【 × 】:The light is made at power plants.
【 ○ 】:Electricity is made at power plants.
【 × 】:Please turn off all the electricity before you go to bed.
【 ○ 】:Please turn off all the lights before you go to bed.
【 × 】:I have gradually known what happened to me.
【 × 】:I have gradually understood what happened to me.
【 ○ 】:I have gradually realized what happened to me.
【 × 】:You can easily know Bob at a distance because he is exceptionally tall.
【 × 】:You can easily understand Bob at a distance because he is exceptionally tall.
【 ○ 】:You can easily recognize Bob at a distance because he is exceptionally tall.
"turn out"という訳も当てはめてみよう
「物事や出来事が事実だとわかる、物事や出来事が本当のことだと判明する」は"turn out"です。
【 × 】:I knew that there was no radiation leak as a result of the inspection.
【 × 】:I understood that there was no radiation leak as a result of the inspection.
【 ○ 】:It turned out that there was no radiation leak as a result of the inspection.
→"tunrn out"が表わす意味は「事実が判明する」、仮主語の"it"
【 × 】:I do not know classical music at all.
【 × 】:I do not understand classical music at all.
【 ○ 】:I do not appreciate classical music at all.
【英訳】:Next Saturday night we have a guest.
→日本語の「客」の意味は「来客」(= guest)
【英訳】:We're going to invite fifty guests to our wedding.
→日本語の「お客」の意味は「招待客」(= guest)
【英訳】:This hotel can accommodate up to five hundred guests.
→日本語の「客」の意味は「宿泊客」(= guest)
【 × 】:Every department store was crowded with guests last weekend.
【 ○ 】:Every department store was crowded with customers last weekend.
→日本語の「客」の意味は「買物客、顧客」(= customer)
【 × 】:Every intercity bus was full of guests last weekend.
【 ○ 】:Every intercity bus was full of passengers last weekend.
→日本語の「客」の意味は「旅行客」(= passenger)
【 × 】:Every movie theater was crowded with guests last weekend.
【 ○ 】:Every movie theater was crowded with audiences last weekend.
→日本語の「客」の意味は「観客」(= audience)
【英訳】:May 5th is a holiday in Japan.
→日本語の「休み」の意味は「休日、祝日」(= holiday)
【 × 】:Next holiday my family are going to Disneyland.
【 ○ 】:Next weekend my family are going to Disneyland.
→日本語の「休み」の意味は「(週末の)休み」(= weekend)
【 ○ 】:I have worked in a bookshop during the summer vacation.
【 ○ 】:I have worked in a bookshop during the summer holiday.[※イギリス英語]
→日本語の「休み」の意味は「長期休暇」(= vacation)
【 ○ 】:I took a day vacation and renewed my driving licence.
【 ○ 】:I took a day holiday and renewed my driving licence.[※イギリス英語]
→日本語の「休み」の意味は「休暇」(= vacation)
"day off"という訳も当てはめてみよう
「病気やけがなどで会社や学校を休むこと、欠勤、欠席」は"day off"です。
【 × 】:I've caught the flu, so tomorrow I have a holiday from school.
【 ○ 】:I've caught the flu, so tomorrow I have a day off from school.
→日本語の「休み」の意味は「欠席」(= day off)
【英訳】:It is usual for me to have no breakfast.
→日本語の「普通は」の意味は「普段は、いつもは」(= usual)
【 × 】:Usual people do not finish six bowls of rice at dinner every day.
【 ○ 】:Ordinary people do not finish six bowls of rice at dinner every day.
→日本語の「普通の」の意味は「一般的な、平均的な」(= ordinary)
【 × 】:The place name "Tenjin" is usual in Japan.
【 ○ 】:The place name "Tenjin" is common in Japan.
→日本語の「普通の」の意味は「どこにでもある、ありふれた」(= common)
「〜するとすぐに」と来ると、機械的に"as soon as 〜"に置き換えがちです。しかし、日本語の「〜するとすぐに」には「〜すると簡単に」「〜したら短時間で」など複数の意味があります。「〜するとすぐに」の英訳が"as soon as 〜"では不可のこともあります。
"as soon as 〜"の意味は「二つの動作や動きが相次いで、〜が起こった直後に」
"as soon as 〜"は「二つの動作や動き」がほとんど時間を置かずに立て続けに発生する様を表わします。
【英訳】:It began to rain as soon as I got home.
【和訳】:Lightning struck the ground as soon as it flashed outside.
【例文】:As soon as the masked man holding suspicious parcel saw me, he ran away.
"easily 〜 when …"という訳も当てはめてみよう
「〜したらすぐに、〜したら簡単に、〜したら楽に、〜すれば楽々と」の英語は"easily 〜 when …"を使います。
【 × 】:You won't get slim as soon as you have just one meal a day.
【 ○ 】:You won't easily get slim when you have just one meal a day.
【例文】の「すぐに」の意味は「素早く、瞬時に」ではなく、「簡単に、たいした苦労もなしに、楽に」です。なので、二つの動作や動きが相次ぐことを表わす"as soon as 〜"は不可。"easily 〜 when …"(…したら簡単に〜となる)を使います。
"just after"という訳も当てはめてみよう
「〜したらすぐに、〜したらたいして時間も掛からずに、〜したら短期間で」の英語は"just after"を使います。
【 × 】:As soon as I started a life without television, I have got used to it.
【 ○ 】:Just after I started a life without television, I have got used to it.
【例文】の「すぐに」の意味は「素早く、瞬時に」ではなく、「短期間で、数日の内に」です。「テレビなしの生活に慣れる」には最低一日は必要です。なので、二つの動作や動きが相次ぐことを表わす"as soon as 〜"は不可。"just after 〜"(〜したら短時間で、〜したら短期間で)を使います。
「(目的や目標を決めて)〜のために、〜しようとして」は"because"では表現できません。"in order + to不定詞"や"so that 〜 will/may/would/might"を使います。"in order + to不定詞"はto不定詞のみでもOKです。
# 「〜するために」【目的】:in order + to不定詞
# 「〜するために」【目的】:so that 〜 will/may/would/might
【 × 】:Wash your hands before meals because of preventing flu.
【 × 】:Wash your hands before meals because you prevent flu.
【 ○ 】:Wash your hands before meals in order to prevent flu.
【 ○ 】:Wash your hands before meals so that you will prevent flu.
【 ○ 】:Wash your hands before meals to prevent flu.
【例文】の場合、「予防のために」は目的を表わします。"because"や"because of 〜"は原因や理由を表わすので、ここでは不可。"in order + to不定詞"や"so that 〜 will"を使います→【参照】:『「〜のために」の英語は"in order + to不定詞"だけではない』
「(原因や理由が)〜のために、〜のせいで、〜おかげで」は"in order + to不定詞"では表現できません。"because"や"because of 〜"を使います。
# 「〜のために」【原因、理由】:because 〜
# 「〜のために」【原因、理由】:because of 〜
【 × 】:More than 100 schools closed in order to be widespread flu.
【 ○ 】:More than 100 schools closed because flu has been widespread.
【 ○ 】:More than 100 schools closed because of widespread flu.
【例文】の場合、「〜のために」は原因や理由を表わします。"in order + to不定詞"は「目的や目標」を表わすので、ここでは不可。"because"や"because of 〜"を使います→【参照】:『「〜のために」の英語は"because 〜"だけではない』
【 × 】:We were so absorbed in our story that none of us heard someone ring the doorbell.
【 ○ 】:We were so absorbed in our talking that none of us heard someone ring the doorbell.
【 ○ 】:We were so absorbed in our chattering that none of us heard someone ring the doorbell.
→"talking, chattering"は取り留めのない「話」
【和訳】:Nobody believes your story.
【 × 】:Indo has the second largest population in the world with over 1.0 billion people.
【 ○ 】:India has the second largest population in the world with over 1.0 billion people.
【 × 】:In japan a large amount of electric power depends on nuclear power.
【 ○ 】:In Japan a large amount of electric power depends on nuclear power.
【和訳】:It seems that japan ware has been made since the Jomon period in Japan.
→「漆器」の英語は"japan ware"
【アメリカ】:(×)america → (○)America
【イギリス】:(×)england → (○)England
【中 国】:(×)china → (○)China
【アメリカ】:(×)The United States of America → (○)the United States of America
【イギリス】:(×)The UK → (○)the UK
「欧米人」は"Europeans and Americans"、あるいは、"Westerners"
# 「欧米人」=「ヨーロッパの人々」+「アメリカの人々」
なので、「アメリカの人々」の意味を加えて、「欧米人」は"Europeans and Americans"とします。一語で表わすには"westerners"です。"Europeans, Americans, westerners"は三語とも単数だと一人の人物を指すので、特定の人物についての話でないなら複数形にします。
【 × 】:There are lots of Europeans who love Japanese animations.
【 ○ 】:There are lots of Europeans and Americans who love Japanese animations.
【 ○ 】:There are lots of westernes who love Japanese animations.
"I surprised 〜"の意味は「私が〜を驚かせた」
【 ○ 】:I surprised detectives by removing handcuffs in an instant by myself.
まず、日本語で考えると、実は、「私は〜に驚いた」=「私は〜に驚かされた」です。なので、英語で表現する場合も"I was surprised 〜"でOK。受動態を使います。
# 「私は〜に驚いた」=「私は〜に驚かされた」= I was surprised 〜
【 × 】:I surprised at seeing that the magician removed handcuffs in an instant by himself.
【 ○ 】:I was surprised at seeing that the magician removed handcuffs in an instant by himself.
「Aは〜に驚かされた」=「Aは〜に驚いた」= "A was/were surprised 〜"という図式をお忘れなく。
【 × 】:Louis runs so first that we cannot catch up with him by bicycle.
【 ○ 】:Louis runs so fast that we cannot catch up with him by bicycle.
【 × 】:Louis won the fast prize in the 100-meter run.
【 ○ 】:Louis won the first prize in the 100-meter run.
ちなみに、ハンバーガーやピザなどの「ファースト・フード」は英語では"fast food"です。「待たずにすぐに(= fast)食べられる食べ物」の意味。和食だと牛丼や立ち食いそばなどが"fast food"に相当します。
【 × 】:I have no interesting in horror movies.
【 ○ 】:I have no interest in horror movies.
【英訳】:In my opinion, the most interesting horror movie is "The Exorcist".
「まず」の英語は"first of all"
日本語の「まず」の意味は、「何はさておき第一に〜、取り敢えず最初にやることは〜」です。この意味の場合、英語では"first of all"を使います。
【 × 】:At first, you should heat up the frying pan enough to make fried rice.
【 ○ 】:First of all, you should heat up the frying pan enough to make fried rice.
【英訳】:First, you should heat up the frying pan enough to make fried rice.
(= First of all, you should heat up the frying pan enough to make fried rice.)
"at first"の意味は「最初のうちは、当初は」
"at first"のニュアンスは「後々はそうではないかもしれないけれど最初のうちだけは、当初は」です。時間が経過して最初のころとは印象が変化してしまうことを表わします。
【英訳】:At first, I didn't like him very much, but we will marry next month.
→日本語の「最初のうちは」の英語は"at first"
"at the beginning"や"in the beginning", "to begin with", "to start with"も"at first"とほぼ同じ意味を表わします。
【英訳】:At the beginning, I didn't like him very much, but we will marry next month.
【英訳】:In the beginning, I didn't like him very much, but we will marry next month.
【英訳】:To begin with, I didn't like him very much, but we will marry next month.
【英訳】:To start with, I didn't like him very much, but we will marry next month.
(= At first, I didn't like him very much, but we will marry next month.)
「先日」の英語は"the other day"
日本語の「先日」の意味は「近い過去のある日」です。「先日」は日付をはっきりと示さない言い方なので、日付を特定する表現の"yesteady"(昨日)は不可。"the other day"を使います。
# 「先日」=「このあいだ、数日前」= the other day, a few days ago, several days ago
【 × 】:Yesterday the typhoon No.1 formed in the Philippine Sea.
【 ○ 】:The other day the typhoon No.1 formed in the Philippine Sea.
→日本語の「先日」の英語は"the other day"
「先日」という日本語は「このあいだ、数日前」と言い換えることもできるので、"a few days ago"や"several days ago"も使えます。
【英訳】:A few days ago the forest fires were at last extinguished.
【英訳】:Several days ago the forest fires were at last extinguished.
(= The other day the forest fires were at last extinguished.)
「〜を見る」の英語は"look at 〜"
【 × 】:I looked the blackboard.
【 ○ 】:I looked at the blackboard.
→"look at 〜"の意味は「〜のほうを見る」
"look"を「特定の方向を見る」の意味で使うときには必ず次に前置詞や「副詞 + 前置詞」を置いて、どの方向の何をどうやって見るのか明示します。
【英訳】:I looked up at the blackboard.
→"look up at 〜"の意味は「上の方の〜を見る」
【英訳】:I looked down at my notebook.
→"look down at 〜"の意味は「下の方の〜を見る」
【英訳】:I looked out of the window.
→"look out of 〜"の意味は「〜から見る」
【英訳】:I looked under the table.
→"look under 〜"の意味は「〜の下を見る」
【英訳】:I looked in the carton case.
→"look in 〜"の意味は「〜の中を見る」
【英訳】:I looked behind the television.
→"look behind 〜"の意味は「〜の裏を見る、〜の後ろを見る」
「〜に…を与える」の英語は"give … to 〜"
# [主語] + give + A + to + B([主語]はAをBに与える)
【 × 】:My brother gave an old laptop for me.
【 ○ 】:My brother gave an old laptop to me.
(= My brother gave me an old laptop.)
→「〜に」は"to 〜"で表わす
"give"が「与える」の意味の場合、"give … for 〜"の意味は「〜のために…を与える」です。
【例文】:My brother gave me an old laptop for my study.
→"for 〜"は利益を表わす
「〜に送る」の英語は"send … to 〜"
# [主語] + send + A + to + B([主語]はAをBに送る)
【 × 】:My daughter sends a letter for Santa Claus every year.
【 ○ 】:My daughter sends a letter to Santa Claus every year.
(= My daughter sends Santa Claus a letter every year.)
→「〜に」は"to 〜"で表わす
"send"が「送る」の意味の場合、"send … for 〜"の意味は「〜のために…を送る」です。
【例文】:I sent my dad a tie for his birthday.
→"for 〜"は目的を表わす
# 「失う」:lose[現在形] - lost[過去形] - lost[過去分詞形]
【 × 】:I've losted my cell phone.
【 ○ 】:I've lost my cell phone.
【 × 】:I losted my grandfather last year.
【 ○ 】:I lost my grandfather last year.
【 × 】:Lions losted to Hawks 10-0.
【 ○ 】:Lions lost to Hawks 10-0.
【 × 】:The flu made me stay in bed and I losted five kilograms.
【 ○ 】:The flu made me stay in bed and I lost five kilograms.
【 × 】:You should seriously talk with your mother about your future.
【 ○ 】:You should seriously talk with your parents about your future.
【 × 】:I have disliked butterflies since I was a son.
【 ○ 】:I have disliked butterflies since I was a child.
日本語の「子供」が二人以上の「子供たち」を意味することもあります。英語に直す場合は複数形にして、"children"とします。"sons"や"childs", "childrens"ではありません。
【 × 】:In general, sons have better memory than adults.
【 × 】:In general, childs have better memory than adults.
【 × 】:In general, childrens have better memory than adults.
【 ○ 】:In general, children have better memory than adults.
【 × 】:There are lots of mans who like combat sports such as professional wrestling.
【 ○ 】:There are lots of men who like combat sports such as professional wrestling.
【 × 】:This carriage is a womans-only car.
【 ○ 】:This carriage is a women-only car.
「古本」の英語は"a second-hand book"
日本語の「古本(ふるほん)」の意味は、「古い本」ではなく、「中古の本、古書、新品ではない本」です。なので、直訳の"an old book"は不可、「中古の」は"second-hand"、あるいは、"secondhand"を使います。ハイフン(-)あってもなくてもOK。
【 × 】:This old book shop sells only paperbacks.
【 ○ 】:This second-hand book shop sells only paperbacks.
→日本語の「古本」の英語は"second-hand book"
"a used book"もほぼ同じ意味を表わします。
【英訳】:This used book shop sells only paperbacks.
(= This second-hand book shop sells only paperbacks.)
「他人」の英語は"others"あるいは"other people"
"another person"の意味は「もう一人の別の人、この人とは違う別の人」です。誰のことだか明示せずに不特定多数の「他人、自分以外の人々」を表わす場合は"others"や"other people"を使います。
【 × 】:Don't mind what another person say about you.
【 ○ 】:Don't mind what others say about you.
【 ○ 】:Don't mind what other people say about you.
→日本語の「他人」の英語は"others"か"other people"
"another"はもともと"an + other"なので数的にはたいてい単数を表わします。ニュアンスは「これと同じ種類の別のもう一つ」です。和訳は「もう一人の、もう一匹の、もう一個の、もう一つの、別の、ほかの」などを使います。
【英訳】:George has become too busy, so another person will come to help us.
→"another person"の意味は「別の一人」
【 × 】:I've been suspended from my job due to sick.
【 × 】:I've been suspended from my job due to ill.
【 ○ 】:I've been suspended from my job due to sickness.
【 ○ 】:I've been suspended from my job due to illness.
→"sickness", "illness"の意味は「病気」
【 × 】:Modern sicknesses are diabetes, hypertension, cancer and Alzheimers.
【 △ 】:Modern illnesses are diabetes, hypertension, cancer and Alzheimers.
【 ○ 】:Modern diseases are diabetes, hypertension, cancer and Alzheimers.
【 × 】:All the sickness people in the hospital have been evacuated.
【 × 】:All the illness people in the hospital have been evacuated.
【 ○ 】:All the sick people in the hospital have been evacuated.
【 ○ 】:All the ill people in the hospital have been evacuated.
【 × 】:I feel a bit illness, so now I go to bed.
【 × 】:I feel a bit sickness, so now I go to bed.
【 ○ 】:I feel a bit ill, so now I go to bed.
【 ○ 】:I feel a bit sick, so now I go to bed.
# [主語]は〜が原因で吐き気がする([主語] + be/feel sick from/with 〜)
【 × 】:Some people feel ill from the smell in the car.
【 ○ 】:Some people feel sick from the smell in the car.
【英訳】:Some people feel nauseous from the smell in the car.
(= Some people feel sick from the smell in the car.)
# [主語]が〜に嫌気がさす([主語] + be sick of 〜)
【 × 】:I'm absolutely ill of your irresponsibility.
【 ○ 】:I'm absolutely sick of your irresponsibility.
"fed up with 〜"もほぼ同じ意味を表わします。
【英訳】:I'm absolutely fed up with your irresponsibility.
(= I'm absolutely sick of your irresponsibility.)
「ファーストフード」の英語は"fast food"
日本語の「ファーストフード」とは、ハンバーガーや立ち食いそばなど注文後すぐに食べることができる手軽な食事を指します。英語では"fast food"と表現します。「一番目の」(= first)ではなく、「スピードが速い」(= fast)です。
【 × 】:It is reported that some sorts of first food may increase the risk of diabetes and cancer.
【 ○ 】:It is reported that some sorts of fast food may increase the risk of diabetes and cancer.
→日本語の「ファーストフード」は英語では"fast food"
【 × 】:I think elementary school students should use notes rather than tablets in order to learn how to write.
【 ○ 】:I think elementary school students should use notebooks rather than tablets in order to learn how to write.
【英訳】:There was a note on the refrigerator door saying that my lunch was in the microwave.
【英訳】:Note that most beauty salons are closed on Monday.
「サムが危ない!」の英語は"Sam is in danger!"
日本語で「サムが危ない!」と言うときはたいてい「サムが危ない状況にある、サムの身に何か災難が降りかかる」というニュアンスを表わします。「危険な目に遭いそうだ」は"in danger"を使います。
【例文】:サムが危ない! 溺れている。
【 × 】:Sam is dangerous! He's drowning.
【 ○ 】:Sam is in danger! He's drowning.
→"in danger"のニュアンスは「危険な状態に陥っている」
"in danger of 〜"で「危険」の内容を表わすことができます。
【英訳】:Several hundred languages such as Ainu are in danger of extinction in the world.
→"in danger of 〜"のニュアンスは「〜という危険な状態に陥っている」
"in danger of 〜ing"も可能です。ニュアンスは「〜する危険がある」です。
【英訳】:The coral reefs in this area are in danger of being destroyed by climate change.
→"in danger of 〜ing"のニュアンスは「〜する危険な状態に陥っている」
"dangerous"の意味は「危険な、危ない、物騒な、厄介な」です。"Sam is dangerous!"のニュアンスは「サムは危険な人物だ」です。
【英訳】:Some countries are dangerous for tourists because the country is at war.
【 × 】:Jimmy went to abroad.
【 ○ 】:Jimmy went abroad.
【 × 】:Jimmy lived in abroad.
【 ○ 】:Jimmy lived abroad"
【 × 】:I learned two abroad languages, English and French at college.
【 ○ 】:I learned two foreign languages, English and French at college.
文法的に見て"can may"は誤り
"can may"のように助動詞を二つ続けることは、通常、文法的に不可。"should must", "would might", "need will"などはいずれも間違いです。
「〜できるかもしれない」を英語にするなら、「〜できる」を"can"で表現し、「〜かもしれない」を「たぶん〜、おそらく〜、もしかすると〜」と考えて"maybe, probably, possibly"などで表現します。
【 × 】:You can may finish ten bowls of Chinese noodle within thirty minutes.
【 ○ 】:Maybe you can finish ten bowls of Chinese noodle within thirty minutes.
→"can may"は文法的に不可
【英訳】:You must have finished ten bowls of Chinese noodle within thirty minutes.
"come true"の意味は「〜が実現する、〜が現実に起こる」
"come true"は自動詞なので目的語を取ることはできません。「実現する物事」は必ず"come true"の主語に置きます。
# 〜が実現する(〜 come true)
【 × 】:He came true the dream since childhood and has become an animal doctor.
【 ○ 】:His dream since childhood came true and has become an animal doctor.
→「実現する物事」=「子供のころからの夢」を"come true"の主語に置く
使役動詞の"make"(〜させる)を使って、"make 〜 come true"とすれば、「〜を実現させる」の意味を表現できます。
# [主語]が〜を実現させる」([主語] + make 〜 come true)
【英訳】:He made his dream since childhood come true and has become an animal doctor.
→"make 〜 come true"の意味は「〜を実現させる」
# [主語]が〜を実現させる([主語] + realize 〜)
【英訳】:He realized his dream since childhood and has become an animal doctor.
(= He made his dream since childhood come true and has become an animal doctor.)
【 × 】:Recently the population of urban has been decreasing.
【 ○ 】:Recently urban population has been decreasing.
【 ○ 】:Recently the population of a city has been decreasing.
"reach the station"でOK
【 × 】:A little while ago, the President of Russia reached at Tokyo Station.
【 ○ 】:A little while ago, the President of Russia reached Tokyo Station.
# reach 〜:特に、到着するまでに時間がかかり、いろいろな苦労がある場合
# arrive at/in/on 〜:特に、旅の最終目的地に到着する場合
# get to 〜:単に「到着する」の意味
【 × 】:A little while ago, the President of Russia arrived Tokyo Station.
【 ○ 】:A little while ago, the President of Russia arrived at Tokyo Station.
【 × 】:A little while ago, the President of Russia got Tokyo Station.
【 ○ 】:A little while ago, the President of Russia got to Tokyo Station.
「私の周りに」の英語は"around me"
"around"の意味は「〜の周りに、ぐるっと周って」です。必ず副詞か前置詞として使います。名詞や形容詞としての用法はありません。なので、"in my around"は不可。
【 × 】:Lots of stray cats gathered in my around before I noticed them.
【 ○ 】:Lots of stray cats gathered around me before I noticed them.
【英訳】:There are lots of cats in the box.
【英訳】:There are lots of cats on the table
【英訳】:There are lots of cats around the fountain.
「周りの人々」の英語は"people around me"
"around"の意味は「〜の周りに、ぐるっと周って」です。必ず副詞か前置詞として使います。名詞や形容詞としての用法はありません。なので、"around people"は不可。
「周りの人々」は「私の周りの人々」と考えて"people around me"とします。この時、"around"の品詞は前置詞です。
【 × 】:All the around people froze at the sight of the traffic accident.
【 ○ 】:All the people around me froze at the sight of the traffic accident.
「周りの人」が「両親や先生、友人」を指す場合は、"my parents, teachers and friends"とします。
【 × 】:Around people strongly disagreed that I began to live alone in a city.
【 ○ 】:My parents, teacher and friends strongly disagreed that I would begin to live alone in a city.
「ほとんどの人々」の英語は"almsot all people"
「ほとんどの人々」は「ほとんどすべての人々」と考えて、"almost all people"とします。"all"は形容詞です。
(= この村に住んでいるほとんどすべての人は六十歳以上です)
【 × 】:Almost people, who live in this village are over sixty years old.
【 ○ 】:Almost all people, who live in this village are over sixty years old.
人以外の生物や物体についてもたいてい「ほとんどの〜」は"almost 〜"ではなく、"almost all 〜"と表現します。
(= 季節外れの大雨のため、ほとんどすべての野菜の価格が上昇した)
【 × 】:The prices of almost vegetables have increased due to the untimely heavy rain.
【 ○ 】:The prices of almost all vegetables have increased due to the untimely heavy rain.
(= 災害発生時、ほとんどすべての公民館は避難所として使うことができる)
【 × 】:In case of disasters, almost public halls can be used as an evacuation center.
【 ○ 】:In case of disasters, almost all public halls can be used as an evacuation center.
"all"なしで使う"almost everybody/everyone/everything"
"everyone", "everybody", "everything"などの不定代名詞は、"all"なしで直前に"almost"を置くことができます。"every"がすでに「全員、全部」のニュアンスを含むので、"all"を付け足す必要はありません。
# almost everyone(ほぼ全員、ほとんど誰でも)
# almost everybody(ほぼ全員、ほとんど誰でも)
# almost everything(ほぼ全部、ほとんど何でも)
【 × 】:Almost all everybody in my class wants to go to college.
【 ○ 】:Almost everybody in my class wants to go to college.
【 × 】:To almost all everyone's surprise, these sausages were made from crocodile meat.
【 ○ 】:To almost everyone's surprise, these sausages were made from crocodile meat.
【 × 】:You can buy almost all everything through online shopping.
【 ○ 】:You can buy almost everything through online shopping.
「さらに、その上」の英語は"in addition"でOK
「さらに、その上」の英語は"in addition"のみでOK。"to"は不要です。
【 × 】:That guy ate ten burgers, and in addition to, he drank three liter Coke.
【 ○ 】:That guy ate ten burgers, and in addition, he drank three liter Coke.
【 ○ 】:That guy ate ten burgers, and in addition to it, he drank three liter Coke.
→"it"は"to"の目的語、"it"は直前の"That guy 〜 burgersを指す
【 ○ 】:In addition to eating ten burgers, that guy drank three liter Coke.
→"eating ten burgers"は"to"の目的語
"moreover"も"in addition"とほぼ同じ意味を表わします。
【英訳】:That guy ate ten burgers. Moreover, he drank three liter Coke.
(= That guy ate ten burgers, and in addition, he drank three liter Coke.)
「〜について議論する」の英語は"discuss 〜"
日本語の「〜について」に釣られて"about"や"on"などを付けがちですが、間違いです。"discuss"は他動詞なので"discuss 〜"のみでOK。
# [主語]が〜について議論する([主語] + dicuss 〜)
【 × 】:Today we'll discuss about the merits and demerits of the Internet.
【 ○ 】:Today we'll discuss the merits and demerits of the Internet.
→"dicuss 〜"の意味は「〜について議論する」、"about"は不要
# [主語]が〜について議論する([主語] + debate 〜)
【 × 】:Today we have debated about the influence of population change on economic growth.
【 ○ 】:Today we have debated the influence of population change on economic growth.
→"debate 〜"の意味は「〜について議論する」、"about"は不要
"talk about"も「〜について議論する」の意味を表わすことがありますが、こちらは前置詞"about"が必要です。
# [主語]が〜について議論する([主語] + talk about 〜)
【 × 】:Yesterday our class talked what we were going to do for our school festival.
【 ○ 】:Yesterday our class talked about what we were going to do for our school festival.
→"talk about 〜"の意味は「〜について話し合う、〜について議論する」、"about"が必要
「〜と結婚する」の英語は"marry 〜"、前置詞は不要
日本語の「〜と」に釣られて"with"を付けがちですが、間違いです。「〜と結婚する」の英訳は前置詞は使わずに"marry 〜"です。
【 × 】:I hear Naoko married with a Polish diplomat.
【 ○ 】:I hear Naoko married a Polish diplomat.
→"marry 〜"の意味は「〜と結婚する」
# Aは〜と結婚する(A marry 〜)
# Aは〜と結婚する(A get married to 〜)
【英訳】:I hear Naoko married a Polish diplomat.
【英訳】:I hear Naoko got married to a Polish diplomat.
"own"はよく代名詞の所有格の強調として「代名詞の所有格 + own + 名詞」の形で使います。代名詞の所有格を省略した"own"のみはたいてい不可。
# 私自身の部屋(my own room)
【 × 】:I want own room.
【 ○ 】:I want my own room.
【 × 】:I want a room of own.
【 ○ 】:I want a room of my own.
"own"の前に冠詞を置くのも不可。"an own 〜"や"the own 〜"という表現はありません。必ず、代名詞の所有格を前に置いて"my own 〜"や"their own 〜"とします。
【 × 】:Grade school students today have an own cell phone.
【 × 】:Grade school students today have the own cell phone.
【 ○ 】:Grade school students today have their own cell phone.
→"an own"や"the own"は不可
「事故を起こす」の英語は"cause the accident"
"make the accident"はそのまま訳すと「事故を作る」となり、「事故を起こす」の意味になりそうな気がします。しかし、英語では"make the accident"とは言いません。不自然な表現です。
「事故を起こす」は「物事を発生させる」と考えて"cause"を使います。"A cause 〜"で「Aが〜を発生させる」です。
# 「〜が事故を起こす」=「〜が事故を発生させる」 = 〜 cause the accident
【 × 】:The person who made the accident was a drunken driver.
【 ○ 】:The person who caused the accident was a drunken driver.
→"cause 〜"の意味は「〜を発生させる」
"make"を使うなら動詞の"happen"も使って、"make 〜 happen"とします。意味は「〜を発生させる」です。この場合、"make"の意味は「〜を作る」ではなく、「〜させる」です。使役を表わします→【参照】:『「使役動詞」って何だっけ?』
# 「〜が事故を起こす」=「〜が事故を発生させる」= 〜 make the accident happen
【 × 】:The person who made the accident was a drunken driver.
【 ○ 】:The person who made the accident happen was a drunken driver.
→"make 〜 happen"の意味は「〜を発生させる」
動詞の"need"の否定は"do not need to 〜"
# 動詞のneed → to不定詞を使う → 否定は「do not neet + to不定詞」
# 助動詞のneed → 原形不定詞を使う → 否定は「neet not + 原形不定詞(動詞の原形)」
【 × 】:You need not to lose weight.
【 ○ 】:You don't need to lose weight.
→"need"は動詞、"do not need + to不定詞"を使う
【 × 】:You don't need lose weight.
【 ○ 】:You need not lose weight.
→"need"は助動詞、"need not + 原形不定詞(原形不定詞)"を使う
「一日につき一回」の英語は"once a day"、"in"は不要
"a day"で「一日につき」の意味です。
不定冠詞(a, an)の"a", "an"には"once"(「一回」)や"twice"(「二回」)のような回数を表わす語句の次に来ると、「〜につき」という意味があります。日本語の「〜につき」に釣られて前置詞の"in"を入れがちですが、誤りです。"a"自体の意味が「〜につき」です。
【 × 】:I call my mother living in my hometown once in a day.
【 ○ 】:I call my mother living in my hometown once a day.
「一日に三回」は"three times a day"、「週に二回」は"twice a week"、「月に一回」は"once a month"、「年に数回」は"several times a year"です。やはり、前置詞の"in"は不要です。
【 × 】:I call my mother, who lives in my hometown three times in a day.
【 ○ 】:I call my mother, who lives in my hometown three times a day.
【 × 】:I make my packed lunch twice in a week.
【 ○ 】:I make my packed lunch twice a week.
【 × 】:I work out at the gym once in a month.
【 ○ 】:I work out at the gym once a month.
【 × 】:Our whole family goes to Tokyo Disneyland several times in a year.
【 ○ 】:Our whole family goes to Tokyo Disneyland several times a year.
【 × 】:There are lots of historically worth buildings in Nara.
【 ○ 】:There are lots of historically valuable buildings in Nara.
形容詞として使う"worth"は通例、"be worth + 〜"の形で意味は「金額や重要性などが〜ほどの価値がある」です。名詞の前に置いて「価値がある〜、貴重な〜」という意味はありません。
# A is worth 〜(Aは〜ほどの価値がある)
【英訳】:Horyuji in Nara is definitely worth visiting.
→"〜 be worth visiting"の意味は「〜は訪れる価値がある」
# It is worth 〜(〜する価値がある)
【英訳】:It is definitely worth visiting Horyuji in Nara.
(= Horyuji in Nara is definitely worth visiting.)
→仮主語"it"は"visiting Horyuji in Nara"を指す
「若者たち」の英語は"the young"
"the"を付けて"the young"にすると名詞として機能し、意味は「若者たち」です。ただし、"the young"は集合名詞として扱うので、語尾に複数を表わす"s"は付けません。"the young"のみで「若者たち」の意味を表わし、「数」も複数です。"the young"に「一人の若者」の意味はありません。
【 × 】:The youngs today don't really like playing mahjong.
【 ○ 】:The young today don't really like playing mahjong.
"young people, young persons, youngsters"も"the young"とほぼ同じ意味を表わします。どこの誰とは限定せずに漠然と「若者」と言うときは定冠詞(the)を付けません。
【英訳】:It seems that today young people are interested in agriculture or fishing industry.
【英訳】:It seems that today young persons are interested in agriculture or fishing industry.
【英訳】:It seems that today youngsters are interested in agriculture or fishing industry.
(= It seems that today the young are interested in agriculture or fishing industry.)
「日本人」の英語は"the Japanese"あるいは"Japanese people"
「日本人」の意味を表わすには、定冠詞(the)を付けて"the Japanese"とするか、"people"を後ろに置いて"Japanese people"とします。"Japanese people"の場合、"Japanese"は形容詞です。
# Japanese(日本語)
# a Japanese(一人の日本人)
# the Japanese(日本人全員)
# Japanese people(日本人全員)
【 × 】:It is often said that Japanese are the best prepared for natural disasters.
【 ○ 】:It is often said that the Japanese are the best prepared for natural disasters.
【 ○ 】:It is often said that Japanese people are the best prepared for natural disasters.
「〜に影響を与える」の英語は"affect 〜"、"on"は不要
「〜に影響を与える」の英語は"affect 〜"です。"affect"は他動詞なので前置詞の"on"は不要。
【 × 】:Extreme stress badly affects on the stomach.
【 ○ 】:Extreme stress badly affects the stomach.
【 × 】:Weather greatly influences on the yield of fruit and vegetables.
【 ○ 】:Weather greatly influences the yield of fruit and vegetables.
(= Weather greatly affects the yield of fruit and vegetables.)
「〜に影響を与える」の英語は"influence 〜"、"on"は不要
「〜に影響を与える」の英語は"influence 〜"です。"influence"は他動詞なので前置詞の"on"は不要。
【 × 】:Life in an evacuation center heavily influences on physical and mental health.
【 ○ 】:Life in an evacuation center heavily influences physical and mental health.
【 × 】:Lack of sleep deeply affects on the ability to concentrate.
【 ○ 】:Lack of sleep deeply affects the ability to concentrate.
(= Lack of sleep deeply influences the ability to concentrate.)
"influence"を名詞として使えば、"have an influence on 〜"という構文になり、"on"が必要です。
【英訳】:Life in an evacuation center has an heavy influence on physical and mental health.
(= Life in an evacuation center heavily influences physical and mental health.)
【英訳】:Lack of sleep has an deep influence on the ability to concentrate.
(= Lack of sleep deeply affects the ability to concentrate.)
→"have an influence on 〜"で「〜に影響を与える」の意味
【 × 】:I hear it is insects that will survive after the extinction of human.
【 ○ 】:I hear it is insects that will survive after the extinction of humans.
"human beings"も"humans"とほぼ同じ意味を表わします。"human"と"beings"の間にハイフン(-)は不要です。
【英訳】:I hear it is insects that will survive after the extinction of human beings.
(= I hear it is insects that will survive after the extinction of humans.)
→"human beings"の意味は「人類」
"man(無冠詞単数形), mankind, humankind, humanity, the human race"も"humnas"とほぼ同じ意味を表わします。いずれも集合名詞として扱うので、複数を表わす"s"は不要です。"human race"はたいてい定冠詞(the)を付けて使います。
【英訳】:I hear it is insects that will survive after the extinction of man.
【英訳】:I hear it is insects that will survive after the extinction of mankind.
【英訳】:I hear it is insects that will survive after the extinction of humankind.
【英訳】:I hear it is insects that will survive after the extinction of humanity.
【英訳】:I hear it is insects that will survive after the extinction of the human race.
(= I hear it is insects that will survive after the extinction of humans.)
→"man", "mankind", "humankind", "humanity", "the human race"の意味は「人類」
「癌で亡くなる」の英語は"die of cancer"、前置詞は"of"か"from"
「病気で亡くなる」は「die of + 病名」か「die from + 病名」です。この場合、「病気」は亡くなる原因を表わすので前置詞は"of"や"from"を使います。動作主を表わす"by"は不可。
# 〜が病気で亡くなる(〜 die of + 病名, 〜 die from + 病名)
【 × 】:Recently more and more people have died by cancer of the stomach, lung, cervical or prostate.
【 ○ 】:Recently more and more people have died of cancer of the stomach, lung, cervical or prostate.
【 ○ 】:Recently more and more people have died from cancer of the stomach, lung, cervical or prostate.
→"die of 〜, die from 〜"の意味は「〜(病気)で亡くなる」
「事故や戦争で亡くなる」と表現するときは、「be killed in 事故」や「be killed in 戦争」と表現するのが普通です。「事故や戦争の中で殺される」と考えます。前置詞は"in"です。
# 〜が戦争で亡くなる(〜 is kiled in a war)
# 〜が交通事故で亡くなる(〜 is kiled in a traffic accident)
【和訳】:Every year ten thousand or more people have been killed in traffic accidents.
→"be killed in traffic accidents"の意味は「交通事故で亡くなる」
【和訳】:This graveyard was built for the soldiers who were killed in the war.
→"be killed in the war"の意味は「戦争で亡くなる」
「電話で話をする」の英語は"speak by phone"、前置詞は"by"
「電話で」は"by phone"、あるいは、"on the phone"や"over the phone"と表現します。"by phone"の場合のみ、冠詞は不要。"by train"(電車に乗って)や"by bus"(バスに乗って)と同様です。
# 電話で話す(speak by phone, speak on the phone, speak over the phone)
【 × 】:Some people talk in a surprisingly loud voice when they speak with phone.
【 ○ 】:Some people talk in a surprisingly loud voice when they speak by phone.
【 ○ 】:Some people talk in a surprisingly loud voice when they speak on the phone.
【 ○ 】:Some people talk in a surprisingly loud voice when they speak over the phone.
→"speak by phone", "speak on the phone", "speak over the phone"の意味は「電話で話す」
ちなみに、「インターネットで」や「ネットで」は"on the Internet"や"over the Internet"です。前置詞は"on"か"over"が普通です。
# インターネットで(on the Internet, over the Internet)
【和訳】:It's possible today to get college degrees on the Internet.
【和訳】:It's possible today to get college degrees over the Internet.
→"on the Internet", "over the Internet"の意味は「インターネット上で」
「価格が高い」の英語は"the price is high"
「〜の価格が高い、〜の値段が高い」は"the price of 〜 is high"、あるいは、もっとシンプルに"〜 is expensive"と言います。
【 × 】:The gas and electricity prices are rising gradually since the oil price is expensive.
【 ○ 】:The gas and electricity prices are rising gradually since the oil price is high.
→"the oil price is high"の意味は「原油の価格が高い」
"expensive"の意味は「〜の価格が高い、〜が高価な」です。すでに「価格、値段」の意味が入っています。なので、"the price is expensive"の意味は「その価格は価格が高い」となり、英語としても日本語としても不自然です。"expensive"を使う場合、"the price of"は不要です。
【 × 】:The prices of alcohol and cigarettes will be more expensive due to tax rise.
【 ○ 】:Alcohol and cigarettes will be more expensive due to tax rise.
(= The prices of alcohol and cigarettes will be higher due to tax rise.)
→"expensive"を使う場合、"the prices of"は不要
「〜を探し求める」の英語は"search for 〜"、捜索対象は"for 〜"で表わす
たいてい、"search "の目的語は「捜索する場所」です。何を探すのかは"for 〜"で表わします
# search + [場所] + for + [探し物]([探し物]を求めて[場所]を探す)
【 × 】:I vainly searched my cell phone.
【 ○ 】:I vainly searched for my cell phone.
→探し物は"for 〜"で表わす
【 × 】:I vainly searched my room my cell phone.
【 × 】:I vainly searched my cell phone in my room.
【 ○ 】:I vainly searched my room for my cell phone.
→探す場所は前置詞なしの目的語で表わす、探し物は"for 〜"で表わす
【例文】:The police searched the Boeing 737 for weapons or explosives.
# search + [人] + for + [探し物]([探し物]を求めて[人]の所持品を検査する)
【例文】:Two policemen searched visitors to the embassy for guns and knives.
【例文】:I was searched for cameras, cell phones and recording devices by the staff.
(= The staff searched me for cameras, cell phones and recording devices.)
→"A is searched for 〜"の意味は「Aは〜を持っていないか検査される」
「〜と連絡を取る」の英語は"contact 〜"、"with"は不要
"contact"の意味は「〜と連絡を取る」です。他動詞です。すでに「〜と」の意味を含みます。なので、前置詞の"with"を付け足して"contact with"とする必要はありません。
# [主語] + contact 〜([主語]が〜と連絡を取る)
【 × 】:Please contact with me at this phone number during the day.
【 ○ 】:Please contact me at this phone number during the day.
【 × 】:If you see this face, contact with the police.
【 ○ 】:If you see this face, contact the police.
「〜に直面する」の英語は"face 〜"、"with"は不要
"face"の意味は「〜に直面する」です。他動詞です。すでに「〜に」の意味を含みます。なので、前置詞の"with"を付け足して"face with"とする必要はありません。
# [主語] + face 〜([主語]が〜に直面する)
# [主語] + be faced with 〜([主語]が〜に直面している)
【 × 】:Scientists were forced to face with the fact that the comet would collide with Earth.
【 ○ 】:Scientists were forced to face the fact that the comet would collide with Earth.
【 × 】:Scientists were faced the fact that the comet would collide with Earth.
【 ○ 】:Scientists were faced with the fact that the comet would collide with Earth.
「〜することを禁止する」の英語は「forbid + ing形」
"forbid"が「禁止する」の意味を表わす場合、to不定詞を使うときは必ず目的語を置いて「誰の行いを禁止する」のか明らかにして、「forbid + 目的語 + to不定詞」とします。目的語はto不定詞の主語を表わします。
# [主語] + forbid + 名詞([主語]が〜(名詞)を禁止する)
# [主語] + forbid + ing形([主語]が〜することを禁止する)
# [主語] + forbid + [目的語] + to不定詞([目的語]が〜することを[主語]が禁止する)
# [主語] + forbid + [目的語] + from + ing形([目的語]が〜することを[主語]が禁止する)
【 × 】:Some religions forbid to drink alcohol.
【 ○ 】:Some religions forbid drinking alcohol.
【 ○ 】:Some religions forbid alcoholic consumption.
【 ○ 】:Some religions forbid the believers to drink alcohol.
【 ○ 】:Some religions forbid the believers from drinking alcohol.
→「forbid + to不定詞」は不可、「forbid + 目的語 + to不定詞」はOK
「[主語] + forbid + [目的語] + from + ing形」は特に受動態でよく使います。
【英訳】:Because my blood sugar level is rising, I am forbidden from drinking alcohol.
→"be forbidden from 〜"の意味は「〜することを禁じられている」
"ban, bar, prohibit"も「…が〜することを禁止する」の意味を表わします。ただし、to不定詞を使うことはできません。代わりに、"from 〜 ing"を使います。to不定詞が使えるのは"forbid"のみ。"ban, bar, prohibit"は法律や規則などで公式に禁止する意味でよく使います。
# [主語] + ban + [目的語] + from + ing形([目的語]が〜することを[主語]が禁止する)
# [主語] + bar + [目的語] + from + ing形([目的語]が〜することを[主語]が禁止する)
# [主語] + prohibit + [目的語] + from + ing形([目的語]が〜することを[主語]が禁止する)
【 × 】:This school bans students to bring cell phones or smartphones.
【 ○ 】:This school bans students from bringing cell phones or smartphones.
【 × 】:This school bars students to bring cell phones or smartphones.
【 ○ 】:This school bars students from bringing cell phones or smartphones.
【 × 】:This school prohibits students to bring cell phones or smartphones.
【 ○ 】:This school prohibits students from bringing cell phones or smartphones.
→"ban, bar, prohibit"はto不定詞を使えない
「努力する」の英語は"make effor"あるいは"put effort"
「する」を直訳した"do effort"は英語として不自然です。"make"や"put"を使います。
# 努力する(make effor, put effort)
【 × 】:It is mostly pointless to tell students to do every effort for themselves.
【 ○ 】:It is mostly pointless to tell students to make every effort for themselves.
【 ○ 】:It is mostly pointless to tell students to put every effort for themselves.
【 × 】:The Foreign minster have done a lot of effort to restore relations.
【 ○ 】:The Foreign minster has made a lot of effort to restore relations.
【 ○ 】:The Foreign minster has put a lot of effort to restore relations.
"make/put every effort"(あらゆる努力をする)、"make/put a lot of effort"(多大な努力をする)のほかに、"make/put considerable effor"(かなりの努力をする)、"make/put constant effort"(絶え間ない努力をする)、"make/put minimal effort"(最小限の努力をする)なども使えます。
「戦争を引き起こす」の英語は"cause/bring about a war"
「戦争を引き起こす」は「戦争を発生させる」と考えて"cause a war"や"bring about a war"と表現します。
# 「〜が戦争を引き起こす」=「〜が戦争を発生させる」= 〜 cause a war, 〜 bring about a war
【 × 】:The religious conflict has happened the war.
【 × 】:The religious conflict has occurred the war.
【 ○ 】:The religious conflict has caused the war.
【 ○ 】:The religious conflict has brought about the war.
→「〜を引き起こす」は"cause"や"bring about"を使う
「戦争を引き起こす」の意味が「戦争状態に突入する」なら、"enter a war"を使います。
# 「〜が戦争を引き起こす」=「〜が戦争状態に突入する」= 〜 enter a war
(= 外交交渉は失敗に終り、両国は戦争状態に突入した)
【 × 】:Diplomatic negotiation failed and the two nations have happened a war.
【 × 】:Diplomatic negotiation failed and the two nations have occurred a war.
【 ○ 】:Diplomatic negotiation failed and the two nations have entered a war.
→「戦争を引き起こす」=「戦争状態にと突入する」は"enter a war"を使う
# [主語] + happen([主語]が起こる、[主語]が発生する)
# [主語] + occur([主語]が起こる、[主語]が発生する)
【英訳】:The war has happened because of the religious conflict.
【英訳】:The war has occurred because of the religious conflict.
(= The religious conflict has caused the war.)
(= The religious conflict has brought about the war.)
→"the war has happened/occurred"の意味は「その戦争が始まった」
【英訳】:Diplomatic negotiation failed and a war has happened between the two nations.
【英訳】:Diplomatic negotiation failed and a war has occurred between the two nations.
(= Diplomatic negotiation failed and the two nations have caused a war.)
(= Diplomatic negotiation failed and the two nations have brought about a war.)
→"a war has happened/occurred"の意味は「戦争が始まった」
「絶滅する」の英語は"become extinct"や"go extinct"
"extinct"は形容詞です。意味は「生物が絶滅した、習慣などがすたれた、すでに存在していない、消え去った」です。なので、"extinct"を過去形にした"extincted"は文法的に不可。代わりに、たとえば「恐竜は絶滅した」は動詞の"become"や"go"を使って、"Dinosaurs became extinct."や"Dinosaurs went extinct."と表現します。
# 絶滅する(become extinct, go extinct)
【 × 】:It is said that dinosaurs extincted about 65 million years ago.
【 ○ 】:It is said that dinosaurs became extinct about 65 million years ago.
【 ○ 】:It is said that dinosaurs went extinct about 65 million years ago.
→日本語の「絶滅した」の英語は"became extinct", "went extinct"
"die out"も"become extinct, go extinct"とほぼ同じ意味を表わします。
【英訳】:It is said that dinosaurs died out about 65 million years ago.
(= It is said that dinosaurs became extinct about 65 million years ago.)
(= It is said that dinosaurs went extinct about 65 million years ago.)
【例文】:This picture book is written about extinct species and endangered species.
【例文】:It is little known that gorillas and tigers are almost extinct.
【例文】:It is said that a gigantic meteor hitting the earth was the cause of the dinosaurs extinction.
【例文】:It took four hours to extinguish the fire completely.
【例文】:The sensors automatically extinguish the lights when the room is empty.
【 × 】:Modern social still depends on fossil fuels such as oil, gas or coal.
【 ○ 】:Modern society still depends on fossil fuels such as oil, gas or coal.
【 × 】:Relationship among people is highly valued in local socials.
【 ○ 】:Relationship among people is highly valued in local societies.
【 × 】:Decline of birthrate is one of serious society problems.
【 ○ 】:Decline of birthrate is one of serious social problems.
【 × 】:Poverty or income inequality can cause society unrest.
【 ○ 】:Poverty or income inequality can cause social unrest.
【 × 】:Cars are assembled from parts producted in many factories.
【 ○ 】:Cars are assembled from parts produced in many factories.
【 × 】:This plant is producting beansprouts.
【 ○ 】:This plant is producing beansprouts.
"product"は名詞です。意味は「作られたもの、製品、商品、生産物、工業製品、農産物」です。"produce a product"で「製品を製造する」です。
【 × 】:Our company mainly produces everyday produces such as shampoo and air refresher.
【 ○ 】:Our company mainly produces everyday products such as shampoo and air refresher.
【 × 】:If tariffs are abolished, prices of milk and beef produces may go down.
【 ○ 】:If tariffs are abolished, prices of milk and beef products may go down.
「〜を卒業する」の英語は"graduate from 〜"、"from"が必要
【 × 】:I graduated Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
【 ○ 】:I graduated from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
【 × 】:I graduated in History Kokugakuin University.
【 ○ 】:I graduated in History from Kokugakuin University.
【 × 】:There is almost no possibility which the asteroid will collide with Earth.
【 ○ 】:There is almost no possibility that the asteroid will collide with Earth.
【 × 】:There spreads a rumor which a nuclear underground test was carried out a few days ago.
【 ○ 】:There spreads a rumor that a nuclear underground test was carried out a few days ago.
「遠くの場所」の英語は"a distant place"
たとえば、「遠くの町」は"a distant town"です。「位置的に遠くの〜、距離的に遠くにある〜」は"distant"を使います。
【 × 】:We can see the away town floating in the air but that's just a mirage.
【 ○ 】:We can see the distant town floating in the air but that's just a mirage.
【 × 】:I only use email when I communicate with my away friends.
【 ○ 】:I only use email when I communicate with my distant friends.
【英訳】:Stay away from the car. It might explode.
【例文】:The nearest gas station was about five kilometers away.
"relax"は動詞です。ニュアンスは「(主語が)リラックスする、(主語が)楽になる、(主語の)緊張がほぐれる」です。"relax"に名詞や形容詞の意味はないので通例、"feel relax"は文法的に不可。"relax"のみでOK。
【 × 】:I can't easily feel relax when I have my blood pressure measured.
【 ○ 】:I can't easily relax when I have my blood pressure measured.
【 × 】:Nothing can feel relax me better than tepid bath.
【 ○ 】:Nothing can relax me better than tepid bath.
【 × 】:A high pillow can feel relax my neck and I can have a sound sleep.
【 ○ 】:A high pillow can relax my neck and I can have a sound sleep.
【英訳】:Some young people say convenience stores have a relaxed atmosphere.
"feel relaxed"で意味は「リラックスする、楽になる、緊張がほぐれる」です。
【英訳】:I can't easily feel relaxed when I have my blood pressure measured.
(= I can't easily relax when I have my blood pressure measured.)
「安全な国」の英語は"a safe country"
【 × 】:It is said that Japan is a safety country for children and travelers.
【 ○ 】:It is said that Japan is a safe country for children and travelers.
"safe"(形容詞)の反意語は"unsafe, dangerous"です。ニュアンスは「危険な、安全でなはい、物騒な」です。
【英訳】:It is unsafe for young children to cycle to school.
【英訳】:It is dangerous for young children to cycle to school.
→"unsafe, dangerous"の意味は「危険な、危ない」
【 × 】:Wear helmets for your safe.
【 ○ 】:Wear helmets for your safety.
【英訳】:Suddenly gunfight began between policemen and demonstrators and the reporter felt his life in danger.
「速く走る」の英語は"run speedily"
【 × 】:Don't forget to train your upper body if you want to run speedy.
【 ○ 】:Don't forget to train your upper body if you want to run speedily.
【 × 】:The shoplifter was arrested speedy.
【 ○ 】:The shoplifter was arrested speedily.
【英訳】:You are such a speedy runner that I can't keep up with you.
(= You run so speedily that I can't keep up with you.)
【英訳】:Thanks to the speedy decision and action of the teacher, all the students evacuated safely.
【 × 】:If you want to be a top athlete, you must train your mental as well as your body.
【 ○ 】:If you want to be a top athlete, you must train your mind as well as your body.
【 × 】:Machines may be faster and more accurate than us, but they have neither mental nor soul.
【 ○ 】:Machines may be faster and more accurate than us, but they have neither mind nor soul.
【英訳】:Depression is one of the most widespread mental illnesses today.
日本語の「メンタルトレーニング」はそのまま"mental training"でOK。"mental"は形容詞、"training"は名詞です。
【英訳】:I do my mental training so that I will overcome anxiety and nervousness during a game.
「私は〜を心配する」の英語は"I am concerned about 〜"
"concern"の意味は「主語が〜を心配させる、主語が〜を不安にさせる」です。なので、「私が〜を心配する」は受動態を使って"I'm concerned about 〜"です。直訳すると「私は〜に心配させられる」つまり「私は〜を心配する」です。
【 × 】:I concern about a long-lost friend of mine.
【 ○ 】:I'm concerned about a long-lost friend of mine.
→"主語 + be concerned about + 〜" =「主語が〜を心配する」
【英訳】:One of my long-lost friends concerns me.
(= I'm concerned about a long-lost friend of mine.)
→"主語 + concern + 〜" =「主語が〜を心配させる、〜は主語のことが心配だ」
【英訳】:It concerns me that I haven't been able to contact one of my friends for a long time.
→"it concerns A that 〜" =「〜であることがAを心配させる、Aは〜であることを心配する」
【英訳】:What concerned me the most was that gas, water and electricity were unavailable.
→"what concerns me is 〜" =「私が不安なことは〜だ」
【英訳】:I'm worried about a long-lost friend of mine.
(= I'm concerned about a long-lost friend of mine.)
【英訳】:One of my long-lost friends worries me.
(= One of my long-lost friends concerns me.)
【英訳】:It worries me that I haven't been able to contact one of my friends for a long time.
(= It concerns me that I haven't been able to contact one of my friends for a long time.)
【英訳】:What worried me the most was that gas, water and electricity were unavailable.
(= What concerned me the most was that gas, water and electricity were unavailable.)
「外で遊ぶ」の英語は"play outdoors"あるいは"play outside"
# outdoors【副詞】:外で、屋外で、建物の外で、お日さまの下で
# outdoor【形容詞】:外の、屋外の、建物の外の、お日さまの下の
【 × 】:There are few safe places where children can play though they want to play outdoor.
【 ○ 】:There are few safe places where children can play though they want to play outdoors.
"play outside"もほぼ同じ意味を表わします。"outside"の品詞はやはり副詞、意味は「外で」です。
【英訳】:In some cities children aren't allowed to play outside because of air pollution.
(= In some cities children aren't allowed to play outdoors because of air pollution.)
日本語の「アウトドアスポーツ」は"outdoor sports"です。語尾に"s"がない"outdoor"の品詞は形容詞。
【英訳】:The most popular outdoor sports in Japan would be soccer and baseball.
【 × 】:I promised with Tom to go to a flea market together.
【 ○ 】:I promised Tom to go to a flea market together.
【 × 】:The teacher promised with all the students ice cream.
【 ○ 】:The teacher promised all the students ice cream.
【 × 】:The teacher promised with all the students that he would buy them ice cream.
【 ○ 】:The teacher promised all the students that he would buy them ice cream.
# choose【動詞】:選ぶ、選択する
# choice【名詞】:選ぶこと、選択
【 × 】:You can choice any cake which you want.
【 ○ 】:You can choose any cake which you want.
【英訳】:You have the freedom of choice.
# really【副詞】:本当に、実に、誠に
# real【形容詞】:本物の、現実にある、真の、実在の
【 × 】:Curry and rice is a real popular dish in Japan.
【 ○ 】:Curry and rice is a really popular dish in Japan.
【例文】:Curry and rice is a real popular dish in Japan.
# something【名詞】:何かあるもの
# somewhat【副詞】:やや、いくぶん、少しは、ちょっと
【 × 】:It is something colder today than yesterday.
【 ○ 】:It is somewhat colder today than yesterday.
"a little"や"a bit"、"slightly"も"somewhat"とほぼ同じ意味を表わします。
【英訳】:It is a little colder today than yesterday.
【英訳】:It is a bit colder today than yesterday.
【英訳】:It is slightly colder today than yesterday.
(= It is somewhat colder today than yesterday.)
→"a little", "a bit", " slightly"の意味は「ちょっと、少し、やや」
# fast【形容詞】:速い
# fast【副詞】:速く
【 × 】:Driving too fastly often causes a car accident.
【 ○ 】:Driving too fast often causes a car accident.
【英訳】:The height of the fast cars is usually low.
【英訳】:The height of the cars which run fast is low.
ちなみに、英語の古語として"fastly"という単語があります。意味は「しっかりと(= firmly)」です。古語の"fastly"にも「速く」の意味はありません。
# 早い = 時間的に早い、時期が早い = early
# 速い = 移動速度が速い、スピードが速い = fast
【 × 】:It is too fast to eat lunch.
【 ○ 】:It is too early to eat lunch.
【英訳】:It is rare that buses arrive ten minutes early.
【英訳】:Why are you walking so fast?
# 速い = 移動速度が速い、スピードが速い = fast
# 早い = 時間的に早い、時期が早い = early
【 × 】:I can't appreciate early music.
【 ○ 】:I can't appreciate fast music.
→"early music"だと「初期の音楽」の意味になる
【英訳】:If the fire isn't extinguished fast enough, the flames may regenerate.
【英訳】:Early bicycles had pedals on the front wheel.
「〜に影響を与える」は"affect 〜"です。語の先頭は"a"です。
# affect【動詞】:影響を与える、作用する(= influence)
# effect【動詞】:(結果を)もたらす、生じさせる(= cause)
【 × 】:Global warming effects all forms of life on the earth.
【 ○ 】:Global warming affects all forms of life on the earth.
→"affect 〜"の意味は「〜に影響を及ぼす」
【英訳】:Drinking water contaminated with microplastics might have a harmful effect on human health.
(= Drinking water contaminated with microplastics might harmfully affect on human health.)
→"have a harmful effect on 〜" =「〜に悪影響を及ぼす」、"effect"は名詞、意味は「影響」
【例文】:Video games effected dramatic change in children's play.
【例文】:Video games caused dramatic change in children's play.
(= Video games effected dramatic change in children's play.)
# hard【副詞】:一生懸命に、熱心に、頑張って
# hardly【副詞】:ほとんど〜ない、〜ではないに等しい
【 × 】:I tried hardly to find my cell phone but in vain.
【 ○ 】:I tried hard to find my cell phone but in vain.
【例文】:I've hardly drunk any coffee.
【例文】:I've scarcely drunk any coffee.
(= I've hardly ever drunk any coffee.)
「起きるのが遅い」の英語は"get up late"
# late【副詞】:遅く、遅れて
# late【形容詞】:遅い、遅れた
# lately【副詞】:最近、この頃、近頃
【 × 】:If I get up lately, night comes sooner than usual.
【 ○ 】:If I get up late, night comes sooner than usual.
【英訳】:It is thought that Horyu-ji in Nara was reconstructed in the late seventh century.
【例文】:Lately I have lost three kilograms by dieting.
【例文】:Recently I have lost three kilograms by dieting.
# see 〜【動詞】:〜を見る
# watch 〜【動詞】:〜を見る
# show 〜【動詞】:〜を見せる、〜を示す、〜を公開する
【 × 】:Yesterday I went to show a movie and the theater was full.
【 ○ 】:Yesterday I went to see a movie and the theater was full.
【 ○ 】:Yesterday I went to watch a movie and the theater was full.
→"see, watch"の意味は「〜を見る」
【例文】:This accident showed us how dangerous it is to drink and drive.
「〜することは必要だ」の英語は"It is necessary to 〜"
# It is necessary to 〜(〜することは必要だ)[※necessaryは形容詞]
# 主語 + need + 目的語(主語が目的語を必要とする)[※needは動詞]
【 × 】:It needs to develop a cost-effective, eco-friendly way of power generation.
【 ○ 】:It is necessary to develop a cost-effective, eco-friendly way of power generation.
→"it is necessary to 〜"の意味は「〜する必要がある
【例文】:We need new laws against cyber crime.
→"A need 〜"の意味は「Aが〜を必要とする」
# loss【名詞】:失うこと、喪失
# lost【動詞】:動詞(lose)の過去形、過去分詞形
【 × 】:Lost of memory can occur in all people with Alzheimer's disease.
【 ○ 】:Loss of memory can occur in all people with Alzheimer's disease.
【英訳】:I have never lost control of myself after drinking alcohol.
【英訳】:If you have found a lost child, please contact a member of staff.
【英訳】:Mysteriously, things often get lost in this room.
「日常生活」の英語は"daily life"
# daily【形容詞】:日常の、毎日の、日々の
# diary【名詞】:日記
【 × 】:I keep a daily about what I've eaten in my diary life for my health care.
【 ○ 】:I keep a diary about what I've eaten in my daily life for my health care.
「風評が広がった」の英語は"The rumor became widespread."
"widespread"は形容詞です。意味は「広い範囲に広がった、広く行き渡った」。「風評が広がる、噂が広まる、ウイルスが拡散する」のように状態の変化を表現する場合は、動詞の"become"を足して"become widespread"と表現します。
# widespread【形容詞】:広い範囲に広がった、広く行き渡った
# spread【動詞】:広がる、広まる
【 × 】:The rumor that Earth would end on December 22nd, 2012 widespread around the world.
【 ○ 】:The rumor that Earth would end on December 22nd, 2012 became widespread around the world.
形容詞"widespread"のみでは「広まった」という状態の変化を表わすことはできません。なので、動詞を追加して"became widespread"(広まった)と表現します。
"widespread"の動詞形"spread"も"become widespread"とほぼ同じ意味を表わします。
【英訳】:The rumor that Earth would end on December 22nd, 2012 spread around the world.
(= The rumor that Earth would end on December 22nd, 2012 became widespread around the world.)
"spread"は過去形も過去分詞形も変化せずに"spread"のままです。【現在形】:spread -【過去形】:spread - 【過去分詞形】:spread→【参照】:『動詞の各種活用形:綴りがまったく変化しない:put → put → put』
「夢を見る」の英語は"have a dream"
「(睡眠中に)夢を見る」を直訳すると"see a dream"となります。これは英語としては不自然です。「(睡眠中に)夢を見る」は"have a dream"と表現します。動詞は"have"を使います。
【 × 】:Last night I saw a dream that I was flying in the air.
【 ○ 】:Last night I had a dream that I was flying in the air.
→"have a dream"の意味は「(睡眠中に)夢を見る
通例、"recent"は「人」を表わす語句と一緒には使いません。代わりに"today"や"these days"などを使います。「最近の子供たちは〜」を「最近、子供たちは〜」と解釈します。
(= 最近、子供たちはテレビよりもスマートフォンが好きだ。)
【 × 】:Recent children love smartphones better than television.
【 ○ 】:Today children love smartphones better than television.
【 ○ 】:These days children love smartphones better than television.
【英訳】:The recent terrorism has often involved ordinary citizens.
【英訳】:Go and Japanese chess have been popular among young people in recent years.
【 × 】:Every staff of the United Nations must be an international person.
【 ○ 】:Every staff of the United Nations must be a cosmopolitan.
【英訳】:Every staff of the United Nations must be cosmopolitan.
(= Every staff of the United Nations must be a cosmopolitan.)
【英訳】:There are a great many restaurants from various countries in a cosmopolitan city.
【英訳】:The Olympic Games are one of the most famous international sporting events.
"I want 〜"でOK
「私は〜したいと思います」を直訳すると"I think I want"となります。しかし、英語としてはやや不自然な表現です。通例、"want"は"think"の意味を含むので、"I think I want"は英語としてちょっとクドイ言い方です。「私は〜したいと思います」= "I want 〜"で充分です。
【 × 】:I think I want to become an astronaut.
【 ○ 】:I want to become an astronaut.
→日本語の「私は〜したいと思います」は"I want to 〜"でOK
【 × 】:I think I want to stay living in my home and make every effort to restore the village.
【 ○ 】:I want to stay living in my home and make every effort to restore the village.
→日本語の「私は〜したいと考えている」は"I want to 〜"でOK
"I don't think 〜"でOK
「私は〜ではないと思う」を直訳すると"I think not "となります。しかし、英語としてはやや不自然な表現です。通例、「私は〜ではないと思う」は"I don't think 〜"と言います。"not"は"think"の前に置きます。
【 × 】:Conan says that the driver stole the diamond ring, but I think not so.
【 ○ 】:Conan says that the driver stole the diamond ring, but I don't think so.
【 × 】:I think that it will not be fine tomorrow.
【 ○ 】:I don't think it will be fine tomorrow.
【例文】の日本語は二つともほぼ同じ意味を表わします。しかし、それぞれ英訳すると、"it will not"は不自然、"I don't think"はOKです。英訳の二つの違いは"not"の位置だけです。
英語では「〜しないと思う」よりも「〜であるとは思わない」と考えるほうが普通です。なので、英作文の際は"not"を早目に表現して、"I don't think 〜"(〜であるとは思わない)と書きます。
"I think 〜"のみでOK
「私は〜だと頭の中で考える」を直訳すると"I think in my head "となります。しかし、英語としては不自然な表現です。日本語の「頭の中で」の意味は"I think 〜"が含むので、"I think in my head "はちょっとクドイ言い方です。「私は〜だと頭の中で考える」= "I think 〜"のみで充分です。
【 × 】:The fortune-teller told me precisely what I was thinking in my head.
【 ○ 】:The fortune-teller told me precisely what I was thinking.
→「頭の中で考える」= "I think"でOK
【 × 】:You should think in your mind about what you're going to say before you speak.
【 × 】:You should think in your heart about what you're going to say before you speak.
【 ○ 】:You should think about what you're going to say before you speak.
→「頭の中で考える」= "I think"でOK
【 △ 】:We landed on the solitary island. Most of the animals living in there were unknown species.
【 ○ 】:We landed on the solitary island. Most of the animals living there were unknown species.
→"there"は"the soliary island"(その孤島)を指す、"in"なしが普通
"in that place"もほぼ同じ意味を表わします。
【英訳】:We landed on the solitary island. Most of the animals living in that place were unknown species.
(= We landed on the solitary island. Most of the animals living there were unknown species.)
場合によっては、"there"単独で"to that place"(そこへ)や"at that place"(そこで)の意味を表わします。
【 △ 】:The village isn't so far, but we have to get over a mountain in order to get to there.
【 ○ 】:The village isn't so far, but we have to get over a mountain in order to get there.
(= The village isn't so far, but we have to get over a mountain in order to get to that place.)
→"there"は"the village"(その集落)を指す、"to"なしが普通
【 △ 】:Put away cleaning things at there.
【 ○ 】:Put away cleaning things there.
(= Put away cleaning things at that place.)
"in there"を使う場合
"in"の「〜の中へ」という意味をはっきりと示すときは"in there"を使うこともあります。
【英訳】:The rescue team reached the cave and went in there.
→"there"は"the cave"(その洞窟)を指す、"in"は「〜の中へ」の意味を明確にする
"from there"や"near there"
通例、副詞の"there"が前置詞の意味を含むのは"in, to, at"の三つに限ります。この三つ以外の前置詞の場合、たとえば"from there"(そこから)や"near there"(そこの近くに)などの場合は前置詞の"from"や"near"を省略しません。
【 × 】:I go to Fukuoka first by plane and there to Yoshinogari site by bus.
【 ○ 】:I go to Fukuoka first by plane and from there to Yoshinogari site by bus.
【 × 】:"Two cars have collided at that crossing." "Yesterday there was another accident there."
【 ○ 】:"Two cars have collided at that crossing." "Yesterday there was another accident near there."
【 × 】:I feel pleasant because I won a hundred thousand yen in a public lottery.
【 ○ 】:I feel happy because I won a hundred thousand yen in a public lottery.
【 ○ 】:I feel glad because I won a hundred thousand yen in a public lottery.
→"happy, glad"のニュアンスは「人がうれしいと感じている」
【英訳】:The new teacher is a very pleasant person.
【英訳】:We had a pleasant dinner at this hotel.
【英訳】:The new teacher is a very agreeable person.
(= The new teacher is a very pleasant person.)
【英訳】:We had a agreeable dinner at this hotel.
(= We had a pleasant dinner at this hotel.)
「午後六時」の英語は"6 p.m."
日本語では「午後 + 数字」の順ですが、英語では「数字 + "p.m."」の順になります。"p.m."は必ず時刻を表わす数字の後ろに置きます。
【 × 】:Everyday my father watches TV news at p.m. 6
【 ○ 】:Everyday my father watches TV news at 6 p.m.
【 × 】:Some office workers get up at a.m. 5 every morning to go to their office.
【 ○ 】:Some office workers get up at 5 a.m. every morning to go to their office.
【 × 】:The transfer student made the mood of our class become bright.
【 ○ 】:The transfer student made the atmosphere of our class become bright.
【例文】:I'm in a bad mood this morning because the teacher scolded me for being late for school.
【 × 】:The Prime Minister promised with the Presedent to meet at the Kyoto State Guest House.
【 ○ 】:The Prime Minister arranged with the Presedent to meet at the Kyoto State Guest House.
【 × 】:We have promised to meet at the station before we go to the theater.
【 ○ 】:We have arranged to meet at the station before we go to the theater.
【例文】:My daughter has promised to help me to prepare dinner every day.
→"promise + to不定詞"の意味は「これから〜するという約束をする」
【例文】:My dad promised me a bicycle if I got full marks in a math test.
→"promise A 〜"の意味は「Aに〜を買ってあげるという約束をする」
【例文】:All developed countries promised that they would reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
→"promise + that 〜"の意味は「これから〜するという約束をする」
一語一語を英語に直すと「科学技術」は"science technology"です。
しかし、英語では"science technology"という表現をあまり使いません。"technology"自体にすでに"science"の意味を含むので、"science technology"はクドい表現です。「科学技術」="technology"でOK。
【 × 】:Advanced science technology is sure to solve poverty and starvation around the world.
【 ○ 】:Advanced technology is sure to solve poverty and starvation around the world.
「重病」の英語は"serious disease"
一語一語を英語に直すと「重病」は"heavy disease"です。
しかし、英語では"heavy disease"という表現は使いません。「病気が重い」の意味でよく使う形容詞は"serious(重い), deadly(命に関わる), fatal(致命的な), incurable(不治の), dangerous(危険な)"などです。
【 × 】:I had such a heavy disease that I was absent from school for three months.
【 ○ 】:I had such a serious disease that I was absent from school for three months.
→"serious disease"の意味は「重病」
「近所の病院」の英語は"a nearby hospital"
【 × 】:The three children run over by a car were carried to the near hospital.
【 ○ 】:The three children run over by a car were carried to the nearby hospital.
「距離」の意味を表わす"near"は前置詞として「〜の近くで、〜の近くの」の意味を表わすので、"near hospital"は「病院の近くで〜、病院の近所で〜」の意味になります。
【例文】:A traffic accident happened yesterday near the hospital.
【例文】:Our school is near to the station.
【例文】:Where is the nearest convenience store?
「英語を教える」の英語は"educate 〜 in English"
# [主語] + educate + 《人》 + in/on《科目》([主語]が《人》に《科目》を教える)
【 × 】:I agree with educating English language to primary school students.
【 ○ 】:I agree with educating primary school students in English language.
→"educat A in 〜"の意味は「Aに〜を教える」
【和訳】:I agree with teaching primary school students English language.
【和訳】:I agree with teaching English language to primary school students.
→"teach A B" = "teach B to A" =「AにBを教える」
# [主語] + be + educated + in/at《場所》([主語]が《場所》で教育を受ける)
【例文】:Not all the people who were educated in first-rate colleges can get jobs they want.
→"be educated in 〜"の意味は「〜で教育を受ける」
「コンサートを開く」の英語は"give/hold a concert"
【 × 】:This hall is too small for us to open a concert.
【 ○ 】:This hall is too small for us to give a concert.
【 ○ 】:This hall is too small for us to hold a concert.
→"give a concert", "hold a concert"の意味は「コンサートを開く」
【 × 】:Lots of musicians opened a charity concert and donated a million dollar to the Red Cross.
【 ○ 】:Lots of musicians gave a charity concert and donated a million dollar to the Red Cross.
【 ○ 】:Lots of musicians held a charity concert and donated a million dollar to the Red Cross.
→"give a concert", "hold a concert"の意味は「コンサートを開く」
「インタビューをする」の英語は"conduct/carry out an interview"
新聞記者などが行うインタビューは"conduct"や"carry out"を使います。「する」の直訳の"do"は不可。
【 × 】:The newscaster did an interview with the rebel leader.
【 ○ 】:The newscaster conducted an interview with the rebel leader.
【 ○ 】:The newscaster carried out an interview with the rebel leader.
→"carry out an interview", "conduct an interview"の意味は「インタビューを行う、話を聞く」
「インタビューを受ける」の英語は"give an interview"
【 × 】:There are some politicians who hate receiving interviews to the press.
【 ○ 】:There are some politicians who hate giving interviews to the press.
(= There are some politicians who hate answering quetions from the press.)
→"give an interview"の意味は「インタビューを受ける、質疑応答に答える」
「面接を受ける」の英語は"have an interview"
【 × 】:I'll receive an interview for a job as an care giver next week.
【 ○ 】:I'll have an interview for a job as an care giver next week.
→"have an interview"の意味は「面接を受ける」
「〜にダメージを与える」の英語は"do/cause damage to 〜"
【 × 】:Acid rain gives massive damage to trees.
【 ○ 】:Acid rain does massive damage to trees.
【 ○ 】:Acid rain causes massive damage to trees.
→"do damage", "cause damage"の意味は「ダメージを与える、損害を与える」
【 × 】:The tornado gave a lot of damage to the roofs of many houses.
【 × 】:The tornado did a lot of damage to the roofs of many houses.
【 ○ 】:The tornado caused a lot of damage to the roofs of many houses.
→"do damage", "cause damage"の意味は「ダメージを与える、損害を与える」
「〜はほとんどいない」の英語は"few 〜"
"few"はたいてい名詞の前に置きます。意味は「ほとんどない〜、少数の〜」です。be動詞の次に置いて"〜 are few."や"〜 are a few."は英語としてやや不自然です。必ず「few + 名詞」や「a few + 名詞」の形で使います。
【 × 】:Today people who don't have their cell phone is few.
【 ○ 】:There are few people who don't have their cell phone today.
"few people 〜"の意味は「〜な人はほとんどいない」
【 × 】:Pupils in this school who had bad teeth were a few.
【 ○ 】:There were a few pupils in this school who had bad teeth.
"a few pupiles 〜"の意味は「〜な児童はごく少数だ」
"few"は「人数、頭数、個数」が少ないことを表わします。一方、「量、程度、度合、確率」などが少ない、低いことを表わす"little"もたいてい「lillte + 名詞」や「a lillte + 名詞」の形で使います。
【 × 】:The possibility of winning the first prize in a lottery is little.
【 ○ 】:There is little possibility of winning the first prize in a lottery.
→"little possibility 〜"の意味は「〜な可能性はほとんどない」
【 × 】:Water stored in this dam is a little.
【 ○ 】:There is a little water stored in this dam.
→"a little water 〜"の意味は「〜な水はごくわずかだ」
「人口」の英語は"the population 〜"、"the number of"は不要"
"population"は「数」のニュアンスをすでに含みます。なので、"the number of population"とすると「人口の数、人数の数、頭数の数」となり、意味がダブって不自然です。わざわざ"the number of"を付け加える必要はありません。
【 × 】:About 2000 years ago, the number of the world population was about 300 million.
【 ○ 】:About 2000 years ago, the world population was about 300 million.
→"the number of"は不要
「〜の人口や頭数、総数、個数が増える」は"the population of 〜 increase"です。「〜の人口や頭数、総数、個数が減る」は"the population of 〜 decrease"です。やはり、"the number of"は不要。
【 × 】:Some zoos help to increase the number of population of endangered animals.
【 ○ 】:Some zoos help to increase the population of endangered animals.
→"the number of"は不要、"increase the population of 〜"でOK
【 × 】:Some kinds of pesticides might decrease the number of the population of honey bees.
【 ○ 】:Some kinds of pesticides might decrease the population of honey bees.
→"the number of"は不要、"decrease the population of 〜"でOK
「自然環境」の英語は"the natural environment"
山や川などの自然環境は"the natural environment"を使います。必ず定冠詞(the)を付けます。
【 × 】:It can be said that we began disrupting the circumstances as soon as we appeared on Earth.
【 ○ 】:It can be said that we began disrupting the natural environment as soon as we appeared on Earth.
→日本語の「自然環境」の英語は"the natural environment"
"the natural surroundings"もほぼ同じ意味を表わします。
【英訳】:It can be said that we began disrupting the natural surroundings as soon as we appeared on Earth.
(= It can be said that we began disrupting the natural environment as soon as we appeared on Earth.)
【例文】:Under any circumstances, the most important thing is to save the hostages.
【例文】:Home circumstances greatly affects the mental development of children.
【例文】:Under any situation, the most important thing is to save the hostages.
(= Under any circumstances, the most important thing is to save the hostages.)
【例文】:Home situation greatly affects the mental development of children.
(= Home circumstances greatly affects the mental development of children.)
「マナーを守る」の英語は"have good manners"あるいは"show good manners"
日本語の「マナーを守る」は英語では「よいマナーを持つ」「正しいマナーを示す」と考えて、"have good manners"あるいは"show good manners"と表現します。「守る」を直訳した"obey manners"は英語としては不自然です。
【 × 】:Children will naturally obey manners if their parents have good manners.
【 ○ 】:Children will naturally have good manners if their parents have good manners.
【 ○ 】:Children will naturally show good manners if their parents show good manners.
→「マナーを守る」は"have good manners"や"show good manners"を使う
【英訳】:Every family would have its own house rules to obey.
(= Every family would have its own house rules to follow.)
【英訳】:In army a soldier who refuses to obey his superior officer will receive severe punishment.
【英訳】:In certain workplaces someone who doesn't obey the rules can be hurt badly or even killed.
(= In certain workplaces someone who doesn't follow the rules can be hurt badly or even killed.)
「ボブは役に立つ」の英語は"Bob is helfpful."あるいは"Bob is useful."
【 × 】:Bob is extremely convenient as an interpreter. He speaks ten languages.
【 ○ 】:Bob is extremely helpful as an interpreter. He speaks ten languages.
【 ○ 】:Bob is extremely useful as an interpreter. He speaks ten languages.
【例文】:The Internet is a highly convenient tool to gather data and information.
【英訳】:It would be fairly convenient that a vehicle will automatically bring us to our destination safely.
"it's"は「it + is/has」の略、"its"は一語の「代名詞」
it's【短縮形】:it is, it has
"it's"が"it is"の短縮形の場合、意味は「それは〜だ」です。
【 × 】:Its the bath only for our dog.
【 ○ 】:It's the bath only for our dog.
(= It is the bath only for our dog.)
"it's"が"it has"の短縮形の場合、意味は「それは〜だった、それは〜である」です。"has"は必ず現在完了時制を表わす助動詞です。「〜を持つ」の意味の"has"ではありません。
【 × 】:Its been a long time since we last met.
【 ○ 】:It's been a long time since we last met.
(= It has been a long time since we last met.)
【 × 】:Our dog has it's own bath.
【 ○ 】:Our dog has its own bath.
"let"は「動詞」、"let's"は「動詞 + 代名詞」の略
"let"は「許可」を表わし、"let's"は「お誘い」を表わします。"let's"は"let + us"の短縮形です。
【 × 】:Let's take your picture.
【 ○ 】:Let me take your picture.
let's【短縮形】(= let us):さあ〜しよう、〜してみませんか
"let's"は"let us"の短縮形です。ニュアンスは「さあ、みんな〜しようか」です。アポストロフィ(')は短縮を表わします→【参照】:『アポストロフィ(')の使い方』
【 × 】:Let go to karaoke.
【 ○ 】:Let's go to karaoke.
「私たちが〜することを許可する」を表わす場合は、必ず"let us"を使います。短縮形の"let's"は使いません。
【 × 】:The school let's play in its ground on Sunday.
【 ○ 】:The school lets us play in its ground on Sunday.
【 × 】:Zenon worked hardly to keep his family.
【 ○ 】:Zenon has worked hard to keep his family.
【 × 】:Since Zenon hard worked, his family became homeless.
【 ○ 】:Since Zenon hardly worked, his family became homeless.
【英訳】:Since Zenon scarcely worked, his family became homeless.
(= Since Zenon hardly worked, his family became homeless.)
【 × 】:Since he came home lately last night, my dad is still asleep.
【 ○ 】:Since he came home late last night, my dad is still asleep.
【 × 】:Late my eyesight has got dramatically worse.
【 ○ 】:Lately my eyesight has got dramatically worse.
【英訳】:Recently my eyesight has got dramatically worse.
(= Lately my eyesight has got dramatically worse.)
【 × 】:Owing to bad climate the baseball game was put off.
【 ○ 】:Owing to bad weather the baseball game was put off.
【 × 】:Guam has a warm weather.
【 ○ 】:Guam has a warm climate.
通例、「whoever + 動詞 + 〜」の形で「〜する人は誰でも」の意味です。"whoever"は関係代名詞です→【参照】:『関係代名詞"〜ever"』
【 × 】:Everybody breaks rules will be punished.
【 ○ 】:Whoever breaks rules will be punished.
→主語は"Whoever breaks rules"=「法を犯す者は誰でも」
【 × 】:Whoever has once at least caught a cold.
【 ○ 】:Everybody has once at least caught a cold.
【 × 】:Can you advice me on which laptop computer to buy.
【 ○ 】:Can you advise me on which laptop computer to buy.
(= Can you give me some advice on which laptop computer to buy.)
【 × 】:I followed my doctor's advise and gave up smoking cigarettes.
【 ○ 】:I followed my doctor's advice and gave up smoking cigarettes.
構文がまったく違う"but", "however", "though"
"but", "however", "though"の三つはよく「しかし、けれども」と和訳します。ただし、三つの間で構文はまったく異なります。
よく見かける構文はそれぞれ次のとおり。"but", "however", "though"を置く位置に注目して下さい。
【英訳】:I like coffee, but my wife likes hot chocolate.
【英訳】:Though I like coffee, my wife likes hot chocolate.
【英訳】:I like coffee. However, my wife likes hot chocolate.
【 × 】:But I like coffee, my wife likes hot chocolate.
【 ○ 】:I like coffee, but my wife likes hot chocolate.
【 × 】:I like coffee, though my wife likes hot chocolate.
【 ○ 】:Though I like coffee, my wife likes hot chocolate.
【 ○ 】:My wife likes hot chocolate, though I like coffee.
【 × 】:However I like coffee, my wife likes hot chocolate.
【 ○ 】:I like coffee. However, my wife likes hot chocolate.
【 × 】:I like coffee. However my wife likes hot chocolate.
【 ○ 】:I like coffee. However, my wife likes hot chocolate.
【 × 】:I like coffee. My wife however likes hot chocolate.
【 ○ 】:I like coffee. My wife, however, likes hot chocolate.
【 × 】:I like coffee, however my wife likes hot chocolate.
【 ○ 】:I like coffee. However, my wife likes hot chocolate.
【 ○ 】:I like coffee, but however, my wife likes hot chocolate.
【 ○ 】:I like coffee, but my wife likes hot chocolate, however.
【 × 】:In Japan we are supposed to drive a car on the right side of the street.
【 ○ 】:In Japan we are supposed to drive a car on the right side of the road.
【 × 】:The only street to the next town is blocked by a rockfall.
【 ○ 】:The only road to the next town is blocked by a rockfall.
"street"は「道路」の中で特に、道の両側、あるいは、片側にビルや店舗、住宅などが並ぶ「通り」を指します。通例、車が通る"road"(車道)と人が通る"pavement, sidewalk"(歩道)も含みます。
【 × 】:At some roads in Kanda there are nothing but bookshops.
【 ○ 】:At some streets in Kanda there are nothing but bookshops.
「need + 動詞の原形」と「need + to不定詞」の構文
一覧にして、現在時制、過去時制、疑問文、否定文をまとめます。なお、助動詞の"need"(need + 動詞の原形)は、今の英語ではあまり使いません。代わりに、動詞の"need"(need + to不定詞)を使うほうが無難です。
「〜することが必要である」を"it needs to 〜"と誤訳しがち。"need"の意味は「[主語]が〜を必要とする」です。なので、"it needs to 〜"の意味は「それが〜することを必要とする」になります。
動詞あるいは助動詞として使う"need"の意味は、「主語が〜することを必要とする」です。仮主語の"it"を使った「it needs for 〜 + to不定詞」や「it needs + that + 主語 + 述語」という構文は存在しません。
"need"の構文はたいてい、「主語 + need + 目的語」「主語 + need + to不定詞」となり、意味は「主語が〜を必要とする」「主語が〜することを必要とする」です。
【 × 】:It needs for all the passengers to be put in quarantine.
【 × 】:It needs that all the passengers should be put in quarantine.
【 ○ 】:All the passengers need to be put in quarantine.
(= It is necessary for all the passengers to be put in quarantine.)
"necessary"は通例、「状況や物事」に対して使うので、主語に「人」を置くのは不可。「人が〜することは必要である」を表わすときは仮主語の"it"を使って、"it is necesaary for 人 + to不定詞"とします。意味は「人が〜することは必要だ」です。
【 × 】:We were necessary to find survivors as soon as possible.
【 × 】:We were necessary that we should find survivors as soon as possible.
【 ○ 】:It was necessary for us to find survivors as soon as possible.
(= We needed to find survivors as soon as possible.)
【 × 】:This question is easily for high school students to answer.
【 ○ 】:This question is easy for high school students to answer.
→「簡単な問題」は"an easy question"、"easy"は形容詞
【 × 】:The better you know about your opponent, the easier you will win the game.
【 × 】:The better you know about your opponent, the more easy you will win the game.
【 ○ 】:The better you know about your opponent, the more easily you will win the game.
→「楽に勝つ」は"win easily"、"easily"は副詞
【 × 】:A deeply sleep gives me no dream.
【 ○ 】:A deep sleep gives me no dream.
→「深い睡眠」は"a deep sleep"、"deep"は形容詞
【 × 】:The deeper I think about the issue, the more mysterious it has become.
【 × 】:The more deep I think about the issue, the more mysterious it has become.
【 ○ 】:The more deeply I think about the issue, the more mysterious it has become.
→「深く考える」は"think deeply"、"deeply"は副詞
【 × 】:This hospital has a kiosk in the entrance hole.
【 ○ 】:This hospital has a kiosk in the entrance hall.
【 × 】:The fierce blast blew off the roof of the concert hole.
【 ○ 】:The fierce blast blew off the roof of the concert hall.
【 × 】:We dug a hall and buried our time capsule.
【 ○ 】:We dug a hole and buried our time capsule.
【 × 】:It was reported that the ozone hall over Antarctica is smaller this year.
【 ○ 】:It was reported that the ozone hole over Antarctica is smaller this year.
【 × 】:The low says that you must not use a cell phone while driving.
【 ○ 】:The law says that you must not use a cell phone while driving.
【 × 】:It's against the low to throw garbage in this place.
【 ○ 】:It's against the law to throw garbage in this place.
(= It's illegal to throw garbage in this place.)
【 × 】:It is said that people who have law pressure don't get up easily in the morning.
【 ○ 】:It is said that people who have low pressure don't get up easily in the morning.
【 × 】:Melancholy leaves you feeling law without any obvious reason.
【 ○ 】:Melancholy leaves you feeling low without any obvious reason.
"for oneself"が「利益」、"by oneself"が「ほかに誰もいないこと」を表わす
前置詞が"for"か"by"かの違いですが、意味はかなり異なります。"for oneself"は「利益」を表わし、"by oneself"は「ほかに誰もいないこと」を表わします。
for oneself【イディオム】:自分のために、自分自身の利益のために
【 × 】:I want to work not by myself but for people who need help.
【 ○ 】:I want to work not for myself but for people who need help.
→「自分のため」は"for myself"【利益】
by oneself【イディオム】:自分一人で、単独で、独力で、他人の力を借りずに、一人っきりで
【 × 】:In hot spots it is dangerous to walk for yourselves at night.
【 ○ 】:In hot spots it is dangerous to walk by yourselves at night.
→「たった一人で」は"by yourselves"【単独】
"by oneself"は"all"を付けて意味を強調することができます。
【例文】:In this Japanese inn the chef cooks dinner for a hundred guests all by himself.
→"all by himself"の意味は「たった一人で」
"for oneself"と"by oneself"はほぼ同じ構文を作ることがありますが、意味はかなり違います。
【例文】:You should finish your homework for yourself.
【和訳】:宿題は自分のためにやりなさい(= 自分の学力を向上させるため)。
→"for yourself"は利益を表わす
【例文】:You should finish your homework by yourself.
【和訳】:宿題は一人でやりなさい(= 他人の力を借りずに自分の力だけで)。
→"by yourself"は自力を表わす
【 × 】:My father won't admit me to use his laptop.
【 ○ 】:My father won't allow me to use his laptop.
【 × 】:We are not admitted to cycle to school.
【 ○ 】:We are not allowed to cycle to school.
【英訳】:My father won't permit me to use his laptop.
【英訳】:We are not permitted to cycle to school.
【 × 】:Parents should admit their children to choose their own way.
【 ○ 】:Parents should allow their children to choose their own way.
【英訳】:Parents should let their children choose their own way.
【 × 】:Studying abroad admitted me to become more independent.
【 ○ 】:Studying abroad allowed me to become more independent.
【英訳】:Studying abroad enabled me to become more independent.
【 × 】:We need to admit at least one year for investigating the meteorite.
【 ○ 】:We need to allow at least one year for investigating the meteorite.
【英訳】:We need to give at least one year to investigate the meteorite.
【英訳】:We need to assign at least one year to investigate the meteorite.
【 × 】:The chief of the power station allowed that he underestimated the tsunami.
【 ○ 】:The chief of the power station admitted that he underestimated the tsunami.
【英訳】:The chief of the power station conceded that he underestimated the tsunami.
「許可する」の意味を表わす"admit, allow"は「目的語 + to」や「目的語 + into」の形で「〜へ入ることを許可する」を表わします。普通、to不定詞を使いません。
# [主語] + admit + [目的語] + to/into 〜([目的語]が〜に入ることを[主語]が許可する)
# [主語] + allow + [目的語] + to/into 〜([目的語]が〜に入ることを[主語]が許可する)
【英訳】:The police officers didn't admit reporters to the accident scene.
【英訳】:The police officers didn't allow reporters to the accident scene.
→"admit", "allow"の意味は「〜を許可する」
「許可する」の意味を表わす"admit, allow"は主語に人以外の施設や組織、チケット、許可証などを置くこともできます。
【英訳】:Primary schools usually admit children aged 6 or 7 years.
【英訳】:Primary schools usually allow children aged 6 or 7 years.
→"admit", "allow"の意味は「〜を許可する」、主語は"primary schools"(小学校)
【英訳】:Each ticket admits two people to the curcus.
【英訳】:Each ticket allows two people to the circus.
→"admit", "allow"の意味は「〜を許可する」、主語は"each ticket"(チケット)
"主語 + be certain to不定詞"は話し手の確信を表わす
"certain"はto不定詞や仮主語の"it"を使うと、主語が何かをすることを話し手が確信するの意味です。一方、"of"や"about", that節を使うと、主語自らが何かをすることを主語自身が確信するの意味です。
# You are certain to 〜 = It is certain that you 〜 = I'm certain that you 〜(話し手(私)はあなたが〜することを確信する)
"You are certain to 〜"や"It is certain that you 〜"のどこにも"I"や"me"は存在しませんが、あなた(= you)の確信ではなく、話し手(= I)の確信を表わします。
(= 私はあなたが勝つことを確信している)
【 × 】:You are certain of winning.
【 × 】:You are certain about winning.
【 × 】:You are certain that you will win.
【 ○ 】:You are certain to win.
【 ○ 】:It is certain that you will win.
【 ○ 】:I'm certain that you will win.
「主語」が自分自身のことについて確信するときの構文は以下のようになります。"certain"の次は前置詞の"of, about"かthat節です。
(= あなたは自分が勝つことを自分で確信している)
【 × 】:You are certain to win.
【 × 】:It is certain that you will win.
【 ○ 】:You are certain of winning.
【 ○ 】:You are certain about winning.
【 ○ 】:You are certain that you will win.
【 × 】:It is certain that Bill will win.
【 × 】:You are certain of Bill winning.
【 × 】:You are certain of Bill's winning.
【 × 】:You are certain about Bill winning.
【 × 】:You are certain about Bill's winning.
【 ○ 】:You are certain that Bill will win.
"主語 + be sure to不定詞"は話し手の確信を表わす
"sure"はto不定詞を使うと、主語が何かをすることを話し手が確信するの意味です。一方、"of"や"about", that節を使うと、主語自らが何かをすることを主語自身が確信するの意味です。
# You are sure to 〜 = I'm sure that you 〜(話し手(私)はあなたが〜することを確信する)
"You are sure to 〜"のどこにも"I"や"me"は存在しませんが、あなた(= you)の確信ではなく、話し手(= I)の確信を表わします。
"sure"は"certain"とは異なり、仮主語の"it"を使った構文"it is sure that 〜"は不可です。"certain"と比べると"sure"は話し手の意思が色濃く表われるので、"sure"に仮主語の"it"の構文は馴染まないと思われます→【参照】:『定番の英語表現:断定を避ける表現:かなり自信がある推測(確かに〜) → "certainly, etc"』
(= 私は子供たちがきっと道に迷うと思っている)
【 × 】:The children are sure of losing their way.
【 × 】:The children are sure about losing their way.
【 × 】:It is sure that the children will lose their way.
【 ○ 】:The children are sure to lose their way.
【 ○ 】:I'm sure that the children will lose their way.
「主語」が自分自身のことについて確信するときの構文は以下のようになります。"sure"の次は前置詞の"of, about"かthat節です。
(= 私は子供たちがきっと道に迷うと思っている)
【 × 】:The children are sure of losing their way.
【 × 】:The children are sure about losing their way.
【 × 】:It is sure that the children will lose their way.
【 ○ 】:The children are sure to lose their way.
【 ○ 】:I'm sure that the children will lose their way.
【 × 】:Yesterady I lent five picture books from the library.
【 ○ 】:Yesterady I borrowed five picture books from the library.
【 × 】:I will borrow you an umbrella because it has begun raining.
【 ○ 】:I will lend you an umbrella because it has begun raining.
【 ○ 】:I will lend an umbrella to you because it has begun raining.
【 × 】:Economical growth of our country has become very slow in these five years.
【 ○ 】:Economic growth of our country has become very slow in these five years.
→日本語の「経済」の意味は「社会活動としての経済に関する」(= economic)
【 × 】:Travelling by local trains is an easy and economic hobby.
【 ○ 】:Travelling by local trains is an easy and economical hobby.
"habit"のニュアンスは「無意識のうちに繰り返してしまう行為や動作」です。意識して定期的に行う行為は"custom"を使います→【参照】:『「〜と〜では全然違う」シリーズ:"habit"と"custom": habit【名詞】:(個人が意識して定期的に行う)習慣、慣行、決め事、決まり』
【 × 】:I'm in the custom of clearing my throat loudly just before singing a song.
【 ○ 】:I'm in the habit of clearing my throat loudly just before singing a song.
→"in the habit of〜"は「無意識のうちに必ず〜する癖がある」の意味
【 × 】:My five year old daughter still has the custom of sucking her thumb.
【 ○ 】:My five year old daughter still has the habit of sucking her thumb.
→"have the habit of 〜"は「本人にとって悪い癖がある」の意味
【 × 】:It is the unique habit in Japan for people to enjoy watching the full moon.
【 ○ 】:It is the unique custom in Japan for people to enjoy watching the full moon.
【 × 】:Some unfamiliar habits will puzzle you when you start living abroad.
【 ○ 】:Some unfamiliar customs will puzzle you when you start living abroad.
"custom"は個人が意識して定期的に行う行為を表わすことがあります。無意識のうちに行う行為や動作は"habit"を使います→【参照】:『「〜と〜では全然違う」シリーズ:"habit"と"custom": habit【名詞】:(人間一人一人の)習慣、(無意識のうちに行う)癖、習性、性癖』
【 × 】:It's my habit to drink 1 liter water after bathing.
【 ○ 】:It's my custom to drink 1 liter water after bathing.
→日本語の「習慣」のニュアンスは「意識して定期的に行う行為」(= custom)
【 × 】:Dogs wag their tales vigorously when they are happy.
【 ○ 】:Dogs wag their tails vigorously when they are happy.
【 × 】:"Momotaro" is one of the most famous fairy tails in Japan.
【 ○ 】:"Momotaro" is one of the most famous fairy tales in Japan.
→"fairy tale"は「子供向けの童話、お伽話」の意味
# 〜は私の隣に住んでいる = 〜 is my neighbor = 〜 is living in my neighborhood
【 ○ 】:I hear that the principal of my school is my neighbor.
【 ○ 】:I hear that the principal of my school is living in my neighborhood.
【 × 】:In modern society we have less known about our neighborhoods.
【 ○ 】:In modern society we have less known about our neighbors.
【 × 】:An island nation, Japan is isolated from its neighborhoods.
【 ○ 】:An island nation, Japan is isolated from its neighbors.
【 × 】:My next-door neighborhood is my son, who has already stood on his own two feet.
【 ○ 】:My next-door neighbor is my son, who has already stood on his own two feet.
【 × 】:There is a convenience store in my neighbor.
【 ○ 】:There is a convenience store in my neighborhood.
【 × 】:I used to live in the neighbor of an elementary school.
【 ○ 】:I used to live in the neighborhood of an elementary school.
【 × 】:This is a quiet residential neighbor.
【 ○ 】:This is a quiet residential neighborhood.
【 × 】:Thirty snatch thefts occurred in the same neighbor.
【 ○ 】:Thirty snatch thefts occurred in the same neighborhood.
【英訳】:This is a quiet residential area.
(= This is a quiet residential neighborhood.)
【英訳】:Thirty snatch thefts occurred in the same area.
(= Thirty snatch thefts occurred in the same neighborhood.)
「〜に影響を与える」は"affect 〜"か"have effect on 〜"
【 × 】:Global warming seriously effects wildlife.
【 ○ 】:Global warming seriously affects wildlife.
(= Global warming has a serious effect on wildlife.)
【 × 】:I'm deeply affected by the frequent Earthquake Early Warnings.
【 ○ 】:I'm deeply affected by the frequent Earthquake Early Warnings.
【 × 】:Though your father effected to be angry, he was really worried about you.
【 ○ 】:Though your father affected to be angry, he was really worried about you.
【英訳】:Though your father pretended to be angry, he was really worried about you.
(= Though your father affected to be angry, he was really worried about you.)
# [主語] + have effect on 〜 = [主語] + affect 〜 = [主語]が〜に影響を与える
【 × 】:Modern civilization greatly effects ecosystem.
【 ○ 】:Modern civilization have a great effect on ecosystem.
(= Modern civilization greatly affects ecosystem.)
【英訳】:The spread of western culture has effected a huge change in our lifestyle.[※あまり使わない表現]
(= The spread of western culture has caused a huge change in our lifestyle.)
【 × 】:Some people say that email is far more effective than phone.
【 ○ 】:Some people say that email is far more efficient than phone.
【 × 】:An effective person takes actions quickly without worrying about anything.
【 ○ 】:An efficient person takes actions quickly without worrying about anything.
【 × 】:I hear capsaicin contained in red pepper is not efficious in protecting obesity.
【 ○ 】:I hear capsaicin contained in red pepper is not effective in protecting obesity.
【 × 】:This bracelet is an efficious amulet to keep evil sprits away.
【 ○ 】:This bracelet is an effective amulet to keep evil sprits away.
# [主語] + charge + [人] + with 〜([主語]が[人]を〜で非難する、責める、告発する、告訴する)
# [主語] + accuse + [人] + of 〜([主語]が[人]を〜で非難する、責める、告発する、告訴する)
【 × 】:Local people charged the power company of spreading radioactive substances.
【 ○ 】:Local people charged the power company with spreading radioactive substances.
【 × 】:My mother charged me of leaving the door open.
【 ○ 】:My mother charged me with leaving the door open.
【 × 】:The audience accused the ruling party candidate making a stump speech with a liar.
【 ○ 】:The audience accused the ruling party candidate making a stump speech of a liar.
【 × 】:The sightseer accused the taxi driver with taking an unnecessarily long route.
【 ○ 】:The sightseer accused the taxi driver of taking an unnecessarily long route.
動詞の"spread"は過去形も過去分詞形も変化せずに"spread"のままです。【現在形】:spread -【過去形】:spread - 【過去分詞形】:spread→【参照】:『過去形や過去分詞形が"ed"で終らない 』
【 × 】:A funny rumor that a certain kind of soda melts teeth has widespread.
【 ○ 】:A funny rumor that a certain kind of soda melts teeth has become widespread.
【 ○ 】:A funny rumor that a certain kind of soda melts teeth is widespread.
【 × 】:Ten people have already died of spread norovirus.
【 ○ 】:Ten people have already died of widespread norovirus.
【 × 】:Hold up both hands and widespread your fingers apart.
【 ○ 】:Hold up both hands and spread your fingers apart.
【 × 】:It is expected that more cedar pollen will widespread this year than usual.
【 ○ 】:It is expected that more cedar pollen will spread this year than usual.
【 × 】:In order to prevent the widespread of bird flu, lots of farms have been closed.
【 ○ 】:In order to prevent the spread of bird flu, lots of farms have been closed.
【 × 】:The widespread of smartphones and tablets increased mobile web accesses.
【 ○ 】:The spread of smartphones and tablets increased mobile web accesses.
【 × 】:Geothermal power stations product electricity with huge thermal energy existing in the underground.
【 ○ 】:Geothermal power stations produce electricity with huge thermal energy existing in the underground.
【 × 】:I producted fried rice and egg drop soup out of what is left in the fridge.
【 ○ 】:I produced fried rice and egg drop soup out of what is left in the fridge.
【 × 】:The rice producted in Southeast Asia is quite different from one producted in Japan.
【 ○ 】:The rice produced in Southeast Asia is quite different from one produced in Japan.
【 × 】:Japan products almost no rare earths but consumes a large amount of them in various industries.
【 ○ 】:Japan produces almost no rare earths but consumes a large amount of them in various industries.
【 × 】:Good sleep and a good dream product good health.
【 ○ 】:Good sleep and a good dream produce good health.
"cause"や"bring about"もほぼ同じ意味を表わします。
【英訳】:Good sleep and a good dream cause good health.
【英訳】:Good sleep and a good dream bring about good health.
(= Good sleep and a good dream produce good health.)
【 × 】:Our cat producted as many as ten kittens yesterday.
【 ○ 】:Our cat produced as many as ten kittens yesterday.
"give birth to 〜"もほぼ同じ意味を表わします。
【例文】:Our cat gave birth to as many as ten kittens yesterday.
(= Our cat produced as many as ten kittens yesterday.)
【 × 】:We have producted films that deal with the recovery from the earthquake disaster.
【 ○ 】:We have produced films that deal with the recovery from the earthquake disaster.
【 × 】:The boy producted a toy spider from his pocket and surprised his teacher.
【 ○ 】:The boy produced a toy spider from his pocket and surprised his teacher.
「ものを取り出す」は"take out"もほぼ同じ意味を表わします。
【英訳】:The boy took out a toy spider from his pocket and surprised his teacher.
(= The boy produced a toy spider from his pocket and surprised his teacher.)
【 × 】:An email exchange was producted as an evidence at the trial.
【 ○ 】:An email exchange was produced as an evidence at the trial.
"produce"は名詞として「農業で獲れた物、農産物、農作物、作物」の意味があります。これに対して「工業で造られ製品、工業製品」は"product"です→【参照】:『「〜と〜では全然違う」シリーズ:"produce"と"product"……product(1): 製品、商品、産物、工業製品』
【 × 】:The label says these carrots are USA product.
【 ○ 】:The label says these carrots are USA produce.
【 × 】:We are inventing a new produce that can cure the flu in just one day
【 ○ 】:We are inventing a new product that can cure the flu in just one day
【 × 】:Dairy produces include ice cream and yoghurt as well as cheese and butter.
【 ○ 】:Dairy products include ice cream and yoghurt as well as cheese and butter.
→"dairy products"の意味は「乳製品」
"farm product"は「農産物、農作物」の意味です。農場で大量に作る「製品」を表わします。
【 × 】:Japan's main farm produce is of course rice.
【 ○ 】:Japan's main farm product is of course rice.
→"farm product"の意味は「農産物」
【 × 】:Nuclear waste produces can be used in weapons like bombs.
【 ○ 】:Nuclear waste products can be used in weapons like bombs.
【 × 】:Sea level rise and glacier reduction have been a produce of global warming.
【 ○ 】:Sea level rise and glacier reduction have been a product of global warming.
【 × 】:Winning is a produce of hard work and mental toughness.
【 ○ 】:Winning is a product of hard work and mental toughness.
【英訳】:Sea level rise and glacier reduction have been a resutl of global warming.
(= Sea level rise and glacier reduction have been a product of global warming.)
【英訳】:Winning is a result of hard work and mental toughness.
(= Winning is a product of hard work and mental toughness.)