the ruling party will suffer historic defeat in the next election.
【英訳】:Possibly the ruling party will suffer historic defeat in the next election.
【英訳】:Perhaps the ruling party will suffer historic defeat in the next election.
【英訳】:Conceivably the ruling party will suffer historic defeat in the next election.
【英訳】:Supposedly the ruling party will suffer historic defeat in the next election.

【英訳】:Probably the ruling party will suffer historic defeat in the next election.
【英訳】:Presumably the ruling party will suffer historic defeat in the next election.
【英訳】:No doubt the ruling party will suffer historic defeat in the next election.
【英訳】:Doubtless the ruling party will suffer historic defeat in the next election.

目次へ | ホームへ | 先頭へ | サイトマップ
"be surprised"(驚く) → "be astonished, be stunned, etc" 先頭へ

驚きを表わす"be surprised"

物事に対して驚きの感情を表わすときに"be surprised"をよく使います。似た意味を表わす表現がいくつかあります。"be surprised"以外も使ってみましょう。

  • be surprised: 一般的な驚きや意外(驚く、意外だ、びっくりする)
  • be astonished, be amazed: 驚きの度合がいっそう強い(仰天する、たまげる、驚愕する、愕然とする)
  • be astounded, be stunned, be staggered: 言葉を失うほど驚く(唖然とする、呆然とする、ショックを受ける)
  • be startled: 不意を突かれて驚く(ギョッとする、びくっとする、うろたえる)

be surprised(驚く、意外だ、びっくりする)


  1. A is surprised 〜. = It surprises A 〜 = It is surprising to A 〜.
    (= Aが〜に驚く、Aが〜にびっくりする)
  2. What surprises A is 〜. = Surprisingly to A, 〜. = To A's surprise, 〜. = To the surprise of A, 〜.
    (= Aが驚くのは〜だ、Aがびっくりするのは〜だ)

話し手が驚くのを表わす場合、たいてい"to A"を省略して"It is surprising to me 〜."は"It is surprising 〜."、"Surprisingly to me, 〜."は"Surprisingly, 〜."と短く表現します。

【英訳】:I was surprised that you burst out laughing loudly.
【英訳】:It surprised me that you burst out laughing loudly.
【英訳】:It was surprising that you burst out laughing loudly.
【英訳】:What surprised me was that you burst out laughing loudly.
【英訳】:Surprisingly, you burst out laughing loudly.
【英訳】:To my surprise, you burst out laughing loudly.
【英訳】:To the surprise of me, you burst out laughing loudly.


be astonished, be amazed(仰天する、たまげる、驚愕する、愕然とする)


  1. A is astonishd 〜. = It astonishs A 〜. = It is astonishing to A 〜.
    (= Aが〜に仰天する、A〜が〜にたまげる)
  2. What astonishs A is 〜. = Astonishingly to A, 〜. = To A's astonishment, 〜. = To the astonishment of A, 〜.
    (= Aが仰天するのは〜だ、Aがたまげるのは〜だ)

話し手が驚くのを表わす場合、たいてい"to A"を省略して"It is astonishing to me 〜."は"It is astonishing 〜."、"Astonishingly to me, 〜."は"Astonishingly, 〜."と短く表現します。

【英訳】:The news reporters were astonished that the commissioner refused to resign.
【英訳】:It astonished the news reporters that the commissioner refused to resign.
【英訳】:It was astonishing to the news reporters that the commissioner refused to resign.
【英訳】:What astonished the news reporters was that the commissioner refused to resign.
【英訳】:Astonishingly to the news reporters, the commissioner refused to resign.
【英訳】:To the astonishment of the news reporters, the commissioner refused to resign.


  1. A is amazed 〜. = It amazes A 〜.
    (= Aが〜に仰天する、A〜が〜にたまげる)
  2. What amazes A is 〜. = Amazingly to A, 〜. = To A's amazement, 〜. = To the amazement of A, 〜.
    (= Aが仰天するのは〜だ、Aがたまげるのは〜だ)

話し手が驚くのを表わす場合、たいてい"to A"を省略して、"It is amazing to me 〜."は"It is amazing 〜."、"Amazingly to me, 〜."は"Amazingly, 〜."と短く表現します。

【英訳】:I am amazed that there are many people who still believe nuclear power is safe.
【英訳】:It amazes me that there are many people who still believe nuclear power is safe.
【英訳】:It is amazing that there are many people who still believe nuclear power is safe.
【英訳】:What amazes me is that there are many people who still believe nuclear power is safe.
【英訳】:Amazingly, there are many people who still believe nuclear power is safe.
【英訳】:To my amazement, there are many people who still believe nuclear power is safe.
【英訳】:To the amazement of me, there are many people who still believe nuclear power is safe.


be astounded, be stunned, be staggered(唖然とする、呆然とする、ショックを受ける)


  1. A is astounded 〜. = It astounds A 〜.
    (= Aが〜に唖然とする、Aが〜に呆然とする)
  2. What astounds A is 〜. = Astoundingly to A, 〜.
    (= Aが唖然とするのは〜だ、Aが呆然とするのは〜だ)

話し手が驚くのを表わす場合、たいてい"to A"を省略して、"Astoundingly to me, 〜."は"Astoundingly, 〜."と短く表現します。

【英訳】:I was astounded that the power pole suddenly crashed down in front of me.
【英訳】:It astounded me that the power pole suddenly crashed down in front of me.
【英訳】:What astounded me was that the power pole suddenly crashed down in front of me.
【英訳】:Astoundingly, the power pole suddenly crashed down in front of me.


  1. A is stunned 〜. = It stuns A 〜.
    (= Aが〜に唖然とする、Aが〜に呆然とする)
  2. What stuns A is 〜.
    (= Aが唖然とするのは〜だ、Aが呆然とするのは〜だ)

【英訳】:We were stunned that the train began to move with the doors open.
【英訳】:It stunned us that the train began to move with the doors open.
【英訳】:What stunned us was that the train began to move with the doors open.


  1. A is staggered 〜. = It staggers A 〜.
    (= Aが〜に唖然とする、Aが〜に呆然とする)
  2. What staggers A is 〜.
    (= Aが唖然とするのは〜だ、Aが呆然とするのは〜だ)

【英訳】:I'm staggered that the government attempts to export nuclear technology.
【英訳】:It staggered me that the government attempts to export nuclear technology.
【英訳】:What staggers me is that the government attempts to export nuclear technology.


be startled(ギョッとする、びくっとする、うろたえる)


  1. A is startled 〜. = It startles A 〜.
    (= Aが〜にギョッとする、Aが〜にうろたえる)
  2. What startles A is 〜.
    (= Aがギョッとするは〜だ、Aがうろたえるのは〜だ)

【英訳】:I was startled when all lights abruptly went out.
【英訳】:It startled me when all lights abruptly went out.
【英訳】:What startled me was when all lights abruptly went out.

目次へ | ホームへ | 先頭へ | サイトマップ
"the things which I saw"(私が見たもの) → "what I saw" 先頭へ


「見たもの、聞いたこと」はそれぞれよく"the things which I saw, the things which I heard"と英訳しがちです。疑問詞の"what"を使うと、"what I saw, what I heard"と短くまとめて表現の幅も広がります。

「見たもの、聞いたこと」を「何を見たか、何を聞いたか」と考えます。ほかの疑問詞の"where, when, why, how"を使う表現もここでまとめます。

what, where, where why, howへの言い換え例
【例】:私が見たもの → 私が何を見たか
【訳】:the things I saw → what I saw, what I watched
【例】:私が聞いたこと → 私が何を聞いたか
【訳】:the things I heard → what I heard
【例】:私が言ったこと → 私が何を言ったか
【訳】:the things I said → what I said
【例】:私が考えたこと → 私がどう考えたか(= 何を考えたか)
【訳】:the things I thought, my thought → what I was thinking, what I thought
【例】:私が感じたこと → 私がどう感じたか(= 何を感じたか)
【訳】:the things I felt, my feelings → what I felt, what I was feeling
【例】:今いる場所 → 今どこにいるか
【訳】:my current postition, my current place → where I am
【例】:住んでいる所 → どこに住んでいるか
【訳】:my living place → where I live, where I'm living
【例】:彼の到着時刻 → 彼がいつ来るのか
【訳】:his arrival time → when he arrives
【例】:彼の生年月日 → 彼がいつ生まれたのか
【訳】:his birth date → when he was born
【例】:私がそれ食べた理由 → 私がなぜそれ食べたのか
【訳】:the reason for my eating it → why I ate it
【例】:それの使い方 → それをどうやって使うのか
【訳】:the way of using it, the way to use it → how to use it
【例】:それの機能 → それがどう動くのか
【訳】:its function → how it works, how it operates, how it functions
【例】:それの外見 → それがどう見えるか
【訳】:its appearance → how it looks



【英訳】:Tell me the things which you have seen and heard at the accident scene.
【英訳】:Tell me what you have seen and heard at the accident scene.

【英訳】:Do you remeber the things which you said?
【英訳】:Do you remeber what you said?

【英訳】:Doctors need to understand patients' thoughts and feelings.
【英訳】:Doctors need to understand what patients are thinking and feeling.



【英訳】:GPS can immediately tell you your current position.
【英訳】:GPS can immediately tell you where you are now.

【英訳】:Dialects markedly differ depending on your living place.
【英訳】:Dialects markedly differ depending on where you live.



【英訳】:The electronic bulletin boards show each plane's arrival time.
【英訳】:The electronic bulletin boards show when each plane arrives.

【英訳】:There is no telling exactly the birth year of the first civilization.
【英訳】:There is no telling exactly when the first civilization was born.



【英訳】:The company gave no explanation about the reason for the delay of publication of the incident.
【英訳】:The company gave no explanation about why the publication of the incident was delayed.

【英訳】:The cause for the leakage of the coolant water from the reactor is still unclear.
【英訳】:Why the coolant water leaked from the reactor is still unclear.



【英訳】:Today no one knows the way of using this device.
【英訳】:Today no one knows the way to use this device.
【英訳】:Today no one knows how to use this device.

【英訳】:When I select my tools, I should put emphasis on their function rather than their appearance.
【英訳】:When I select my tools, I should put emphasis on how they work rather than how they look.