名詞 冠詞 代名詞 動詞 be動詞 助動詞
形容詞 副詞 前置詞 接続詞 間投詞
関係代名詞 関係副詞
to不定詞 動名詞 分詞
句読点 接頭辞と接尾辞 疑問詞
時制 仮定法 能動態と受動態
会話の表現 比較の表現
文の種類 付加疑問文
there構文 強調構文 同格のthat
have+目的語+動詞 get+目的語+動詞
挿入句 語順 倒置




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【単純な追加】:「そして〜」 先頭へ





【英訳】:I went back to my classroom and I found it was empty.
【英訳】:I went back to my classroom, and I found it was empty.




【英訳】:Blue turned to red means acid: red turned to blue means alkaline.
(= Blue turned to red means acid and red turned to blue means alkaline.)




【英訳】:Our family have a cat; he likes taking a bath very much.
(= Our family have a cat and he likes taking a bath very much.)


〜 too, 〜 as well(〜もまた)

"too"と"as well"はたいてい文尾に置きます。

【英訳】:I am hungry. I want to go to the bathroom too.
【英訳】:I am hungry. I want to go to the bathroom as well.


【英訳】:I am hungry, and I want to go to the bathroom too.
【英訳】:I am hungry, and I want to go to the bathroom as well.

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【強調して追加】:「その上〜、さらに〜」 先頭へ



besides, furthermore, moreover(その上、さらに)


【 × 】:I got lost at the theme park, besides I lost my cell phone.
【 × 】:I got lost at the theme park, furthermore I lost my cell phone.
【 × 】:I got lost at the theme park, moreover I lost my cell phone.
→"besides, furthermore, moreover"の前にコンマ(,)を置いて二つの文をつなぐのは不可
【 ○ 】:I got lost at the theme park. Besides, I lost my cell phone.
【 ○ 】:I got lost at the theme park. Furthermore, I lost my cell phone.
【 ○ 】:I got lost at the theme park. Moreover, I lost my cell phone.
→"besides, furthermore, moreover"の次にコンマ(,)を置く

日本語の「その上」は、文頭に置いても文の途中に置いても単独で使うことができます。ところが、"besides, furthermore, moreover"の場合、前にコンマ(,)を置いて二つの文をつなぐときは、接続詞の"and"が追加で必要です。

【英訳】:I got lost at the theme park, and besides, I lost my cell phone.
【英訳】:I got lost at the theme park, and furthermore, I lost my cell phone.
【英訳】:I got lost at the theme park, and moreover, I lost my cell phone.
→"besides, furthermore, moreover"の前に"and"が必要


【英訳】:I got lost at the theme park; besides, I lost my cell phone.
【英訳】:I got lost at the theme park; furthermore, I lost my cell phone.
【英訳】:I got lost at the theme park; moreover, I lost my cell phone.
→"besides, moreover"の前にセミコロン(;)、次にコンマ(,)を置く


【英訳】:Besides lightning, the storm brought hail.
(= In addition to lightning, the storm brought hail.)


in addition, in addition to 〜, additionally(その上、さらに)


【 × 】:I got lost at the theme park, in addition I lost my cell phone.
【 × 】:I got lost at the theme park, in addition to it I lost my cell phone.
【 × 】:I got lost at the theme park, additionally I lost my cell phone.
→"in addition, in addition to it, additionally"の前にコンマ(,)を置いて二つの文をつなぐのは不可
【 ○ 】:I got lost at the theme park. In addition, I lost my cell phone.
【 ○ 】:I got lost at the theme park. In addition to it, I lost my cell phone.
【 ○ 】:I got lost at the theme park. Additionally, I lost my cell phone.
→"in addition, in addition to it, additionally"の次にコンマ(,)を置く

"in addition to 〜"はよく、"in addition to it"(その上に), "in addition to the fact"(その事実の上に)の形で使います。"to"は前置詞なので次に目的語が必ず必要。"in addition to"のみは不可。

【 × 】:I got lost at the theme park. In addition to, I lost my cell phone.
【 ○ 】:I got lost at the theme park. In addition to it, I lost my cell phone.
【 ○ 】:I got lost at the theme park. In addition to the fact, I lost my cell phone.
→"in addition to"のみは不可

日本語の「その上」は、文頭に置いても文の途中に置いても単独で使うことができます。ところが、"in addition, in addition to 〜, additionally"の場合、前にコンマ(,)を置いて二つの文をつなぐときは、接続詞の"and"が追加で必要です。

【英訳】:I got lost at the theme park, and in addition, I lost my cell phone.
【英訳】:I got lost at the theme park, and in addition to it, I lost my cell phone.
【英訳】:I got lost at the theme park, and in addition to the fact, I lost my cell phone.
【英訳】:I got lost at the theme park, and additionally, I lost my cell phone.
→"in addition, in addition to 〜, additionally"の前に"and"が必要

"in addition"のみ、前にセミコロン(;)、後ろにコンマ(,)を置く構文も可能です。

【英訳】:I got lost at the theme park; in addition, I lost my cell phone.
→"in addition"の前にセミコロン(;)、次にコンマ(,)を置く



"then"は接続詞ではないので二つの文をつなぐときは"and then"とします。"and"の省略は可能ですが、英作文では意味をはっきりさせるため"and"を省略せずに"and then"とします。"then"を単独で文頭に置いて、二つのセンテンスに分断することもできます。

【 △ 】:Tofu is low-cal, then it has good protein.
【 ○ 】:Tofu is low-cal, and then it has good protein.
→"and then"のほうが普通
【 ○ 】:Tofu is low-cal. Then it has good protein.





"also"はよく"and"と一緒に使って二つの文をつなぎます。"and"の省略は可能ですが、英作文では省略せずに"and also"とします。

【 △ 】:I bought new glasses also renewed my driving licence.
【 ○ 】:I bought new glasses and also renewed my driving licence.
→"and also"のほうが普通


【 ○ 】:I wear a mask to protect against hay fever, and also I took antihistamine tablets.
【 ○ 】:I wear a mask to protect against hay fever, and I also took antihistamine tablets.
【 ○ 】:I wear a mask to protect against hay fever. I also took antihistamine tablets.
【 ○ 】:I wear a mask to protect against hay fever. Also, I took antihistamine tablets.

not only A but also B 〜(AだけではなくBまでも)

"not only A but also B"のニュアンスは「Aだけだと思ったらBまでも」です。たいてい驚きや意外を表わします。"also"はよく省略します。

【英訳】:Due to the recession not only salaries remain low but also consumption tax is planned to be raised.
【英訳】:Due to the recession not only salaries remain low but consumption tax is planned to be raised.

"not only A but also B"を含む句が主語になる場合、動詞の人称や数は"but also B"の"B"に合わせます。意味の重点が"B"にあるからです。

【 × 】:Not only you but also I were startled when the door slammed behind us.
【 ○ 】:Not only you but also I was startled when the door slammed behind us.

強調のため"not only"を文頭に置くと倒置になります。

【 × 】:Not only you drove my car without my permission but also crashed it!
【 ○ 】:Not only did you drive my car without my permission but also crashed it!
→"not only"を文頭に置くと倒置を使う


what is more, what is worse(その上、おまけに)

"what is more"は良いことにも悪いことにも使えますが、"what is worse"たいてい悪いことに使います。


【 × 】:I won a million yen in a lottery, what is more, I found my lost watch.
【 × 】:I got lost at the theme park, what is more, I lost my cell phone.
【 × 】:I got lost at the theme park, what is worse, I lost my cell phone.
→"what is more, what is worse"の前にコンマ(,)を置いて二つの文をつなぐのは不可
【 ○ 】:I won a million yen in a lottery. What is more, I found my lost watch.
【 ○ 】:I got lost at the theme park. What is more, I lost my cell phone.
【 ○ 】:I got lost at the theme park. What is worse, I lost my cell phone.
→"what is more, what is worse"の次にコンマ(,)を置く

日本語の「その上、おまけに」は、文頭に置いても文の途中に置いても単独で使うことができます。ところが、"what is more, what is worse"の場合、前にコンマ(,)を置いて二つの文をつなぐときは、接続詞の"and"が追加で必要です。

【英訳】:I won a million yen in a lottery, and what is more, I found my lost watch.
【英訳】:I got lost at the theme park, and what is more, I lost my cell phone.
【英訳】:I got lost at the theme park, and what is worse, I lost my cell phone.
→"what is more, what is worse"の前に"and"が必要

to make matters worse(悪いことに)

"to make matters worse"はもっぱら悪いことに使います。"matters"の代わりに"things"を使って"to make things worse"も可能。意味はほぼ同じです。

"to make matters worse"は接続詞ではないので、前にピリオド(.)を置いて二つのセンテンスに分断します。たいてい、次をコンマ(,)で区切ります。

【 × 】:I slept and passed my station, to make matters worse, the last train had already left.
【 × 】:I slept and passed my station, to make things worse, the last train had already left.
【 ○ 】:I slept and passed my station. To make matters worse, the last train had already left.
【 ○ 】:I slept and passed my station. To make things worse, the last train had already left.
→"to make matters worse, to make things worse"の前にコンマ(,)を置いて二つの文をつなぐのは不可

日本語の「悪いことに」は、文頭に置いても文の途中に置いても単独で使うことができます。ところが、"to make matters worse"と"to make things worse"の場合、前にコンマ(,)を置いて二つの文をつなぐときは、接続詞の"and"が追加で必要です。

【英訳】:I slept and passed my station, and to make matters worse, the last train had already left.
【英訳】:I slept and passed my station, and to make things worse, the last train had already left.
→"to make matters worse, to make things worse"の前に"and"を置く

on top of 〜(〜の上に、〜に加えて)

"on top of 〜"は接続詞ではないので、前にピリオド(.)を置いて二つのセンテンスに分断します。たいてい、次をコンマ(,)で区切ります。よく、"on top of that"の形で使います。"that"は前のセンテンスを指します。

【 × 】:It began pouring suddenly, on top of that, I got splashed with mud water by a car.
【 ○ 】:It began pouring suddenly. On top of that, I got splashed with mud water by a car.
(= It began pouring suddenly. In addition, I got splashed with mud water by a car.)
→"on top of that"の前にコンマ(,)を置いて二つの文をつなぐのは不可

日本語の「その上、おまけに」は、文頭に置いても文の途中に置いても単独で使うことができます。ところが、"on top of"の場合、前にコンマ(,)を置いて二つの文をつなぐときは、接続詞の"and"が追加で必要です。

【英訳】:It began pouring suddenly, and on top of that, I got splashed with mud water by a car.
→"on top of that"の次にコンマ(,)を置く

into the bargain(その上、おまけに)

"into the bargain"はよく文尾に置いて付け足しを表わします。ニュアンスは「ついでに言えば〜」です。"into"の代わりに"in"を使って"in the bargain"も可能。

【英訳】:Walking is a kind of sport which is easy to start and is inexpensive into the bargain.
【英訳】:Walking is a kind of sport which is easy to start and is inexpensive in the bargain.
(= Walking is a kind of sport which is easy to start and is also inexpensive.)
→"into the bargain in the bargain"は文尾に置く

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【強調のための補足】:「〜に加えて、〜のほかに」 先頭へ



A as well as B(Bと同様にAも、BだけでなくAまでも)

"A as well as B"のニュアンスは「Bと同じくAまでも」です。"A"であることを強調するためにあえて"B"を持ち出します。

【英訳】:Ozone layer is necessary to plants as well as humans because it protects from ultraviolet rays.
(= Ozone layer is necessary to plants besides humans because it protects from ultraviolet rays.)


"A as well as B"を含む句が主語になる場合、動詞の人称や数は"A"に合わせます。意味の重点が"A"にあるからです。

【 × 】:A huge truck as well as several cars were overturned by a gale.
【 ○ 】:A huge truck as well as several cars was overturned by a gale.
→"a huge truck"(単数)に合わせて"was"を使う

aside from 〜(〜のほかに、〜の上に)

"aside from 〜"はたいてい文の先頭に置きます。ニュアンスは「〜だけでも相当なことだが」です。"aside from 〜"の後ろに続く話題を強調するためにあえて"aside from 〜"を付け加えます。

イギリス英語では"apart from 〜"。意味はほぼ同じです。

【英訳】:Aside from the flood warning, the tornado advisory has been issued.[※アメリカ英語]
【英訳】:Apart from the flood warning, the tornado advisory has been issued.[※イギリス英語]
(= The tornado advisory as well as the flood warning has been issued.)


"aside from 〜, apart from 〜"は「〜以外に、〜を除いて」(= except for)の意味を表わすこともあります。

【英訳】:According to the diagnosis, the boy was quite well apart from having mild dehydration.[※アメリカ英語]
【英訳】:According to the diagnosis, the boy was quite well aside from having mild dehydration.[※イギリス英語]
(= According to the diagnosis the boy was quite well except for having mild dehydration.)

let alone 〜(〜は言うまでもなく、〜はもちろん)

"let alone 〜"はたいてい文尾に置いて付け足しを表わします。必ず否定の意味を表わす文で使います。ニュアンスは「〜ではないのは言うまでもないことだが」です。"let alone 〜"の前に述べた話題を強調するために"let alone 〜"を付け加えます。

たいてい、"let alone 〜"の前をコンマ(,)で区切ります。

肯定のニュアンスの「〜であることは言うまでもないことだが」を表わす場合は"not to mention 〜, to say nothing of 〜"を使います→【参照】:『【強調のための補足】を表わす接続詞:not to mention 〜, to say nothing of 〜(〜は言うまでもなく、〜はもちろん)

【英訳】:We were not allowed to bring plastic bottles, let alone smartphones or cell phones.


「let alone + 動詞 + 〜」の形も可能です。

【英訳】:I can't put my face in the water, let alone float on the water.



not to mention 〜, to say nothing of 〜(〜は言うまでもなく、〜はもちろん)

"not to mention 〜, to say nothing of 〜"はたいてい文尾に置いて付け足しを表わします。必ず肯定の意味を表わす文で使います。ニュアンスは「〜であるのは言うまでもないことだが」です。"not to mention 〜, to say nothing of 〜"の前に述べた話題を強調するために"not to mention 〜, to say nothing of 〜"を付け加えます。

たいてい、"not to mention 〜, to say nothing of 〜 〜"の前をコンマ(,)で区切ります。"not to mention 〜"と"to say nothing of 〜 〜"はほぼ同じ意味。

否定のニュアンスの「〜ではないのは言うまでもないことだが」を表わす場合は"let alone"を使います→【参照】:『【強調のための補足】を表わす接続詞:let alone 〜(〜は言うまでもなく、〜はもちろん)

【英訳】:The tsunami destroyed many reinforced concret buildings, not to mention wooden houses.
【英訳】:The tsunami destroyed many reinforced concret buildings, to say nothing of wooden houses.


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【同様、類似】:「同様に、やはり」 先頭へ



similarly, likewise, equally(同様に、やはり)


【 × 】:Humans can recognize themselves in a mirror, similarly, elephants and chimpanzees would recognize the reflection as themselves.
【 × 】:Humans can recognize themselves in a mirror, likewise, elephants and chimpanzees would recognize the reflection as themselves.
【 × 】:Humans can recognize themselves in a mirror, equally, elephants and chimpanzees would recognize the reflection as themselves.
→"similarly, likewise, equally"の前にコンマ(,)を置いて二つの文をつなぐのは不可
【 ○ 】:Humans can recognize themselves in a mirror. Similarly, elephants and chimpanzees would recognize the reflection as themselves.
【 ○ 】:Humans can recognize themselves in a mirror. Likewise, elephants and chimpanzees would recognize the reflection as themselves.
【 ○ 】:Humans can recognize themselves in a mirror. Equally, elephants and chimpanzees would recognize the reflection as themselves.
→"similarly, likewise, equally"の次にコンマ(,)を置く

by the same token(同様に、やはり、しかも)

似た意味の"similarly, likewise, equally"と比べると、"by the same token"は驚きや意外のニュアンスを付け加えることがあります。

"by the same token"は接続詞ではないので、前にピリオド(.)を置いて二つのセンテンスに分断します。たいてい、"by the same token"の次をコンマ(,)で区切ります。

【 × 】:Lifestyles differ among generations, by the same token, every generation has a different favorite food.
→"by the same token"の前にコンマ(,)を置いて二つの文をつなぐのは不可
【 ○ 】:Lifestyles differ among generations. By the same token, every generation has a different favorite food.
→"by the same token"の次にコンマ(,)を置く

【 × 】:Dams help to prevent flood and to generate electricity, by the same token, they seriously affect river ecology.
→"by the same token"の前にコンマ(,)を置いて二つの文をつなぐのは不可
【 ○ 】:Dams help to prevent flood and to generate electricity. By the same token, they seriously affect river ecology.
→"by the same token"の次にコンマ(,)を置く

"by the same token"は接続詞の"and"やbut"と一緒に使えば、二つの文をつなぐことができます。

【英訳】:Lifestyles differ among generations, and by the same token, every generation has a different favorite food.
→"by the same token"の前に"and"が必要

【英訳】:Dams help to prevent flood and to generate electricity, but by the same token, they seriously affect river ecology.
→"by the same token"の前に"but"を置く

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【選択、択一】:「または〜、あるいは〜、〜でもない」 先頭へ



or 〜(または〜、あるいは〜)


【例文】:Should I go to KFC or Mac?
→"or Mac"は別の選択肢

【英訳】:Shall we go out to eat, or have pizza or something delivered?
→"or have pizza or something delivered"と"or something"は別の選択肢


【英訳】:You can have either a dog or a cat.
→"either A or B"の意味は「A あるいは B」

【英訳】:It is not very important whether we live in the city, in the suburbs, or in rural areas.


"or"は否定文で"neither A nor B"の代わりに使うこともできます。

【英訳】:I haven't seen the man or talked with him.
(= I have neither seen the man nor talked with him.)

【英訳】:The snatcher was not tall or fat.
(= The snatcher was neither tall nor fat.

"or"には【言い換え、追加説明】の意味もあります→【参照】:『【言い換え、追加説明】を表わす接続詞:or 〜(つまり〜、すなわち〜、いや〜である)


nor 〜(〜でもない)


【英訳】:Rules are always neither helpful nor equal to everyone.
→"nor equal to everyone"は別の可能性を表わす


【英訳】:We have not yet invented a time machine nor a warp spacecraft.
【英訳】:We have not yet invented a time machine or a warp spacecraft.
(= We have neither yet invented a time machine nor a warp spacecraft.)


"nor"は倒置を使って「〜もない」を意味を表わすことがあります。語順は「nor + 動詞/助動詞 + 主語 + 〜」です。

【 × 】:I don't know such a man, nor I have seen him.
【 ○ 】:I don't know such a man, nor have I seen him.
(= I don't know such a man, and I have not seen him either.)

【 × 】:"I'm not from Tokyo." "Nor I am."
【 ○ 】:"I'm not from Tokyo." "Nor am I."
(= I'm not from Tokyo. I'm not from Tokyo either.)


【 × 】:I don't know such a man, neither I have seen him.
【 ○ 】:I don't know such a man, neither have I seen him.

【 × 】:"I'm not from Tokyo." "Neither I am."
【 ○ 】:"I'm not from Tokyo." "Neither am I."


whether 〜(〜かどうか)


【英訳】:It is currently uncertain whether we can predict earthquakes and eruptions.
→"whether 〜"は別の可能性を表わす




# whether 〜……「〜かどうか」
# whether 〜 or not……「〜であるかないか」
# whether or not 〜……「〜であるかないか」
# whether A or B……「AであるかBであるか」

【英訳】:We discussed whether a new nuclear power plant should be built.

【英訳】:We discussed whether our country really needs nuclear power plants or not.
【英訳】:We discussed whether or not our country really needs nuclear power plants.

【英訳】:We discussed whether the nuclear plant should be abolished or maintained.




  1. 主語
    【例】:Whether you can be trusted depends on what you think and what you do.
    →"whether you can be trusted"は主語
  2. 動詞の目的語
    【例】:I don't mind whehter your handwriting is good or bad.
    →"whehter your handwriting is good or bad"は動詞"mind"の目的語
  3. 前置詞の目的語
    【例】:A doubt arose as to whether the man had been forced to give false witness.
    →"whether the man had been forced to give false witness"は前置詞"as to"の目的語
  4. 補語
    【例】:My big worry was whether I had turned off all the lights.
    →"whether I had turned off all the lights"は補語




  1. 動詞の目的語の場合は"if"も使える
    【○】:It's quite easy to judge if the dish is good or not.
    【○】:It's quite easy to judge whether the dish is good or not.
    →"whether 〜 not"は動詞"judge"の目的語、"if"もOK
  2. 形容詞の意味を補う場合は"if"も使える
    【○】:It is highly debatable if casinos stimulate economic growth.
    【○】:It is highly debatable whether casinos stimulate economic growth.
    →"whether 〜 used"は形容詞"debatable"の意味を補う、"if"もOK
  3. "if 〜 or not"はOK、"if or not"は不可
    【×】:This machine can instantly judge if or not you are drunk.
    【○】:This machine can instantly judge whether or not you are drunk.
    【○】:This machine can instantly judge if you are drunk or not.
    【○】:This machine can instantly judge whether you are drunk or not.
    →"if or not"は不可
  4. 強調のため文頭に置くと"if"は不可
    【×】:If I am happy or sad I don't know.
    【○】:Whether I am happy or sad I don't know.
    (= I don't know whether I am happy or sad.)
    →"whether 〜 sad"は動詞"know"の目的語、強調のため文頭に置くので"if"は不可
  5. 主語の場合"if"は不可
    【×】:If shale gas will help to resolve energy crisis still remains unclear.
    【○】:Whether shale gas will help to resolve energy crisis still remains unclear.
    (= It still remains unclear whether shale gas will help to resolve energy crisis.)
    →"whether 〜 crisis"は主語、"if"は不可
  6. 補語の場合"if"は不可
    【×】:The key debate is if tablets should replace textbooks in school.
    【○】:The key debate is whether tablets should replace textbooks in school.
    →"whether 〜 school"は補語、"if"は不可
  7. 前置詞の目的語の場合"if"は不可
    【×】:I was extremely anxious about if I could manage my class.
    【○】:I was extremely anxious about whether I could manage my class.
    →"whether 〜 class"は前置詞"about"の目的語、"if"は不可
  8. 次にto不定詞を置く場合"if"は不可
    【×】:The power company hasn't yet decided if to decommission the aging reactors.
    【○】:The power company hasn't yet decided whether to decommission the aging reactors.
    →"if to 〜"は不可




【例文】:ご連絡は電子メールにてお願いいたします。 あるいは、faxは24時間受け付けております。
【 × 】:You can contact us by email, alternatively you can fax us 24 hours a day.
【 ○ 】:You can contact us by email. Alternatively, you can fax us 24 hours a day.


【例文】:ご連絡は電子メールにてお願いいたします。 あるいは、faxは24時間受け付けております。
【英訳】:You can contact us by email, or alternatively, you can fax us 24 hours a day.

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【逆接、反対】:「しかし〜、〜だが、けれども〜」 先頭へ



but, yet(しかし、けれども)

二語とも接続詞なので、前にコンマ(,)を置いて二つの文を一つにつなぐことができます。"yet"は副詞として【未完了】を表わすこともできます→【参照】:『時を表わす副詞と時制:完了、未完了、継続……already, yet, still

【英訳】:The typhoon No. 5 is approaching, but it is still fine today.
【英訳】:The typhoon No. 5 is approaching, yet it is still fine today.

"yet"は"and yet"の形で使うこともあります。意味は同じ。

【英訳】:It was a truly horrible movie, and yet we couldn't stop watching it.
(= It was a truly horrible movie, yet we couldn't stop watching it.)
(= It was a truly horrible movie, but we couldn't stop watching it.)


though 〜, even though 〜, although 〜(〜だが、〜だけれども)

三つとも二つの文をつなぐ接続詞ですが、置く位置が"but"や"yet"とは異なります。"though, even though, although"の意味は「しかし〜」ではなく、「〜だが、〜だけれども、〜であっても」です。

"though"の強調形が"even though, although"です。"although"は書き言葉でよく使います。

【 ○ 】:Though the typhoon No. 5 is approaching, it is still fine today.
【 × 】:The typhoon No. 5 is approaching, even though it is still fine today.
【 × 】:The typhoon No. 5 is approaching, though it is still fine today.
【 ○ 】:Even though the typhoon No. 5 is approaching, it is still fine today.
【 ○ 】:Although the typhoon No. 5 is approaching, it is still fine today.
(= The typhoon No. 5 is approaching, but it is still fine today.)


【英訳】:It is still fine today. The typhoon No. 5 is approaching, though.
(= Though the typhoon No. 5 is approaching, it is still fine today.)

"though"と"although"には【意外、予想外】の意味もあります→【参照】:『【意外、予想外】を表わす接続詞:though 〜, although 〜, while 〜, whilst 〜(〜だけれども)


however, nevertheless, nonetheless(けれども)


"however"には副詞として【譲歩、妥協】の意味もあります→【参照】:『【譲歩、妥協】を表わす接続詞:however 〜, no matter how 〜(どんなに〜でも)

【 × 】:Wind power emits no pollution, however, it might be harmful to wild birds.
【 × 】:Wind power emits no pollution, nevertheless, it might be harmful to wild birds.
【 × 】:Wind power emits no pollution, nonetheless, it might be harmful to wild birds.
【 ○ 】:Wind power emits no pollution. However, it might be harmful to wild birds.
【 ○ 】:Wind power emits no pollution. Nevertheless, it might be harmful to wild birds.
【 ○ 】:Wind power emits no pollution. Nontheless, it might be harmful to wild birds.
→"however, nevertheless, nonetheless"の次にコンマ(,)を置く

"however, nevertheless, nonetheless"の前にセミコロン(;)、後ろにコンマ(,)を置く構文も可能です。

【英訳】:Wind power emits no pollution; however, it might be harmful to wild birds.
【英訳】:Wind power emits no pollution; nevertheless, it might be harmful to wild birds.
【英訳】:Wind power emits no pollution; nonetheless, it might be harmful to wild birds.
→"however, nevertheless, nonetheless"の前にセミコロン(;)、次にコンマ(,)を置く


【英訳】:Wind power emits no pollution, but nevertheless, it might be harmful to wild birds.
【英訳】:Wind power emits no pollution, but nonetheless, it might be harmful to wild birds.
→"nevertheless, nonetheless"の前に"but"を置く


【英訳】:Wind power emits no pollution, but it might be harmful to wild birds nevertheless.
【英訳】:Wind power emits no pollution, but it might be harmful to wild birds nonetheless.
→"nevertheless, nonetheless"のみを文尾に置く



"still"を"however, nevertheless, nonetheless"に近い意味で使うことがあります。ニュアンスは「だけどね〜、でもね〜」です→【参照】:『【逆接、反対】を表わす接続詞:however, nevertheless, nonetheless(けれども)


"still"は副詞として【継続】を表わすこともできます→【参照】:『時を表わす副詞と時制:完了、未完了、継続……already, yet, still

【 × 】:I made coffee with salt instead of sugar, still my hubby drank it all.
【 ○ 】:I made coffee with salt instead of sugar. Still, my hubby drank it all.


【英訳】:I made coffee with salt instead of sugar; still, my hubby drank it all.


【英訳】:I made coffee with salt instead of sugar, but still, my hubby drank it all.


on the contrary(それどころか、とんでもない)


"on the contrary"は接続詞ではないので、前にピリオド(.)を置いて二つのセンテンスに分断します。たいてい、"on the contrary"の次をコンマ(,)で区切ります。

【 × 】:The road was seemingly downhill, on the contrary, it turned out after survey that it was uphill.
【 ○ 】:The road was seemingly downhill. On the contrary, it turned out after survey that it was uphill.
→"on the contrary"の前はピリオド(.)、次にはコンマ(,)が必要


【英訳】:"Cats aren't helpful in any way." "On the contrary, my cat likes to play with my children."

"on the contrary"の前にセミコロン(;)、後ろにコンマ(,)を置く構文も可能です。

【英訳】:The road was seemingly downhill; on the contrary, it turned out after survey that it was uphill.
→"on the contrary"の前にセミコロン(;)、次にコンマ(,)を置く

"on the contrary"は"but"と一緒に使えば、二つの文をつなぐことができます。

【英訳】:The road was seemingly downhill, but on the contrary, it turned out after survey that it was uphill.
→"on the contrary"の前に"but"を置く


even so(そうだけれど、それでも)


"even so"は接続詞ではないので、前にピリオド(.)を置いて二つのセンテンスに分断します。たいてい、"even so"の次をコンマ(,)で区切ります。

【 × 】:It is said an airplane is a safe vehicle, even so, recently several horrible accidents have happened.
【 ○ 】:It is said an airplane is a safe vehicle. Even so, recently several horrible accidents have happened.
→"even so"の前はピリオド(.)、次にはコンマ(,)が必要

"even so"の前にセミコロン(;)、後ろにコンマ(,)を置く構文も可能です。

【英訳】:It is said an airplane is a safe vehicle; even so, recently several horrible accidents have happened.
→"even so"の前にセミコロン(;)、次にコンマ(,)を置く

"even so"は"but"と一緒に使えば、二つの文をつなぐことができます。

【英訳】:It is said an airplane is a safe vehicle, but even so, recently several horrible accidents have happened.
→"even so"の前に"but"を置く

be that as it may(しかしながら、そうではあるが)

ひとまず相手の話を認めて次にこちらから異論や反論、文句を追加します。ニュアンスは「それはそうだけれど」です。似た意味の"even so"と比べるとやや堅苦しい表現です→【参照】:『even so(そうだけれど、それでも)

"be that as it may"は接続詞ではないので、前にピリオド(.)を置いて二つのセンテンスに分断します。たいてい、"be that as it may"の次をコンマ(,)で区切ります。

【 × 】:The heavy rain warning was lifted, be that as it may, there remains some danger of landslides and debris flows.
【 ○ 】:The heavy rain warning was lifted. Be that as it may, there remains some danger of landslides and debris flows.
→"be that as it may"の前はピリオド(.)、次にはコンマ(,)が必要

"be that as it may"の前にセミコロン(;)、後ろにコンマ(,)を置く構文も可能です。

【英訳】:The heavy rain warning was lifted; be that as it may, there remains some danger of landslides and debris flows.
→"be that as it may"の前にセミコロン(;)、次にコンマ(,)を置く

"be that as it may"は"but"と一緒に使えば、二つの文をつなぐことができます。

【英訳】:The heavy rain warning was lifted, but be that as it may, there remains some danger of landslides and debris flows.
→"be that as it may"の前に"but"を置く

at the same time(でも、けれど)

"at the same time"を"however, nevertheless, nonetheless"に近い意味で使うことがあります。ニュアンスは「だけどね〜、でもね〜」です→【参照】:『【逆接、反対】を表わす接続詞:however, nevertheless, nonetheless(けれども)

"at the same time"は接続詞ではないので、前にピリオド(.)を置いて二つのセンテンスに分断します。たいてい、"at the same time"の次をコンマ(,)で区切ります。

【 × 】:Civilization can have bad effects on us, at the same time, it is essential to modern life.
【 ○ 】:Civilization can have bad effects on us. At the same time, it is essential to modern life.
→"at the same time"の前はピリオド(.)、次にはコンマ(,)が必要

"at the same time"は"but"と一緒に使えば、二つの文をつなぐことができます。"at the same time"の次のコンマ(,)は不要です。

【英訳】:Civilization can have bad effects on us, but at the same time it is essential to modern life.
→"at the same time"の前に"but"を置く

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【意外、予想外】:「〜だけれども、それでも〜」 先頭へ




though 〜, even thougth 〜, although 〜(〜だけれども)


"though"の強調形が"even though, although"です。"although"は書き言葉でよく使います。

【 ○ 】:Though bird flu epidemic seemed to be successfully contained, the flu has been found in another place.
【 ○ 】:Even though bird flu epidemic seemed to be successfully contained, the flu has been found in another place.
【 ○ 】:Although bird flu epidemic seemed to be successfully contained, the flu has been found in another place.
(= While bird flu epidemic seemed to be successfully contained, the flu has been found in another place.)

"though, even though, although"には接続詞として【逆接、反対】の意味もあります→【参照】:『【逆接、反対】を表わす接続詞:though 〜, even though 〜, although 〜(〜だが、〜だけれども)


while 〜, whilst 〜(〜だけれども)



【 △ 】:I don't want to eat it three times a day, while I like sushi.
【 △ 】:I don't want to eat it three times a day, whilst I like sushi.
【 ○ 】:While I like sushi, I don't want to eat it three times a day.
【 ○ 】:Whilst I like sushi, I don't want to eat it three times a day.
(= Though I like sushi, I don't want to eat it three times a day.)
(= I don't want to eat it three times a day, though I like sushi.)

"while"と"whilst"には接続詞として【二者の対比】の意味もあります→【参照】:『【二者の対比】を表わす接続詞:while, whilst, whereas(一方)

"while"と"whilst"には接続詞として【同時、並行】の意味もあります→【参照】:『【同時、並行】を表わす接続詞:while 〜, whilst 〜(〜の間に、〜の最中に、〜しながら)

when 〜(〜だけれども、〜なのに)



【 △ 】:When a vaccine against the flu virus has developed, the new type flu is still expanding.
【 ○ 】:The new type flu is still expanding when a vaccine against the flu virus has developed.
(= The new type flu is still expanding, though a vaccine against the flu virus has developed.)
(= While a vaccine against the flu virus has developed, the new type flu is still expanding.)


【英訳】:Why you eat so much when you have a weak stomach?
【英訳】:How can you say such a thing when you made a mistake?

"when"には接続詞として【特定の時】の意味もあります→【参照】:『【特定の時】を表わす接続詞:when 〜(〜のときに、〜すると)


all the same, just the same(それでも)

二つとも接続詞ではないので、前にピリオド(.)を置いて二つのセンテンスに分断します。たいてい、二つとも次をコンマ(,)で区切ります。"all the same"と"just the same"はほぼ同じ意味。

【 × 】:Japan is a small country, all the same its population is a hundred million or more.
【 × 】:Japan is a small country, just the same its population is a hundred million or more.
→"all the same, just the same"の前にコンマ(,)を置いて二つの文をつなぐのは不可
【 ○ 】:Japan is a small country. All the same, its population is a hundred million or more.
【 ○ 】:Japan is a small country. Just the same, its population is a hundred million or more.
→"all the same, just the same"の次にコンマ(,)を置く

"all the same"と"just the same"は接続詞の"but"と一緒に使えば二つの文をつなぐことができます。

【英訳】:Japan is a small country, but all the same, its population is a hundred million or more.
【英訳】:Japan is a small country, but just the same, its population is a hundred million or more.
→"all the same, just the same"の前に"but"を置く

接続詞の"but"と一緒に使う"all the same"と"just the same"は文尾に置くこともできます。

【英訳】:Japan is a small country, but its population is a hundred million or more all the same.
【英訳】:Japan is a small country, but its population is a hundred million or more just the same.
→"all the same, just the same"のみを文尾に置く


despite 〜, in spite of 〜(〜にもかかわらず、〜なのに)

"despite 〜"と"in spite of 〜"は二つとも前置詞なので、次に続く部分は「主語+動詞」を持つ「文」ではなく、「語句」です。"despite 〜"と"in spite of 〜"はほぼ同じ意味。

【 × 】:Despite I slept ten hours, I'm still sleepy.
【 × 】:In spite of I slept ten hours, I'm still sleepy.
【 ○ 】:Despite having slept ten hours, I'm still sleepy.
【 ○ 】:In spite of having slept ten hours, I'm still sleepy.
→「despite + 主語 + 動詞」「 in spite of + 主語 + 動詞」は不可


for all 〜(〜にもかかわらず、〜だが)

"for all 〜"は前置詞として使います。ある物事がほかの物事からたいした影響を受けないことを表わします。

【例文】:For all her youth, Stella has extensive knowledge of everything.
→"for all"は前置詞、"her youth"は名詞句

【例文】:The man, for all his wealth and fame, still lives alone in a small house.
→"for all"は前置詞、"his wealth and fame"は名詞句


after all(結局、結果的に)

"after all"は結果が予想や計画とは異なることを表わします。ニュアンスは「そうなるとは思っていなかったがなってしまった」です。

【意外、予想外】を表わす"after all"はたいてい文の末尾に置きます。前をコンマ(,)で区切ることもあります。

【英訳】:In the 1970s we were told oil would run out in 30 years. It's still abundant, after all.
→【意外、予想外】を表わす"after all"は通例、文尾に置く

【英訳】:The typhoon was approaching. It changed course and landed on Taiwan, after all.
→【意外、予想外】を表わす"after all"は通例、文尾に置く

【意外、予想外】を表わす"after all"は接続詞の"but"と一緒に使えば二つの文をつなぐことができます。

【英訳】:In the 1970s we were told oil would run out in 30 years, but it's still abundant, after all.
→"after all"のみを文尾に置く

【英訳】:The typhoon was approaching, but it changed course and landed on Taiwan, after all.
→"after all"のみを文尾に置く

"after all"は【原因、理由】の意味を表わすこともあります→【参照】:『【原因、理由】を表わす接続詞:after all(何と言っても、やはり)

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【事実、真実】:「実は、本当は」 先頭へ






【 × 】:Someone burst out laughing behind me, actually, a parrot mimicked the human voice.
【 ○ 】:Someone burst out laughing behind me. Actually, a parrot mimicked the human voice.


【英訳】:Someone burst out laughing behind me, but actually a parrot mimicked the human voice.

in actuality, in effect, in fact, in reality, in truth(実は、本当は)


五つとも接続詞ではないので、前にピリオド(.)を置いて二つのセンテンスに分断します。"in fact"は"in actual fact"や"in point of fact"と言うこともあります。

【 × 】:The Cessna was thought to have crashed, in actuality, it had made an emergency landing on a small isolated island.
【 × 】:The Cessna was thought to have crashed, in effect, it had made an emergency landing on a small isolated island.
【 × 】:The Cessna was thought to have crashed, in fact, it had made an emergency landing on a small isolated island.
【 × 】:The Cessna was thought to have crashed, in reality, it had made an emergency landing on a small isolated island.
【 × 】:The Cessna was thought to have crashed, in truth, it had made an emergency landing on a small isolated island.
→"in actuality, in effect, in fact, in reality, in truth"の前にコンマ(,)を置いて二つの文をつなぐのは不可
【 ○ 】:The Cessna was thought to have crashed. In actuality, it had made an emergency landing on a small isolated island.
【 ○ 】:The Cessna was thought to have crashed. In effect, it had made an emergency landing on a small isolated island.
【 ○ 】:The Cessna was thought to have crashed. In fact, it had made an emergency landing on a small isolated island.
【 ○ 】:The Cessna was thought to have crashed. In reality, it had made an emergency landing on a small isolated island.
【 ○ 】:The Cessna was thought to have crashed. In truth, it had made an emergency landing on a small isolated island.
→"in actuality, in effect, in fact, in reality, in truth"の次にコンマ(,)を置く


【英訳】:The Cessna was thought to have crashed, but in actuality, it had made an emergency landing on a small isolated island.
【英訳】:The Cessna was thought to have crashed, but in effect, it had made an emergency landing on a small isolated island.
【英訳】:The Cessna was thought to have crashed, but in fact, it had made an emergency landing on a small isolated island.
【英訳】:The Cessna was thought to have crashed, but in reality, it had made an emergency landing on a small isolated island.
【英訳】:The Cessna was thought to have crashed, but in truth, it had made an emergency landing on a small isolated island.
→"in actuality, in effect, in fact, in reality, in truth"の前に"but"を置く

as a matter of fact(実は、本当は)

"as a matter of fact"はたいてい文頭や文尾に置いてコンマ(,)で区切ります。ニュアンスは「意外かもしれないけれど実際は〜である、そう思われているけれど実は〜だ」です。

【英訳】:"Do you like sashimi?" "No. As a matter of fact, I don't like all kinds of seafood."
→"as a matter of fact"の次にコンマ(,)を置く

【英訳】:I haven't studied abroad and never been out of Kyushu, as matter of fact.
→"as a matter of fact"の前にコンマ(,)を置く

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【核心、本題】:「いずれにせよ、とにかく」 先頭へ




anyhow, anyway(いずれにせよ、とにかく)

"anyhow"と"anyway"は接続詞ではないので、前にピリオド(.)を置いて二つのセンテンスに分断します。文頭に置くときは"anyhow, anyway"の次をコンマ(,)で区切ることがあります。"anyhow"と"anyway"はほぼ同じ意味。

【 × 】:My knee injury doesn't look serious, anyhow, I'll wash it with water.
【 × 】:My knee injury doesn't look serious, anyway, I'll wash it with water.
→"anyhow, anyway"の前にコンマ(,)を置いて二つの文をつなぐのは不可
【 ○ 】:My knee injury doesn't look serious. Anyhow, I'll wash it with water.
【 ○ 】:My knee injury doesn't look serious. Anyway, I'll wash it with water.
→"anyhow, anyway"の次にコンマ(,)を置く


【英訳】:There is no need to discuss this, and anyhow we've already reached the conclusion.
【英訳】:There is no need to discuss this, and anyway we've already reached the conclusion.
→"anyway, anyhow"の前に"and"が必要

【英訳】:I don't suppose politicians work to make our daily life better, but anyhow I'll go to vote.
【英訳】:I don't suppose politicians work to make our daily life better, but anyway I'll go to vote.
→"anyway, anyhow"の前に"but"を置く


【英訳】:My knee injury doesn't look serious. I'll wash it with water anyhow.
【英訳】:My knee injury doesn't look serious. I'll wash it with water anyway.
→"anyway, anyhow"は文尾でもOK

【英訳】:There is no need to discuss this, and we've already reached the conclusion anyhow.
【英訳】:There is no need to discuss this, and we've already reached the conclusion anyway.
→"anyway, anyhow"は文尾でもOK

【英訳】:I don't suppose politicians work to make our daily life better, but I'll go to vote anyhow.
【英訳】:I don't suppose politicians work to make our daily life better, but I'll go to vote anyway.
→"anyway, anyhow"は文尾でもOK

at any rate(いずれにせよ、とにかく、そもそも)

"at any rate"は接続詞ではないので、前にピリオド(.)を置いて二つのセンテンスに分断します。文頭に置くときは"at any rate"の次をコンマ(,)で区切ることがあります。

【 × 】:We have to make daily preparations against disasters, at any rate, we cannot prevent them from occurring.
→"at any rate"の前にコンマ(,)を置いて二つの文をつなぐのは不可
【 ○ 】:We have to make daily preparations against disasters. At any rate, we cannot prevent them from occurring.
→"at any rate"の次にコンマ(,)を置く

"at any rate"は接続詞の"but"と一緒に使えば、二つの文をつなぐことができます。"at any rate"の次のコンマ(,)は不要。

【英訳】:I don't know where the shop is, but at any rate I've never visited it.
→"at any rate"の前に"but"を置く


in any case(いずれにせよ、とにかく、何があっても)

"in any case"は接続詞ではないので、前にピリオド(.)を置いて二つのセンテンスに分断します。文頭に置くときは"in any case"の次をコンマ(,)で区切ることがあります。

【 × 】:It may be impossible to stop using nuclear power plants, in any case, we cannot live without electricity.
→"in any case"の前にコンマ(,)を置いて二つの文をつなぐのは不可
【 ○ 】:It may be impossible to stop using nuclear power plants. In any case, we cannot live without electricity.
→"in any case"の次にコンマ(,)を置く

"in any case"は接続詞の"and"や"but"と一緒に使えば、二つの文をつなぐことができます。"in any case"の次のコンマ(,)は不要。

【英訳】:When an earthquake strikes, hide in a safe place, and in any case keep calm
→"in any case"の前に"and"が必要

【英訳】:Traffic will be bad, but in any case we'll be there as soon as possible.
→"in any case"の前に"but"を置く


in any event, at all events(いずれにせよ、とにかく、何があっても)

"in any event"と"at all events"は接続詞ではないので、前にピリオド(.)を置いて二つのセンテンスに分断します。文頭に置くときは"in any event"と"at all events"の次をコンマ(,)で区切ることがあります。"in any event"と"at all events"はほぼ同じ意味。

【 × 】:It isn't safe for us to stay here, in any event, we should move to a higher place.
【 × 】:It isn't safe for us to stay here, at all events, we should move to a higher place.
→"in any event, at all events"の前にコンマ(,)を置いて二つの文をつなぐのは不可
【 ○ 】:It isn't safe for us to stay here. In any event, we should move to a higher place.
【 ○ 】:It isn't safe for us to stay here. At all events, we should move to a higher place.
→"in any event, at all events"の次にコンマ(,)を置く

"in any event"と"at all events"は接続詞の"and"や"but"と一緒に使えば、二つの文をつなぐことができます。"in any event, at all events"の次のコンマ(,)は不要。

【英訳】:It's impossible to move around by car since the main roads have closed, and in any event we try to go to the official residence by foot.
【英訳】:It's impossible to move around by car since the main roads have closed, and at all events we try to go to the official residence on foot.
→"in any event, at all events"の前に"and"が必要

【英訳】:The cake is packaged with ice packs, but in any event you'd better put it in a fridge.
【英訳】:The cake is packaged with ice packs, but at all events you'd better put it in a fridge.
→"in any event, at all events"の前に"but"を置く

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【代理、代役】:「〜の代わりに」 先頭へ



in place of 〜(〜の代わりに)

"in place of"は前置詞なので、次に続く部分は「主語+動詞」を持つ「文」ではなく、「語句」です。

【 × 】:In place of human beings detect, this robot detects mines.
【 ○ 】:In place of human beings, this robot detects mines.
→「in place of + 主語 + 動詞」は不可


instead of 〜(〜の代わりに、〜なしで)

"instead of"は前置詞なので、"of"の次に続く部分は「主語+動詞」を持つ「文」ではなく、「語句」です→【参照】:『間違えやすい前置詞:「instead of + 主語 + 動詞」

【 × 】:Instead of human beings detect, this robot detects mines.
【 ○ 】:Instead of human beings, this robot detects mines.
→「instead of + 主語 + 動詞」は不可

"instead of 〜"は「〜なしで、〜を使わずに、〜省いても」の意味もあります。

【 × 】:We can learn English in this country instead of you go abroad.
【 ○ 】:We can learn English in this country instead of going abroad.
→「instead of + 主語 + 動詞」は不可


【和訳】:We can learn English in this country without going abroad.

"instead of 〜"は"instead"単独でで使うこともあります【参照】: 『【代理、代役】を表わす接続詞:instead(その代わりに)



"of 〜"なしで"instead"を単独で副詞として使うことがあります。ニュアンスは「(前に述べたことの)代わりに、(前に書いたこと)ではなくて」です→【参照】:『【代理、代役】を表わす接続詞:instead of 〜(〜の代わりに、〜なしで)


【 × 】:Dogs can't see colors, instead they have a good kinetic vision.
【 ○ 】:Dogs can't see colors. Instead, they have a good kinetic vision.


【英訳】:My allergy is not life threatening, but instead it sometimes causes me nausea and itching.


【英訳】:If you don't have olive oil, you can use salad oil instead.

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【二者の対比】:「一方〜」 先頭へ



on the other hand(一方)


"on the other hand"は接続詞ではないので、前にピリオド(.)を置いて二つのセンテンスに分断します。たいてい、"on the other hand"の次をコンマ(,)で区切ります。

【 × 】:People with O type blood are cooperative, on the other hand people with B type blood go their own way.
【 ○ 】:People with O type blood are cooperative. On the other hand, people with B type blood go their own way.
→"on the other hand"の次にコンマ(,)を置く

"on the other hand"は接続詞の"but"と一緒に使えば、二つの文をつなぐことができます。

【英訳】:People with O type blood are cooperative, but on the other hand, people with B type blood go their own way.
→"on the other hand"の前に"but"を置く

"on the other hand"は前にセミコロン(;)、後ろにコンマ(,)を置く構文も可能です。

【英訳】:People with O type blood are cooperative; on the other hand, people with B type blood go their own way.
→"on the other hand"の前にセミコロン(;)、次にコンマ(,)を置く


on the one hand, on the other hand(一方では、他方では)

"on the one hand 〜"はよく"on the other hand …"とペアで使います。意味は「一方では〜、他方では〜」です。たいてい、二つとも次をコンマ(,)で区切ります。

【英訳】:On the one hand, the Internet is very useful. On the other hand, it has caused new kinds of crime like cyberterrorism.
→"on the one hand, on the other hand"の次にコンマ(,)を置く

"on the other hand"のほうは接続詞の"but"と一緒に使えば、二つの文をつなぐことができます。

【英訳】:On the one hand, the Internet is very useful, but on the other hand, it has caused new kinds of crime like cyberterrorism.
→"on the other hand"の前に"but"を置く


while, whilst, whereas(一方)


"while, whilst, whereas"は三語とも接続詞なので、"on the other hand"や"by contrast, in contrast"とは異なり、前にコンマ(,)を置いて二つの文をつなぐことができます。"whilst"は"while"のやや堅苦しい書き方。意味はほぼ同じです。

【英訳】:People with O type blood are cooperative, while people with B type blood go their own way.
【英訳】:People with O type blood are cooperative, whilst people with B type blood go their own way.
【英訳】:People with O type blood are cooperative, whereas people with B type blood go their own way.

"while"と"whilst"には接続詞として【意外、予想外】の意味もあります→【参照】:『【意外、予想外】:while 〜, whilst 〜:「〜だけれども」

"while"と"whilst"には接続詞として【同時、並行】の意味もあります→【参照】:『【同時、並行】:while 〜, whilst 〜:「〜の間に、〜の最中に、〜しながら」

by contrast, in contrast(対照的に、比べると)


"by contrast"と"in contrast"は二つとも接続詞ではないので、前にピリオド(.)を置いて二つのセンテンスに分断します。

【 × 】:My room is tidy, by contrast my brother's is untidy and smelly.
【 × 】:My room is tidy, in contrast my brother's is untidy and smelly.
→"by contrast, in contrast"の前にコンマ(,)を置いて二つの文をつなぐのは不可
【 ○ 】:My room is tidy. By contrast, my brother's is untidy and smelly.
【 ○ 】:My room is tidy. In contrast, my brother's is untidy and smelly.
→"by contrast, in contrast"の次にコンマ(,)を置く

"by contrast, in contrast"は二つとも接続詞の"while"と一緒に使えば、二つの文をつなぐことができます。

【英訳】:My room is tidy, while by contrast, my brother's is untidy and smelly.
【英訳】:My room is tidy, while in contrast, my brother's is untidy and smelly.
→"by contrast, in contrast"の前に"while"を置く

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【原因、理由】:「〜なので」 先頭へ



because 〜, because of 〜(〜なので、〜のせいで)

話の重点が「原因、理由」そのものであるときに使います。"because"の次には主語と述語を持つ「節」、"because of"の次には「語句」が続きます。

# because + 主語 + 述語
# because of + 語句

【英訳】:I have no appetite because I'm suffering from heat exhaustion.
【 × 】:I have no appetite because of I'm suffering from heat exhaustion.
【 ○ 】:I have no appetite because of suffering from heat exhaustion.



as 〜, since 〜(〜なので)


【英訳】:Since I'm suffering from heat exhaustion, I have no appetite.
【英訳】:As I'm suffering from heat exhaustion, I have no appetite.


"as"には接続詞として【同時、並行】の意味もあります→【参照】:『【同時、並行】を表わす接続詞:as 〜(〜すると同時に、〜するにつれて)

"since"には接続詞として【継続、持続】の意味もあります→【参照】:『【継続、持続】を表わす接続詞:since 〜(〜以来、〜からずっと)


this is because 〜, that is because 〜(原因は〜、理由は〜)

前の文を受けて、新たな文で原因や理由を述べます。"the reason is that 〜"とほぼ同じ意味です →【参照】:『【原因、理由】を表わす接続詞:the reason is that 〜(原因は〜、理由は〜)

【英訳】:I have no appetite. This is because I'm suffering from heat exhaustion.
【英訳】:I have no appetite. That is because I'm suffering from heat exhaustion.
(= I have no appetite. The reaseon is that I'm suffering from heat exhaustion.)


【例文】:I have no appetite. This must be because I'm suffering from heat exhaustion.
【例文】:I have no appetite. This would be because I'm suffering from heat exhaustion.
【例文】:I have no appetite. This can be because I'm suffering from heat exhaustion.
【例文】:I have no appetite. This may be because I'm suffering from heat exhaustion.
【例文】:I have no appetite. This might be because I'm suffering from heat exhaustion.
【例文】:I have no appetite. This could be because I'm suffering from heat exhaustion.


the reason is that 〜(原因は〜、理由は〜)

前の文を受けて、新たな文で原因や理由を述べます。"this is because 〜, that is because 〜"とほぼ同じ意味です→【参照】:『【原因、理由】を表わす接続詞:this is because 〜, that is because 〜(原因は〜、理由は〜)

【英訳】:I have no appetite. The reason is that I'm suffering from heat exhaustion.
(= I have no appetite. This is because I'm suffering from heat exhaustion.)
(= I have no appetite. That is because I'm suffering from heat exhaustion.)


【例文】:I have no appetite. The reason must be that I'm suffering from heat exhaustion.
【例文】:I have no appetite. The reason would be that I'm suffering from heat exhaustion.
【例文】:I have no appetite. The reason can be that I'm suffering from heat exhaustion.
【例文】:I have no appetite. The reason may be that I'm suffering from heat exhaustion.
【例文】:I have no appetite. The reason might be that I'm suffering from heat exhaustion.
【例文】:I have no appetite. The reason could be that I'm suffering from heat exhaustion.


"the reason is that"は"reason"に"main, only"などを付けて、「主な理由、唯一の理由」など様々なニュアンスを表わすことができます。

the main/major/chief reason is that 〜(主な原因は〜)
【原因、理由】を表わす接続詞(4):the reason is that(1)

"main, major, chief"を使って、「主な、主要な、大きな、主たる」の意味を表わします。

【英訳】:I have no appetite. The main reason is that I'm suffering from heat exhaustion.
【英訳】:I have no appetite. The major reason is that I'm suffering from heat exhaustion.
【英訳】:I have no appetite. The chief reason is that I'm suffering from heat exhaustion.

the only reason is that 〜(唯一の原因は〜、唯一の理由は〜)
【原因、理由】を表わす接続詞(4):the reason is that(2)


【英訳】:I have no appetite. The only reason is that I'm suffering from heat exhaustion.

the simple reason is that 〜(原因は単純に〜、理由は単純に〜)
【原因、理由】を表わす接続詞(4):the reason is that(3)


【英訳】:I have no appetite. The simple reason is that I'm suffering from heat exhaustion.

the real reason is that 〜(本当の原因は〜、本当の理由は〜)
【原因、理由】を表わす接続詞(4):the reason is that(4)


【英訳】:I have no appetite. The real reason is that I'm suffering from heat exhaustion.

one of the reasons is that 〜(原因の一つは〜、理由の一つは〜)
【原因、理由】を表わす接続詞(4):the reason is that(5)

"one of 〜"を使って、「原因や理由がいくつかある中でその一つは〜」の意味を表わします。

【英訳】:I have no appetite. One of the reasons is that I'm suffering from heat exhaustion.

the first reason is that 〜(第一の原因は〜、第一の理由は〜)
【原因、理由】を表わす接続詞(4):the reason is that(6)

"first(第一の), second(第二の), third(第三の), fourth(第四の), fifth(第五の)...last(最後の)"を使って、「原因や理由」を列記します。

【英訳】:I have no appetite. The first reasons is that I'm suffering from heat exhaustion. The second reason is that I had a late lunch.


in that 〜(〜なので、〜の点で)

"in that"は原因や理由を後から付け加えます。なので、"in that"を文頭に置くのは不可。必ず文の後ろに置きます。通例、"in that"の前にコンマ(,)は置きません。

【 × 】:In that on our way home we were able to avoid traffic jam, we were lucky.
【 ○ 】:We were lucky in that on our way home we were able to avoid traffic jam.
→"in that"は文の後ろのほうに置く

【 × 】:In that it contains abundant water, the earth differs greatly from the other planets.
【 ○ 】:The earth differs greatly from the other planets in that it contains abundant water.
→"in that"は文の後ろのほうに置く


for 〜(なぜなら〜)


【 × 】:For I'm suffering from heat exhaustion, I have no appetite.
【 ○ 】:I have no appetite, for I'm suffering from heat exhaustion.


【 △ 】:I have no appetite, for I'm suffering from heat exhaustion.
【 ○ 】:I have no appetite, because I'm suffering from heat exhaustion.


owing to 〜, thanks to 〜, due to 〜(〜のおかげで、〜のせいで)


【英訳】:I have no appetite, owing to being suffering from heat exhaustion.
【英訳】:I have no appetite, thanks to being suffering from heat exhaustion.
【英訳】:I have no appetite, due to being suffering from heat exhaustion.

【英訳】:We avoided getting lost, owing to the car navigation system.
【英訳】:We avoided getting lost, thanks to the car navigation system.
【英訳】:We avoided getting lost, due to the car navigation system.


as a result of 〜, on account of 〜(〜のおかげで、〜のせいで)


【英訳】:I have a runny nose as a result of a cold.
【英訳】:I have a runny nose on account of a cold.

【英訳】:I refreshed myself as a result of a cup of strong coffee.
【英訳】:I refreshed myself on account of a cup of strong coffee.

"of"なしの"as a result"(その結果)は前の文の内容を受けて結果や結末を表わします→【参照】:『【結果、結末】を表わす接続詞:as a result, accordingly, consequently, therefore, thus(その結果、そういうわけで)


in view of 〜(〜なので、〜を考慮すると)

"in view of"は原因や理由を表わします。

【英訳】:Schools are closed until next month in view of rapid spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19).

"in view of"は原因や理由を表わすほかに、状況を考えた結果何らかの行動を実行することも表わします。通例、"in view of"を文頭に置くときは"in view of"句の次にコンマ(,)を置きます。

【英訳】:In view of the shortage of face masks, several companies have started producing them.

somehow, for some reason, for reasons(どういうわけか、なぜか)


"for some reason"は"some"なしの場合、複数形の"reasons"を使います。

【英訳】:I certainly emailed you. Somehow the email hasn't reached you.
【英訳】:I certainly emailed you. For some reason the email hasn't reached you.
【英訳】:I certainly emailed you. For reasons the email hasn't reached you.

【英訳】:I somehow felt that the shaking was different from before.
【英訳】:For some reason I felt that the shaking was different from before.
【英訳】:For reasons I felt that the shaking was different from before.

"somehow"は「具体的な方法はわからないけれどなんとかして」のニュアンスを表わすこともあります。この意味の場合、"or other"を付けて"somehow or other"と表現することがあります。

【例文】:We should somehow reduce carbon dioxide emissions to stop global warming.
【例文】:We should somehow or other reduce carbon dioxide emissions to stop global warming.

【例文】:The girl, who somehow survived alone in the woods for ten days, was discovered safely.
【例文】:The girl, who somehow or other survived alone in the woods for ten days, was discovered safely.

after all(何と言っても、やはり)

"after all"は前に述べたことに対して後から原因や理由を付け足します。たいてい、文頭に置きます。次をコンマ(,)で区切ることもあります。

【例文】:It's time to go to bed. After all you have to wake up early tomorrow, don't you?
→【原因、理由】を表わす"after all"は通例、文頭に置く

【例文】:Food prices are rising at alarming rate. After all, the war has disrupted global supply chain.
→【原因、理由】を表わす"after all"は通例、文頭に置く

"after all"は【意外、予想外】の意味を表わすこともあります→【参照】:『【意外、予想外】を表わす接続詞:after all(結局、結果的に)

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【結果、結末】:「その結果〜」 先頭へ





【英訳】:I fell off my bike and broke my leg, so I'm not allowed to go to school trip.

"so"が【結果、結末】を表わす場合、原則として"so"の前にコンマ(,)を置きます。一方、"so"が【目的、目標】を表わす場合、"so"の前にコンマ(,)は不要です→【参照】:『【目的、目標】を表わす接続詞:so that A 助動詞 〜(Aが〜するために)

【 △ 】:I fell off my bike and broke my leg so I'm not allowed to go to school trip.
【 ○ 】:I fell off my bike and broke my leg, so I'm not allowed to go to school trip.


for that reason, that is why(その結果、そういうわけで)

"for that reason"と"that is why"の"that"は直前の文や語句を指します。意味は「それが原因で結果的に〜になってしまう」です。

"for that reason"と"that is why"は接続詞ではないので、前にピリオド(.)を置いて二つのセンテンスに分断します。

【 × 】:The relentless downpour continued all day, for that reason several embankments collapsed.
【 × 】:The relentless downpour continued all day, that is why several embankments collapsed.
→"for that reason, that is why"の前にコンマ(,)を置いて二つの文をつなぐのは不可
【 ○ 】:The relentless downpour continued all day. For that reason several embankments collapsed.
【 ○ 】:The relentless downpour continued all day. That is why several embankments collapsed.

"that is why"は接続詞の"and"と一緒に使えば、二つの文をつなぐことができます。

【英訳】:The relentless downpour continued all day, and that is why several embankments collapsed.
→"that is why"の前に"and"が必要


as a result, accordingly, consequently, therefore, thus(その結果、そういうわけで)


【 × 】:Penicillin was available in 1942, as a result millions of people have been saved from infection.
【 × 】:Penicillin was available in 1942, accordingly millions of people have been saved from infection.
【 × 】:Penicillin was available in 1942, consequently millions of people have been saved from infection.
【 × 】:Penicillin was available in 1942, therefore millions of people have been saved from infection.
【 × 】:Penicillin was available in 1942, thus millions of people have been saved from infection.
→"as a result, accordingly, consequently, therefore, thus"の前にコンマ(,)を置いて二つの文をつなぐのは不可
【 ○ 】:Penicillin was available in 1942. As a result, millions of people have been saved from infection.
【 ○ 】:Penicillin was available in 1942. Accordingly, millions of people have been saved from infection.
【 ○ 】:Penicillin was available in 1942. Consequently, millions of people have been saved from infection.
【 ○ 】:Penicillin was available in 1942. Therefore, millions of people have been saved from infection.
【 ○ 】:Penicillin was available in 1942. Thus, millions of people have been saved from infection.
→"as a result, accordingly, consequently, therefore, thus"の次にコンマ(,)を置く


【英訳】:Penicillin was available in 1942, and as a result, millions of people have been saved from infection.
【英訳】:Penicillin was available in 1942, and accordingly, millions of people have been saved from infection.
【英訳】:Penicillin was available in 1942, and consequently, millions of people have been saved from infection.
【英訳】:Penicillin was available in 1942, and therefore, millions of people have been saved from infection.
【英訳】:Penicillin was available in 1942, and thus, millions of people have been saved from infection.
→"as a result, accordingly, consequently, therefore, thus"の前に"and"が必要


【英訳】:Penicillin was available in 1942; as a result, millions of people have been saved from infection.
【英訳】:Penicillin was available in 1942; accordingly, millions of people have been saved from infection.
【英訳】:Penicillin was available in 1942; consequently, millions of people have been saved from infection.
【英訳】:Penicillin was available in 1942; therefore, millions of people have been saved from infection.
【英訳】:Penicillin was available in 1942; thus, millions of people have been saved from infection.
→"as a result, accordingly, consequently, therefore, thusの前にセミコロン(;)、次にコンマ(,)を置く

"of 〜"を付けた"as a result of 〜(〜が原因で)"は原因や理由を表わします→【参照】:『【原因、理由】を表わす接続詞:as a result of 〜, on account of 〜(〜のおかげで、〜のせいで)


until 〜, till 〜(その結果〜、そうしたら〜)

"until"と"till"は前にコンマ(,)を置いて結果や結末を表わすことがあります。"until"を使うほうが普通です。よく"until finally"や"until at last"の形で使います。ニュアンスは「〜をしてその結果ついに…となる」です。


# 〜, until …(〜をして、その結果…となる)
# 〜, until at last …(〜をして、その結果ついに…となる)
# 〜, until finally …(〜をして、その結果ついに…となる)

【例文】:The tremor grew stronger and stronger, until finally I couldn't stand still.

"until"と"till"は継続や持続を表わすことがあります→【参照】:『【継続、持続】を表わす接続詞:until 〜, till 〜(〜まで、〜までずっと)

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【目的、目標】:「〜のために」 先頭へ



in order to不定詞, so as to不定詞(〜するために、〜するように)

"in order to不定詞"と"so as to不定詞 "はほぼ同じ意味。"so as to不定詞 "のほうがややくだけた表現です。"in order"はthat節を続けることもできます→【参照】:『in order that 〜(〜であるために、〜であるように)

【英訳】:I worked very hard in order to buy my parents a wonderful house.
(= I worked very hard in order that I would buy my parents a wonderful house.)
【英訳】:I worked very hard so as to buy my parents a wonderful house.
→「in order to不定詞」「so as to不定詞」の形になる

"in order to不定詞"に限り、主語が主語以外のために努力するときは、to不定詞の主語を"for 〜"で表わします。

【英訳】:I worked very hard in order for my children to have a good education.
(= I worked very hard in order that my children could have a good education.)
→「in order + for 〜 + to不定詞」の形になる


in order not to不定詞, so as not to不定詞(〜しないように)

"in order to不定詞""so as to不定詞"は「〜しないように」と否定の意味でも使うことができます。to不定詞の前に"not"を置きます。

【英訳】:I drank three cups of coffee in order not to fall asleep.
(= I drank three cups of coffee in order that I would not fall asleep.)
【英訳】:I drank three cups of coffee so as not to fall asleep.


in order that 〜(〜であるために、〜であるように)

"in order"はthat節を続けることもできます。"in order to不定詞"と比べるとやや堅苦しい表現です→【参照】:『【目的、目標】を表わす接続詞:in order to不定詞, so as to不定詞(〜するために、〜するように)

【英訳】:I am studying medicine veyr hard in order that I may become a pediatrician.
(= I am studying medicine veyr hard in order to become a pediatrician.)

【英訳】:This bridge was built in order that vehicles could not run over the wild animals.
(= This bridge was built in order for vehicles not to run over the wild animals.)


so that A 助動詞 〜(Aが〜するために)

"so that 〜"で【目的、目標】を表わすことがあります。that節には通例、"can, may, will; could, might, would"などの助動詞を使います。"that"は省略可能。

【英訳】:People have to talk heart to heart so that they may fully understand each other.
【英訳】:People have to talk heart to heart so they may fully understand each other.
(= People have to talk heart to heart in order to understand each other fully.)

【英訳】:I worked very hard so that I would buy my parents a wonderful house.
【英訳】:I worked very hard so I would buy my parents a wonderful house.
(= I worked very hard in order to buy my parents a wonderful house.)

"so that"や"so"が【目標、目的】を表わす場合、"so"の前にコンマ(,)は置きません。一方、"so that"や"so"が【結果、結末】を表わす場合、原則として"so"の前にコンマ(,)を置きます→【参照】:『【結果、結末】を表わす接続詞:so(その結果、そういうわけで)

【 × 】:People have to talk heart to heart, so that they may fully understand each other.
【 × 】:People have to talk heart to heart, so they may fully understand each other.
【 ○ 】:People have to talk heart to heart so that they may fully understand each other.
【 ○ 】:People have to talk heart to heart so they may fully understand each other.

【 × 】:I worked very hard, so that I would buy my parents a wonderful house.
【 × 】:I worked very hard, so I would buy my parents a wonderful house.
【 ○ 】:I worked very hard so that I would buy my parents a wonderful house.
【 ○ 】:I worked very hard so I would buy my parents a wonderful house.


for the sake of 〜, for one's sake(〜のために、〜するつもりで)

二つとも「〜の利益のために、〜が得するように、〜にとっていいこととなるように」というニュアンスを強調します。"for the sake of 〜"と"for one's sake"はほぼ同じ意味。"for the sake of 〜"のほうがややくだけた表現です。

【英訳】:We moved to a large house for the sake of our children.
【英訳】:We moved to a large house for our children's sake.

for the purpose of 〜, for 〜 purpose(〜のために、〜するつもりで)

"for the purpose of 〜"は"for"の代わりに"with"を使うこともあります。意味はほぼ同じ。

【英訳】:A chemical fire engine went out for the purpose of extinguishing the chemical plant fire.
【英訳】:A chemical fire engine went out with the purpose of extinguishing the chemical plant fire.

【英訳】:I wear these glasses for reading purpose.

with a view to 〜ing, with the object of 〜ing(〜するために、〜するつもりで)

"with a view to 〜ing"はやや堅苦しい表現。"with a view to"の次に動詞を置く場合はto不定詞ではなく、ing形を使います。

【 × 】:The astronomer spent five years at the mountain top observatory with a view to observe comets.
【 ○ 】:The astronomer spent five years at the mountain top observatory with a view to observing comets.
→"to observe"は不可、"to observing"を使う

【英訳】:I withdrew thirty thousand yen with the object of buying a new bike.

with the intention of 〜ing, with the aim of 〜ing(〜するために、〜するつもりで)

目的、目標達成の意志は"with the aim of 〜ing"のほうが多少強い。

【英訳】:It seems that the intruders broke into the shop with the intention of stealing jewelry.

【英訳】:A governmental investigation team was sent with the aim of investigating the tornado.
→"with the aim of 〜"は具体的な目的を強調する

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【言い換え、追加説明】:「すなわち〜」 先頭へ



that is to say, namely(すなわち、言い換えると)


"that is to say"は直前の文を丸ごと別の表現に言い換えることもあります→【参照】:『【言い換え、追加説明】を表わす接続詞:that is to say, in other words(つまり、結局のところ)

"that is"は"that is to say"の省略形、意味は同じ。

【英訳】:Some people say that the number of casualties in the last world war, that is to say World War II, reaches fifty million.
【英訳】:Some people say that the number of casualties in the last world war, that is World War II, reaches fifty million.
【英訳】:Some people say that the number of casualties in the last world war, namely World War II, reaches fifty million.
→"World War II"は"the last world war"の言い換え

"that is to say"は名詞以外の語句の言い換えや追加説明も可能です。

【英訳】:Three days from now, that is to say, on Friday I give you a math quiz.
【英訳】:Three days from now, that is, on Friday I give you a math quiz.
→"on Friday"は"three days from now"の言い換え

"that is"は文尾に置くこともあります。文尾に置く場合はたいてい、省略表現の"that is"を使い、前にコンマ(,)を打ちます。

【英訳】:Almost all students participated in the fundraising activity, all except a few absentees, that is.
→"all except a few absentees"は"almost all students"の言い換え


that is to say, in other words(つまり、結局のところ)


"that is to say"と"in other words"は直前の語句を別の表現に言い換えることもあります→【参照】:『【言い換え、追加説明】を表わす接続詞:that is to say, namely(すなわち、言い換えると)

二つとも接続詞ではないので、前にピリオド(.))を置いて二つのセンテンスに分断します。たいてい、"that is to say"と"in other words"の次をコンマ(,)で区切ります。

【 × 】:A letter has arrived from the college of my choice, in other words I succeeded in the entrance examination.
【 × 】:A letter has arrived from the college of my choice, that is to say I succeeded in the entrance examination.
【 ○ 】:A letter has arrived from the college of my choice. In other words, I succeeded in the entrance examination.
【 ○ 】:A letter has arrived from the college of my choice. That is to say, I succeeded in the entrance examination.
→"in other words"の次にコンマ(,)を置く、ピリオド(.)を置いて二つの文に分断する


i.e. 〜, ie 〜(つまり〜、すなわち〜、言い換えると〜)

"that is to say 〜, namely 〜"と同じように、語句を説明するために、別のもっとくわしい語句に言い換えます。→【参照】:『that is to say, namely(すなわち、言い換えると)

"i.e., ie"はたいてい前にコンマ(,)を置きます。綴りはピリオド(.)ありの"i.e."のほうをよく使います。

発音はそのまま「アイイー」。あるいは、意味を表わす"that is"の発音をそのまま当てはめて「ザットイズ」。"i.e., ie"はラテン語の"id est"(= that is)の短縮形です。

【英訳】:Evey day pupils must bring two items to school, i.e. a handkerchief and pocket tissue.
【英訳】:Evey day pupils must bring two items to school, ie a handkerchief and pocket tissue.


【英訳】:The cabin is closed during winter season, i.e. from November to May.
【英訳】:The cabin is closed during winter season, ie from November to May.
→"from November to May"は"during winter season"の言い換え

【英訳】:Some guys have a crush on anime characters, i.e. greatly attracted to them.
【英訳】:Some guys have a crush on anime characters, ie greatly attracted to them.
→"greatly attracted to them"は"have a crush on anime characters"の言い換え

or 〜(つまり〜、すなわち〜、いや〜である)



"or rather"の形になることもあります。

【英訳】:Fifty percent of the population, or one out of two people, will be 65 or older within 100 years.
【英訳】:Fifty percent of the population, or rather one out of two people, will be 65 or older within 100 years.
→"one out of two"は"Fifty percent of the population"の言い換え

【英訳】:Earth's ecology is being destroyed, or at least it is changing slowly.
【英訳】:Earth's ecology is being destroyed, or rather at least it is changing slowly.
→"or"以下や"or rather"以下は前文の訂正

"or"には【選択、択一】の意味もあります→【参照】:『【選択、択一】を表わす接続詞:or 〜(または〜、あるいは〜)

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【例示、例解】:「たとえば〜」 先頭へ



for example, for instance(たとえば)


【 × 】:You can go scuba diving even in Japan. For example, at Okinawa.
【 × 】:You can go scuba diving even in Japan. For instance, at Okinawa.
→"for example, for instance"の前にピリオド(.)を置いて"at Okinawaを独立させるのは不可
【 ○ 】:You can go scuba diving even in Japan, for example, at Okinawa.
【 ○ 】:You can go scuba diving even in Japan, for instance, at Okinawa.
→"at Okinawa"は句なので"for example, for instance"の前にコンマ(,)を置いて一つの文にする


【 × 】:My eyesight has got worse, for example I can't clearly see the words on the blackboard.
【 × 】:My eyesight has got worse, for instance I can't clearly see the words on the blackboard.
→"for example, for instance"の前にコンマ(,)を置いて二つの文をつなぐのは不可
【 ○ 】:My eyesight has got worse. For example, I can't clearly see the words on the blackboard.
【 ○ 】:My eyesight has got worse. For instance, I can't clearly see the words on the blackboard.
→"for example, for instance"の次にコンマ(,)を置く

順番が「具体例 + for example」「具体例 + for instance」になることもあります。文の途中に置く場合は、前後にコンマ(,)を置くのが普通です。

【 △ 】:Some of Japanese mascot characters Kumamon for example are famous worldwide.
【 △ 】:Some of Japanese mascot characters Kumamon for instance are famous worldwide.
【 ○ 】:Some of Japanese mascot characters, Kumamon for example, are famous worldwide.
【 ○ 】:Some of Japanese mascot characters, Kumamon for instance, are famous worldwide.
→「具体例 + for example」「具体例 + for instance」の前後にコンマ(,)が必要


say, let's say(たとえば)

通例、二つとも文頭では使わず、文の最後に補足の一言として付け加えます。"say"は"let's say"の省略形、意味は同じ。"say, let's say"の前後にはコンマ(,)が必要です。後ろのコンマ(,)は省略可能。

"say 〜, let's say 〜"は接続詞として【条件、仮定】(もし〜ならば、もし〜だとしたら)の意味を表わすことがあります→【参照】:『【条件、仮定】を表わす接続詞:say 〜, let's say 〜(もし〜ならば、もし〜だとしたら)


【英訳】:Have you ever seen something unusual, say, a ghost or UFO?
【英訳】:Have you ever seen something unusual, let's say, a ghost or UFO?
→"say, let's say"の前後にはコンマ(,)が必要
【英訳】:Have you ever seen something unusual, say a ghost or UFO?
【英訳】:Have you ever seen something unusual, let's say a ghost or UFO?
→"say, let's say"の後ろのコンマ(,)は省略可能


such as(たとえば)

"like"や"e.g., eg"と同じように、文の途中や最後で具体例の語句を列挙します。具体例は一つのみのこともあります→【参照】:『【例示、例解】を表わす接続詞:like:「たとえば〜、〜のような」』『【例示、例解】を表わす接続詞:e.g. 〜, eg 〜(たとえば〜)

"such as"はよく前のコンマ(,)を省略します。"such as"に続く具体例が短い語句一つのみのときはたいてい、コンマ(,)を省略します。

【英訳】:There are lots of dialects in Japan, such as Osaka-ben, Hakata-ben, Nagoya-ben.
→"such as"の前にコンマ(,)を入れるのが普通

【英訳】:Today some kinds of bug such as mosquitoes appear also in winter.
→"such as"の前のコンマ(,)は省略可能


like 〜(たとえば〜、〜のような)

"such as"や"e.g., eg"と同じように、文の途中や最後で具体例の語句を列挙します。具体例は一つのみのこともあります →【参照】:『【例示、例解】を表わす接続詞:such as:「たとえば」』『【例示、例解】を表わす接続詞:e.g. 〜, eg 〜(たとえば〜)


【英訳】:We need aggressive development of clean, alternative energies, like wind, solar and wave power.

【英訳】:I don't like slimy food like okra.


e.g. 〜, eg 〜(たとえば〜)

"such as"や"like"と同じように、文の途中や最後で具体例の語句を列挙します。具体例は一つのみのこともあります →【参照】:『【例示、例解】を表わす接続詞:such as:「たとえば」』『【例示、例解】を表わす接続詞:like 〜(たとえば〜、〜のような)

"e.g., eg"はたいてい前にコンマ(,)を置きます。綴りはピリオド(.)ありの"e.g."とピリオド(.)なしの"eg"のどちらでもOK。

発音はそのまま「イージー」。あるいは、意味を表わす"for example"の発音をそのまま当てはめて「フォーエグザンプル」。"e.g., eg"はラテン語の"exempli gratia"(= for example)の短縮形です。

【英訳】:Renewable energy should be used instead of fossil fuel, e.g. coal, oil, to reduce global warming.
【英訳】:Renewable energy should be used instead of fossil fuel, eg coal, oil, to reduce global warming.
→"e.g., eg"の前にコンマ(,)を入れるのが普通

"e.g., eg"を文の途中に置くときは、前にコンマ(,)を置かずに、丸かっこ(())でくくることがあります。

【英訳】:Renewable energy, e.g. solar, wind, geothermal power, should be used instead of fossil fuel.
【英訳】:Renewable energy (e.g. solar, wind, geothermal power) should be used instead of fossil fuel.
【英訳】:Renewable energy, eg solar, wind, geothermal power, should be used instead of fossil fuel.
【英訳】:Renewable energy (eg solar, wind, geothermal power) should be used instead of fossil fuel.
→丸かっこ(())でくくる場合、"e.g., eg"の前のコンマ(,)は不要

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【結論、まとめ】:「結論として〜、最後に〜」 先頭へ



in conclusion(結論として、最後に)


【英訳】:In conclusion, nearly half of voters want Prime Minister to resign.
→"in conclusion"の次にコンマ(,)を置く


finally, lastly(最後に)


【英訳】:Finally, I'd like to thank all of you for coming here today.
【英訳】:Lastly, I'd like to thank all of you for coming here today.
→"finally, lastly"の次にコンマ(,)を置く

【英訳】:Finally, a wonderful smorgasbord dinner would be served to you at the hotel.
【英訳】:Lastly, a wonderful smorgasbord dinner would be served to you at the hotel.
→"finally, lastly"の次にコンマ(,)を置く




"then"は接続詞ではないので前にコンマ(,)を置いて文と文をつなぐことはできません。文頭や文の途中、文尾に単独で置いて使います。"if"と一緒に使う場合は、"if 〜, then …"(もし〜なら、その結果…となる)の形が可能です。

【英訳】:Then, air pollutants from abroad can travel thousands of kilometers and may have harmful effects on our lives.

【英訳】:If shale gas starts to be extracted on a large scale, then it may pollute underground water.
→シェールガス採取の本格化が招くかもしれない結論を述べる、"if 〜, then …"の形で使う

【英訳】:I allow you to leave school early, then.




in short, in brief, briefly(つまり、手短に言えば)


"in short"と"in brief"と"briefly"はほぼ同じ意味。三つともたいてい文頭に置いて、次にコンマ(,)で区切ります。

【英訳】:Prime Minister failed in dealing with pension problems and his approval ratings have dropped quickly. In short, the public disapprove of him.
【英訳】:Prime Minister failed in dealing with pension problems and his approval ratings have dropped quickly. In brief, the public disapprove of him.
【英訳】:Prime Minister failed in dealing with pension problems and his approval ratings have dropped quickly. Briefly, the public disapprove of him.
→"in short, in brief, Briefly"の次にコンマ(,)を置く

to put it simply, to sum up, in a nutshell(つまり、手短に言えば)


"to put it simply"と"to sum up"と"in a nutshell"はほぼ同じ意味。三つともたいてい文頭に置いて、次をコンマ(,)で区切ります。"to put it simply"は"simply"の代わりに"briefly"を使って"to put it briefly"も可能。

"in a nutshell"は"put it in a nutshell"と言うこともあります。

【英訳】:To put it simply, technology isn't necessarily beneficial to both humans and nature.
【英訳】:To put it briefly, technology isn't necessarily beneficial to both humans and nature.
【英訳】:To sum up, technology isn't necessarily beneficial to both humans and nature.
【英訳】:In a nutshell, technology isn't necessarily beneficial to both humans and nature.
【英訳】:To put it in a nutshell, technology isn't necessarily beneficial to both humans and nature.
→"to put it simply/briefly, to sum up, in a nutshell, to put it in a nutshell"の次にコンマ(,)を置く

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【列挙、順序】:「第一に〜、第二に〜」 先頭へ



first, second, lastly(第一に、第二に、最後に)

「理由や説明」などをリストアップします。「第一に〜、第二に〜、最後に〜」の意味で"first"や"second", "lastly"を使うとき、よく文頭に置いて次をコンマ(,)で区切ります。"lastly"の代わりに"last"も使えますが、"lastly"のほうが普通です。

"first of all"は"first"の強調形、ニュアンスは「何はさて置きまず第一に〜、とりあえず最初に〜」です。

"lastly"の代わりに"finally"を使うこともあります→【参照】:『【結論、まとめ】を表わす接続詞:finally, lastly(最後に)

"firstly, secondly, thirdly"もほぼ同じ意味を表わします→【参照】:『firstly, secondly, lastly(第一に、第二に、最後に)

【英訳】:I seem to have caught a cold. First, I'm feverish. Second, my throat is sore. Lastly, my nose is runny.
(= I seem to have caught a cold. Firstly, I'm feverish. Secondly, my throat is sore. Lastly, my nose is runny.)
→"First", "Second", "Lastly"の次にコンマ(,)が必要


【英訳】:The aim of this conference is first to agree to truce, and second to release the hostages.
(= The aim of this conference is firstly to agree to truce, and secondly to release the hostages.)


【英訳】:Plants generally need three things to grow: first sunlight, second carbon dioxide, and third water.
(= Plants generally need three things to grow: firstly sunlight, secondly carbon dioxide, and thirdly water.)


firstly, secondly, lastly(第一に、第二に、最後に)

「理由や説明」などをリストアップします。「第一に〜、第二に〜、最後に〜」の意味で"firstly"や"secondly", "lastly"を使うとき、よく文頭に置いて次をコンマ(,)で区切ります。

"lastly"の代わりに"finally"を使うこともあります→【参照】:『【結論、まとめ】を表わす接続詞:finally, lastly(最後に)

"first, second, third"もほぼ同じ意味を表わします→【参照】:『first, second, lastly(第一に、第二に、最後に)

【英訳】:I prefer dogs to cats. Firstly, they are faithful. Secondly, walking them is fun. Lastly, they keep burglars away.
(= I prefer dogs to cats. First, they are faithful. Second, walking them is fun. Lastly, they keep burglars away.)
→"Firstly", "Secondly", "Lastly"の次にコンマ(,)が必要


【英訳】:I eat firstly to take nutrition, and secondly to enjoy tastes.
(= I eat first to take nutrition, and second to enjoy tastes.)


【英訳】:The four elements appear in fairy tales: firstly gnomes, secondly undines, thirdly sylphs, and lastly salamanders.
(= The four elements appear in fairy tales: first gnomes, second undines, third sylphs, and lastly salamanders.)


in the first place, in the second place, in the last place(第一に、第二に、最後に)


"first, second, third"もほぼ同じ意味を表わします→【参照】:『first, second, lastly(第一に、第二に、最後に)

【英訳】:I don't like natto. In the first place, it's smelly. In the second place, it's sticky. In the last place, its taste is nasty.
(= I don't like natto. First, it's smelly. Second, it's sticky. Lastly, its taste is nasty.)
→"In the first place", "In the second place", "In the last place"の次にコンマ(,)が必要

"in the first place"は「理由や説明」を複数リストアップするのではなく、"in the first place"単独で一番重要な点を示して「そもそも、最初に、もともと」の意味で使うこともあります。

【英訳】:Why didn't you tell me the truth in the first place?
→"in the first place"で最重要の理由を一つだけ提示する

"in the first place"の意味が「そもそも、最初に、もともと」の場合、"to begin with, to start with"もほぼ同じ意味を表わします→【参照】:『【列挙、順序】を表わす接続詞:to begin with, to start with(まず第一に、そもそも)

【英訳】:To begin with, why didn't you tell me the truth?
【英訳】:To start with, why didn't you tell me the truth?
(= In the first place, why didn't you tell me the truth?)

the first reason is that 〜, the second reason is that 〜, the last reason is that 〜(第一に〜、第二に〜、最後に〜)


"first, second, third"もほぼ同じ意味を表わします→【参照】:『first, second, lastly(第一に、第二に、最後に)

【英訳】:The first reason is that the opponent was stronger than you. The second reason is that you haven't had enough practice. The last reason is that you didn't have your will to win.
(= First, the opponent was stronger than you. Second, you haven't had enough practice. Lastly, you didn't have your will to win.)


one reason is that 〜, another reason is that 〜(一つには、もう一つには)

リストアップする「理由」が二つのみのとき、"one reason is that"と"another reason is that"が使えます。二つともたいてい文頭に置きます。どちらも"that"が節を導くので、"that"の次のコンマ(,)は不要です。

【英訳】:I like walking around. One reason is that it costs little money. Another reason is that it can ease my backpain.
(= I like walking around. First, it costs little money. Second, it can ease my backpain.)


for one thing, for another thing(一つには、もう一つには)

リストアップする「理由」が二つだけのとき、"for one thing"と"for another thing"が使えます。二つともよく文頭に置いて、次をコンマ(,)で区切ります。

"for another thing"は"thing"を省略して"for another"とすることもあります。

【英訳】:I hate reading books. For one thing, I prefer video games and television. For another thing, it tires my eyes quickly.
【英訳】:I hate reading books. For one thing, I prefer video games and television. For another, it tires my eyes quickly.
(= I hate reading books. First, I prefer video games and television. Second, it tires my eyes quickly.)
→"for one thing"と"for another thing"の次にコンマ(,)が必要

"for one thing"のみで「そもそも、もともと、先ず第一に」の意味を表わすことができます。

【英訳】:I don't know which way to go. For one thing, I don't know where I am.
→"for one thing"で最重要の理由を一つだけ提示する


to begin with, to start with(まず第一に、そもそも)

大事な「理由」を一つだけ示すときは"to begin with"と"to start with"が使えます。ニュアンスは「何よりも大切なことは」です。"to begin with"と"to start with"はほぼ同じ意味。


【英訳】:To begin with, the heavy blizzard prevents us from going any further.
【英訳】:To start with, the heavy blizzard prevents us from going any further.
→"to begin with, to start with"で最重要の理由を一つだけ提示する

"in the first place"もほぼ同じ意味を表わします→【参照】:『【列挙、順序】を表わす接続詞:in the first place, in the second place, in the last place(第一に、第二に、最後に)

【英訳】:In the first place, the heavy blizzard prevents us from going any further.

理由を二つ以上示すときは"second, third"や"secondly, thirdly"などを一緒に使います。

【英訳】:To begin with, the blizzard is heavy. Second, it's been dark. Third, temperature is below -20℃.
【英訳】:To start with, the blizzard is heavy. Second, it's been dark. Third, temperature is below -20℃.
【英訳】:To begin with, the blizzard is heavy. Secondly, it's been dark. Thirdly, temperature is below -20℃.
【英訳】:To start with, the blizzard is heavy. Secondly, it's been dark. Thirdly, temperature is below -20℃.
(= First, the blizzard is heavy. Second, it's been dark. Third, temperature is below -20℃.)


【英訳】:The sports day was fun. To begin with, I won the 100-meter sprint. Then, many teachers joined the tug-of-war.
【英訳】:The sports day was fun. To start with, I won the 100-meter sprint. Then, many teachers joined the tug-of-war.


"to begin with"と"to start with"はどちらも"at first"と同じ意味を表わすことがあります。ニュアンスは「最初のうちは〜、初めのころは〜だったけれど」です。

【英訳】:To begin with, nuclear energy was claimed to be safe and clean.
【英訳】:To start with, nuclear energy was claimed to be safe and clean.
(= At first, nuclear energy was claimed to be safe and clean.)



単純に次の順番を表わすときは"then"が使えます。"then"は接続詞ではないので二つの文をつなぐときは"and"を追加して"and then"とします。ただし、"and"はよく省略します。


【英訳】:I go to the city office, and then get a copy of my family register.
【英訳】:I go to the city office, then get a copy of my family register.
【英訳】:I go to the city office. Then I get a copy of my family register.


【英訳】:Brush your teeth, and then go to school.
【英訳】:Brush your teeth, then go to school.
【英訳】:Brush your teeth. Then go to school.


【英訳】:First you pick a card, and then you show the card to everybody except me.
【英訳】:First you pick a card, then you show the card to everybody except me.
【英訳】:First you pick a card. Then you show the card to everybody except me.


【英訳】:I go to the city office. Next I get a copy of my family register.
(= I go to the city office, and then I get a copy of my family register.)

【英訳】:Brush your teeth. Next go to school.
(= Brush your teeth, and then go to school.)

【英訳】:First you pick a card. Next you show the card to everybody except me.
(= First you pick a card, then you show the card to everybody except me.)






【英訳】:We've rescued all the passengers. Next we have to find out why the accident happened.


【英訳】:Wash your eyes carefully with water. Next use eye lotion.


【英訳】:First close your eyes. Next take a breath slowly through your nose.

"then"もほぼ同じ意味を表わします。"then"は"and then"とすると二つの文をつなぐことができます。

【英訳】:We've rescued all the passengers. Then we have to find out why the accident happened.
【英訳】:We've rescued all the passengers and then we have to find out why the accident happened.
(= We've rescued all the passengers. Next we have to find out why the accident happened.)

【英訳】:Wash your eyes carefully with water. Then use eye lotion.
【英訳】:Wash your eyes carefully with water and then use eye lotion.
(= Wash your eyes carefully with water. Next use eye lotion.)

【英訳】:First close your eyes. Then take a breath slowly through your nose.
【英訳】:First close your eyes and then take a breath slowly through your nose.
(= First close your eyes. Next take a breath slowly through your nose.)

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【重要、肝心】:「とりわけ、重要なのは」 先頭へ



above all(とりわけ、何よりも)

"above all"はたいてい文頭に置いてコンマ(,)で区切ります。"else"や"things"を追加して"above all else"や"above all things"とすることもあります。

【英訳】:Above all, we have to make every effort to search for missing people.
【英訳】:Above all else, we have to make every effort to search for missing people.
【英訳】:Above all things, we have to make every effort to search for missing people.
→"above all, above all else, above all things"は文全体の補足説明

"above all"は文全体ではなく、語句の意味を補足することもあります。

【英訳】:Search and rescue dogs need to have patience, stamina, and above all placid composure.
【英訳】:Search and rescue dogs need to have patience, stamina, and above all else placid composure.
【英訳】:Search and rescue dogs need to have patience, stamina, and above all things placid composure.
→"above all, above all else, above all things"は名詞の"placid composure"の補足説明




【英訳】:Importantly, we should call out to neighbors and immediately flee to a safe place.

"more, most"を付けて重要度を強調することができます。

【英訳】:More importantly, we have to prepare and evacuate as soon as possible.
→"more importantly"は優先度の高い重要事項を表わす

【英訳】:Most importantly, we perfectly know what to do and where to go in case of emergency.
→"most importantly"は最重要事項を表わす


【英訳】:Most of the detectives on television speak importantly.

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【特定の時】 先頭へ



when 〜(〜のときに、〜すると)


【英訳】:The teacher stood just in front of me when I woke up.

「when + 完了時制」は"after"に近い


【英訳】:When you've finished your job, can you give me a hand?
(= After you've finished your job, can you give me a hand?)

【英訳】:When all the students had worn a mask, they began cleaning the school yard.
(= After all the students had worn a mask, they began cleaning the school yard.)

「when + 未来時制」は不可

"when"を時を表わす接続詞として使う場合、「when + 未来時制」は通例不可です。代わりに、「when + 現在時制」を使います。

【 × 】:You can see Mt. Fuji from here when it will be fine.
【 ○ 】:You can see Mt. Fuji from here when it is fine.


英語でも同じです。"when"の節の中で"will, shall"を使うと不自然な英語になります。"if, when"節は文意が成立するための前提条件になるので、「〜だろう」ではなく「〜である」の話が必ず必要です→【参照】:『未来時制なのに"will, shall"が使用不可?!



"when"には接続詞として【意外、予想外】の意味もあります→【参照】:『【意外、予想外】を表わす接続詞:when 〜(〜だけれども、〜なのに)

before 〜(〜の前に)


【英訳】:You had better wash your hands before you eat meals.

【英訳】:Stop drunk driving before you cause an accident.

【英訳】:It took just three days before I finished my summer vacation homework.

after 〜(〜の後に)


【英訳】:You had better brush you teeth after you eat meals.

二つの物事が立て続けに起こることを表わすときは、"soon after"や"shortly after"を使います。"soon after"と"shortly after"はほぼ同じ意味。

【英訳】:Soon after I was born, my family moved to Osaka.

【英訳】:Shortly after we came home, my son started sleeping on the sofa.

by the time 〜(〜するまでに)


"by the time"は"when"などと同じように接続詞として二つの文をつなぐことができます。

【英訳】:By the time humans reach Mars, shameful conflicts among nations might completely vanish.

the first time 〜(初めて〜するときは)


"the first time"は"when"などと同じように接続詞として二つの文をつなぐことができます。

"when"や"at"を付けて、"at the first time"や"the first time when"は不可です。"the first time"のみで接続詞として使います。

【英訳】:The first time I saw the teacher, he looked a foreign person due to his blond dyed hair.
(= When I first saw the teacher, he looked a foreign person due to his blond dyed hair.)

next time 〜:「次に〜するときは」


"next time"は"when"などと同じように接続詞として二つの文をつなぐことができます。

"when"や"at"を付けて、"at next time"や"next time when"は不可です。"next time"のみで接続詞として使います。

【英訳】:Next time a massive aftershock occurs, most buildings around here will collapse.

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【習慣、反復】 先頭へ



when 〜(〜のときはいつも)

"when"が「習慣や繰り返し」を表わすことがあります。"whenever"や"every time"や"each time"とほぼ同じ意味。"every time"や"each tiem"のほうがややくだけた表現です →【参照】:『【習慣、反復】を表わす接続詞:whenever 〜:「〜のときはいつも」』『【習慣、反復】を表わす接続詞:every time 〜(〜のときはいつも), each time 〜(〜のときはいつも)


【英訳】:When I eat ice cream, I have a headache.
(= Whenever I eat ice cream, I have a headache.)
(= Every time I eat ice cream, I have a headache.)
(= Each time I eat ice cream, I have a headache.)


【英訳】:When I eat ice cream, I always have a headache.
(= Whenever I eat ice cream, I have a headache.)
(= Every time I eat ice cream, I have a headache.)
(= Each time I eat ice cream, I have a headache.)

"when"には接続詞として【特定の時】の意味もあります→【参照】:『【特定の時】を表わす接続詞:when 〜(〜のときに、〜すると)

"when"には接続詞として「意外、予想外」の意味もあります→【参照】:『【意外、予想外】を表わす接続詞:when 〜(〜だけれども、〜なのに)

whenever 〜(〜のときはいつも)

"when"や"every time"や"each time"とほぼ同じ意味。"every time"や"each time"のほうがややくだけた表現です →【参照】:『【習慣、反復】を表わす接続詞:when 〜:「〜のときはいつも」』『【習慣、反復】を表わす接続詞:every time 〜(〜のときはいつも), each time 〜(〜のときはいつも)


【英訳】:Whenever it rains heavily, this road is flooded.
(= When it rains heavily, this road is always flooded.)
(= Every tiem it rains heavily, this road is flooded.

"whenever"には接続詞として【譲歩、妥協】の意味もあります→【参照】:『【譲歩、妥協】を表わす接続詞:whenever 〜, no matter when 〜(いつ〜するとしても、どんな時に〜しても)

every time 〜(〜のときはいつも), each time 〜(〜のときはいつも)

"when"や"whenever"とほぼ同じ意味。"every time"と"each time"のほうがややくだけた表現です →【参照】:『【習慣、反復】を表わす接続詞:when 〜:「〜のときはいつも」』『【習慣、反復】を表わす接続詞:whenever 〜(〜のときはいつも)

"every time"と"each time"は接続詞なので二つの文をつなぐことができます。

【英訳】:In those days, every time I talked with my father, we bickered.
【英訳】:In those days, each time I talked with my father, we bickered.
(= In those days, when I talked with my father, we always bickered.)
(= In those days, whenever I talked with my father, we bickered.)

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【同時、並行】 先頭へ



while 〜, whilst 〜(〜の間に、〜の最中に、〜しながら)

while 〜, whilst 〜(〜の間に、〜の最中に)



【英訳】:You must'nt use a cell phone while you are driving.
【英訳】:You must'nt use a cell phone whilst you are driving.

while 〜, whilst 〜(〜の最中に、〜しながら)



【英訳】:I often talk with my friend on the phone while I'm taking a bath.
【英訳】:I often talk with my friend on the phone whilst I'm taking a bath.

"while"と"whilst"には接続詞として【意外、予想外】の意味もあります→【参照】:『【意外、予想外】を表わす接続詞:while 〜, whilst 〜(〜だけれども)

"while"と"whilst"には接続詞として【二者の対比】の意味もあります→【参照】:『【二者の対比】を表わす接続詞:while, whilst, whereas(一方)

meanwhile 〜, in the meantime 〜(〜の間に、〜の最中に)

meanwhile 〜, in the meantime 〜(〜の間に、〜の最中に)
【同時、並行】を表わす接続詞(2):meanwhile, in the meantime(1)


"meanwhile, in the meantime"は接続詞ではないので、前にピリオド(.)を置いて二つのセンテンスに分断します。たいてい、二つとも次をコンマ(,)で区切ります。"meanwhile"と"in the meantime"はほぼ同じ意味。

【 × 】:I went abroad to work for a month, meanwhile someone broke into my house.
【 × 】:I went abroad to work for a month, in the meantime someone broke into my house.
【 ○ 】:I went abroad to work for a month. Meanwhile, someone broke into my house.
【 ○ 】:I went abroad to work for a month. In the meantime, someone broke into my house.
→"meanwhile, in the meantime"の前にコンマ(,)を置いて二つの文をつなぐのは不可

meanwhile 〜, in the meantime 〜(〜の間に、その間に)
【同時、並行】を表わす接続詞(2):meanwhile, in the meantime(2)


"meanwhile, in the meantime"は接続詞ではないので、前にピリオド(.)を置いて二つのセンテンスに分断します。たいてい、二つとも次をコンマ(,)で区切ります。"meanwhile"と"in the meantime"はほぼ同じ意味。

【 × 】:I stayed in hospital for a month, meanwhile my parents took care of my dog and cat.
【 × 】:I stayed in hospital for a month, in the meantime my parents took care of my dog and cat.
【 ○ 】:I stayed in hospital for a month. Meanwhile, my parents took care of my dog and cat.
【 ○ 】:I stayed in hospital for a month. In the meantime, my parents took care of my dog and cat.
→"meanwhile, in the meantime"の前にコンマ(,)を置いて二つの文をつなぐのは不可

as 〜(〜すると同時に、〜するにつれて)

as 〜(〜すると同時に、〜するとすぐに)


【英訳】:As I touched the cardboard box, a black cat jumped out of it.

同時であることを強調するときは、"as soon as"を使います→【参照】:『【瞬時の変化】を表わす接続詞:as soon as 〜(〜するとすぐに)

【英訳】:As sooon as I touched the cardboard box, a black cat jumped out of it.

as 〜(〜するにつれて、〜しながら)


【英訳】:As the typhoon approaches, winds blow harder.

"as"には接続詞として【原因、理由】の意味もあります→【参照】:『【原因、理由】を表わす接続詞:as 〜, since 〜(〜なので)

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【継続、持続】 先頭へ



until 〜, till 〜(〜まで、〜までずっと)



【英訳】:My cat keeps meowing until I feed him cat food.
【英訳】:My cat keeps meowing till I feed him cat food.

"until, till"を否定文で使うと意味は「〜の時点まで…しない、〜して初めて…する、〜してから…する」です。

【例文】:We don't start playing fireworks until it gets pitch dark.
【例文】:We don't start playing fireworks till it gets pitch dark.

"not 〜 until"は"it is 〜 that …"の強調構文の形でよく使います→【参照】:『ゼロから始める「強調構文 "It is not until … that 〜"

【例文】:It is not until it gets pitch dark that we start playing fireworks.
(= We don't start playing fireworks until it gets pitch dark.)
→"it is 〜 that …"は強調構文

"until, till"は結果や結末を表わすことがあります→【参照】:『【結果、結末】を表わす接続詞:until 〜, till 〜(その結果〜、そうしたら〜)


since 〜(〜以来、〜からずっと)


【英訳】:Native species have gradually disappeared since exotic species were brought into.

"since"には接続詞として【原因、理由】の意味もあります→【参照】:『【原因、理由】を表わす接続詞:as 〜, since 〜(〜なので)

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【変化、変貌】 先頭へ



once 〜(一度〜すると、いったん〜すれば)


【英訳】:Once anyone walks into this forest, he will never return.

【英訳】:Once you've lived in the city, you may not want to return to the country life.


now 〜(今や〜したので)

ニュアンスは「新しいことが始まったので〜」です。原因や理由のニュアンスも含みます。"that"を付けて"now that 〜"とすることもあります。"now"は接続詞なので二つの文をつなぐことができます。

【英訳】:The economy and welfare of Japan will be better now the ruling party has changed.
【英訳】:The economy and welfare of Japan will be better now that the ruling party has changed.

【英訳】:Now the global environment has been severely damaged, any country should act to conserve the Earth.
【英訳】:Now that the global environment has been severely damaged, any country should act to conserve the Earth.

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【瞬時の変化】 先頭へ



as soon as 〜(〜するとすぐに)

何かをきっかけに人の動作や物の動きが素早く変化するニュアンスを表わします。"as soon as"は【同時、並行】を表わす接続詞"as"の強調表現です→【参照】:『【同時、並行】を表わす接続詞:as 〜(〜すると同時に、〜するにつれて)

"as soon as"は接続詞なので二つの文をつなぐことができます。

【英訳】:As soon as water level becomes higher than the current level, you should issue an evacuation order.

【英訳】:The black cat started running away as soon as it noticed me.


the moment 〜, the minute 〜, the instant 〜(〜した瞬間に、〜すると瞬時に)

三つとも"as soon as 〜"とほぼ同じ意味です。たいてい、何かをきっかけに人の動作や物の動きが素早く変化するニュアンスを表わします。"the moment"と"the minute"と"the instant"はほぼ同じ意味です→【参照】:『【瞬時の変化】を表わす接続詞:as soon as 〜(〜するとすぐに)

"the moment, the minute, the instant"は三つとも接続詞なので二つの文をつなぐことができます。"that"を付けて"the moment that 〜, the minute that 〜, the instant that 〜"とすることもあります。意味は同じ。

【英訳】:The moment we sneeze, spit may fly several meters away from our mouth.
【英訳】:The moment that we sneeze, spit may fly several meters away from our mouth.
【英訳】:The instant we sneeze, spit may fly several meters away from our mouth.
【英訳】:The instant that we sneeze, spit may fly several meters away from our mouth.
【英訳】:The minute we sneeze, spit may fly several meters away from our mouth.
【英訳】:The minute that we sneeze, spit may fly several meters away from our mouth.

【英訳】:The moment the plane landed, one of the engines exploded into flames.
【英訳】:The moment that the plane landed, one of the engines exploded into flames.
【英訳】:The minute the plane landed, one of the engines exploded into flames.
【英訳】:The minute that the plane landed, one of the engines exploded into flames.
【英訳】:The instant the plane landed, one of the engines exploded into flames.
【英訳】:The instant that the plane landed, one of the engines exploded into flames.


no sooner A than 〜, hardly A when 〜, scarcely A when 〜(Aするとすぐに〜)


"hardly, scarcely"は"when"の代わりに"before"を使うことができます。

"no sooner A than 〜"を直訳すると「Aの動作や状態に入るのは〜よりも早いことは決してない」=「Aの動作や状態に入るか入らないかのうちに〜だ」=「Aをするとすぐに〜だ」です。

"hardly A when 〜, scarcely A when 〜"は直訳すると「〜するときまだAの動作や状態にはほとんど入っていない」=「〜するときはAの動作や状態に入った直後だ」=「Aをするとすぐに〜だ」です。

【英訳】:I had no sooner walked out of the convenience store than a car crashed into the store.
【英訳】:I had hardly walked out of the convenience store when a car crashed into the store.
【英訳】:I had hardly walked out of the convenience store before a car crashed into the store.
【英訳】:I had scarcely walked out of the convenience store when a car crashed into the store.
【英訳】:I had scarcely walked out of the convenience store before a car crashed into the store.

意味の強調で"no sooner, hardly, scarcely"を文頭に置く場合は倒置を使います。やや堅苦しい表現です。

【英訳】:No sooner had I walked out of the convenience store than a car crashed into the store.
【英訳】:Hardly had I walked out of the convenience store when a car crashed into the store.
【英訳】:Hardly had I walked out of the convenience store before a car crashed into the store.
【英訳】:Scarcely had I walked out of the convenience store when a car crashed into the store.
【英訳】:Scarcely had I walked out of the convenience store before a car crashed into the store.
→「no sooner/hardly/scarcely + 助動詞 + 主語」の語順を使う

単独の"hardly"と"scarcely"の意味は「ほとんど〜ない」です。否定を表わします。助動詞の"can"を使う"can hardly A when 〜"や"can scarcely A when 〜"はたいていイディオムではなく、意味は「〜するときにはほとんどAをできない」の意味を表わします。

【例文】:I could hardly believe my eyes when I woke up and saw the clock. It was past noon.
【例文】:I could scarcely believe my eyes when I woke up and saw the clock. It was past noon.
【 × 】:自分の目を信じることができた直後に私は目を覚まして時計を見た。お昼を過ぎていた。
【 ○ 】:起きて時計を見たとき自分の目がほとんど信じられなかった。お昼を過ぎていた。
→"could hardly A when 〜"の意味は「〜のときAをほとんどできなかった」、イディオムではない

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【条件】:仮定法では通例使わない表現 先頭へ




# 条 件……条件さえクリアすればありうる話(もし〜なら、もし〜すると)
# 仮定法……完全にありえない話(もし〜だったら、仮に〜だったとしたら)



unless 〜(〜でないならば、〜でない限り)

「除外、例外」を表わします。ニュアンスは「〜である場合を除いて」です。"unless 〜"は通例、「仮定法」では使いません。

【英訳】:You are not allowed to leave hospital unless you stay in bed.


as long as 〜, so long as 〜(〜しさえすれば)

物事に対して「前提条件」を表わします。ニュアンスは「取り敢えず〜すれば」です。"as long as"と"so long as"はほぼ同じ意味。

"as long as 〜"と"so long as 〜"は通例、「仮定法」では使いません。

【英訳】:We can prevent global warming as long as we reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide.
【英訳】:We can prevent global warming so long as we reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide.


only if 〜(〜の場合のみ)


"provided that, providing that"とほぼ同じ意味です→【参照】:『【条件】を表わす接続詞:provided that 〜, providing that 〜(〜という条件なら)

"only if 〜"は通例、「仮定法」では使いません。

【英訳】:You can access this website only if your age is 18 or more.

強調のため"only if 〜"を文頭に置くと、"only if 〜"に続く節で倒置を使うことがあります。やや堅苦しい表現です。

【英訳】:Only if your age is 18 or more can you access this website.
(= You can access this website only if your age is 18 or more.)

よく似た表現の"if only"は「最低限の希望」を表わします→【参照】:『【条件、仮定】を表わす接続詞:if only 〜(〜でありさえすれば、〜でありさえすればよかったのだが)


on condition that 〜(〜という条件なら)


"provided that, providing that"とほぼ同じ意味です→【参照】:『【条件】を表わす接続詞:provided that 〜, providing that 〜(〜という条件なら)

"on codition that 〜"は通例、「仮定法」では使いません。

【英訳】:You will win the game on condition that you play as usual.
【英訳】:You will win the game on condition you play as usual.


provided that 〜, providing that 〜(〜という条件なら)


"only if"とほぼ同じ意味です→【参照】:『【条件】を表わす接続詞:only if 〜:「〜の場合のみ」

"provided that 〜"と"providing that 〜"はほぼ同じ意味。"that"は省略可能。二つとも通例、「仮定法」では使いません。

【英訳】:We can observe the lunar eclipse provided that the weather is clear at night.
【英訳】:We can observe the lunar eclipse provided the weather is clear at night.
【英訳】:We can observe the lunar eclipse providing that the weather is clear at night.
【英訳】:We can observe the lunar eclipse providing the weather is clear at night.


given that 〜(〜であることを考慮すると)


"given that 〜"は通例、「仮定法」では使いません。

【英訳】:Given that current economy is bad, the increase in unemployment may not be avoided.


granted that 〜, granting that 〜(仮に〜だとしても)


"even if"とほぼ同じ意味です→【参照】:『【条件、仮定】を表わす接続詞:even if 〜(たとえ〜だとしても、たとえ〜だったとしても)

"granted that 〜"と"granting that 〜"はほぼ同じ意味。"that"は省略可能。二つとも通例、「仮定法」では使いません。

【英訳】:Granted that the men aren't involved in the cash robbery case, it is suspicious that they were carrying a billion yen.
【英訳】:Granted the men aren't involved in the cash robbery case, it is suspicious that they were carrying a billion yen.
【英訳】:Granting that the men aren't involved in the cash robbery case, it is suspicious that they were carrying a billion yen.
【英訳】:Granting the men aren't involved in the cash robbery case, it is suspicious that they were carrying a billion yen.


in case 〜(この先〜する場合に備えて)

物事に対する「準備、備え」を表わします。ニュアンスは「〜するといけないので」です。"in case"節は「これから起こる出来事」を表わします。似た表現の"in case of 〜"は単純な「条件」を表わします→【参照】:『【条件】を表わす接続詞:in case of 〜(〜の場合)

"in case 〜"は通例、「仮定法」では使いません。

【英訳】:We should know where the nearest designated evacuation site is in case disasters occur.


【英訳】:We had several spare batteries in case the flashlight went dead.

「これから起こる出来事」の可能性が低い場合は、助動詞の"should"や"might", "happen to 〜", "should happen to 〜"を使います。

【英訳】:I'll find some place to stay in case my flight should be canceled.
【英訳】:I'll find some place to stay in case my flight happen to be canceled.
【英訳】:I'll find some place to stay in case my flight might be canceled.
【英訳】:I'll find some place to stay in case my flight should happen to be canceled.
→"should, might, happen to 〜, should happen to 〜"は起こる可能性が低いことを表わす


in case of 〜(〜の場合)

単純に何かが起こったらという「条件」を表わします。似た表現の"in case 〜"は物事に対する「準備、備え」を表わします→【参照】:『in case 〜(この先〜する場合に備えて)

"in case of 〜"は通例、「仮定法」では使いません。

【英訳】:In case of accident call 110.
(= If there is an accident call 110)

【英訳】:In case of unusual noise, stop the vehicle immediately.
(= If there is unusual noise, stop the vehicle immediately.)

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【条件、仮定】:条件でも仮定法でも使える表現 先頭へ




# 条 件……条件さえクリアすればありうる話(もし〜なら、もし〜すると)
# 仮定法……完全にありえない話(もし〜だったら、仮に〜だったとしたら)



if 〜(もし〜ならば、もし〜だったとしたら)

"if 〜"は「仮定法」「条件」の両方で使えます。

if 〜(もし〜ならば)【条件】


【英訳】:If you become sick, please call to the driver.

if 〜(もし〜だったなら)【仮定法】


【英訳】:If all the computers started to rebel against us, civilizations would collapse.


even if 〜(たとえ〜だとしても、たとえ〜だったとしても)

"evne if 〜"は「仮定法」「条件」の両方で使えます。

even if 〜(たとえ〜だとしても)【条件】


【条件】の"evne if"は"granted that 〜, granting that 〜"とほぼ同じ意味です→【参照】:『granted that 〜, granting that 〜(仮に〜だとしても)

【英訳】:I will go to Tokyo even if my parents object.

even if 〜(たとえ〜だったとしても〜)【仮定法】


【英訳】:I would not sell this painting even if you gave me a hundred million yen.

【英訳】:Even if the president had resigned, a coup would certainly have broken out.


as if 〜, as though 〜(まるで〜のように、あたかも〜のように)

"as if 〜, as though 〜"は「仮定法」でも「仮定法」でなくても使えます。"as if"と"as though"はほぼ同じ意味。

as if 〜, as though 〜(まるで〜のように)【事実】


【英訳】:This sloth doesn't move at all as if it is a stuffed animal.
【英訳】:This sloth doesn't move at all as though it is a stuffed animal.

as if 〜, as though 〜(あたかも〜のように)【仮定法】


【英訳】:This sloth doesn't move at all as if it were dead.
【英訳】:This sloth doesn't move at all as though it were dead.

【英訳】:The sloth didn't move at all as if it had been dead.


if only 〜(〜でありさえすれば、〜でありさえすればよかったのだが)

"if only〜"は「仮定法」「条件」の両方で使えます。

よく似た表現の"only if"は「絶対に必要な条件」を表わします→【参照】:『【条件】を表わす接続詞:only if 〜(〜の場合のみ)

if only 〜(〜でありさえすれば)【条件】


【英訳】:If only the rain will stop, the game resumes.

if only 〜(〜でありさえすればによかったのだが)【仮定法】


【英訳】:If only the rain had stopped, the game would have resumed.


suppose 〜, supposing 〜(もし〜なら、もし〜だったとしたら)

"suppose 〜, supposing 〜"はよく"what"などの疑問詞を使う疑問文を後ろに置いて「もし〜だとしたらどうしますか」という疑問のニュアンスを表わします。

"suppose 〜, supposing 〜"は「仮定法」「条件」の両方で使えます。"suppose 〜"と"supposing 〜"はほぼ同じ意味。

suppose 〜, supposing 〜(もし〜なら)【条件】


【英訳】:Suppose you get infected with the new type flu virus, what will you do?
【英訳】:Supposing you get infected with the new type flu virus, what will you do?

suppose 〜, supposing 〜(もし〜だとしたら)【仮定法】


【英訳】:Suppose you got infected with the new type flu virus, what would you do?
【英訳】:Supposing you got infected with the new type flu virus, what would you do?


imagine that 〜(〜だと想像してごらん)

"imagine that 〜"は「仮定法」「条件」の両方で使えます。

"imagine that"を文頭に置いて命令文の形で使い、ニュアンスは「〜という状況を想像してごらん。すると…」です。"imagine that 〜"はよく"what"などの疑問詞を使う疑問文を後ろに置いて「もし〜だとしたらどうしますか」という疑問のニュアンスを表わします。

imagine that 〜(〜だと想像してごらん)【条件】


【英訳】:Imagine that all polar ice cap melt. What will happen to your town?

imagine that 〜(仮に〜だと想像してごらん)【仮定法】


【英訳】:Imagine that all polar ice cap melted. What might happen to your town?


say 〜, let's say 〜(もし〜ならば、もし〜だとしたら)

"say 〜, let's say 〜"は「仮定法」「条件」の両方で使えます。"that"を付けて"say that 〜, let's say that 〜"も可能です。

"say 〜, let's say 〜"を文頭に置いて命令文の形で使い、ニュアンスは「〜という状況を考えてごらん。すると…」です。"say 〜, let's say 〜"はよく"what"などの疑問詞を使う疑問文を後ろに置いて「もし〜だとしたらどうしますか」という疑問のニュアンスを表わします。

"say 〜, let's say 〜"は接続詞として【例示、例解】(たとえば〜)の意味を表わすことがあります→【参照】:『【例示、例解】を表わす接続詞:say, let's say(たとえば)


say 〜, let's say 〜(もし〜ならば)【条件】


【英訳】:Say you see a person looking around with a map, what will you do?
【英訳】:Let's say you see a person looking around with a map, what will you do?

say 〜, let's say 〜(もし〜だとしたら)【仮定法】


【英訳】:Say robots did all our job, what should we do?
【英訳】:Let's say robots did all our job, what should we do?


otherwise 〜(さもないと〜だろう)


ニュアンスは、前の節を受けて「〜である。さもないと〜になってしまうぞ」「〜である。さもないと〜になっていたぞ」です。"if not"や"or"を使ってほぼ同じ意味を表わすことができます→【参照】:『【条件、仮定】を表わす接続詞:or 〜(さもないと〜だろう)


# 〜, otherwise …(〜である。さもないと…だろう) = If not 〜, …(もし〜でないなら、…だろう)
# 〜. Otherwise …(〜である。さもないと…だろう) = If not 〜, …(もし〜でないなら、…だろう)
# 〜; otherwise …(〜である。さもないと…だろう) = If not 〜, …(もし〜でないなら、…だろう)

"otherwise 〜"は「仮定法」「条件」の両方で使えます。

otherwise 〜(さもないと〜だろう)【条件】

【英訳】:Put on a light when you read books, otherwise your eyes will get tired.
【英訳】:Put on a light when you read books. Otherwise your eyes will get tired.
【英訳】:Put on a light when you read books; otherwise your eyes will get tired.
(= If you don't put on a light when you read books, your eyes will get tired.)
(= もし本を読むなら明りを点けないと、目が疲れるよ)

"or"もほぼ同じ意味を表わします→【参照】:『【条件、仮定】を表わす接続詞:or 〜(さもないと〜だろう)

【英訳】:Put on a light when you read books, or your eyes will get tired.

otherwise 〜(さもないと〜だろう)【仮定法】

【英訳】:All windows of the car were bulletproof, otherwise the president would have been assassinated.
【英訳】:All windows of the car were bulletproof. Otherwise the president would have been assassinated.
【英訳】:All windows of the car were bulletproof; otherwise the president would have been assassinated.
(= If all windows of the car had not been bulletproof, the president would have been assassinated.)
(= もし車のウインドウが防弾ではなかったら、大統領は暗殺されていただろう)

"or"もほぼ同じ意味を表わします→【参照】:『【条件、仮定】を表わす接続詞:or 〜(さもないと〜だろう)

【英訳】:All windows of the car were bulletproof, or the president would have been assassinated.


or 〜(さもないと〜だろう)


ニュアンスは、前の節を受けて「〜しなさい。さもないと〜になってしまうぞ」「〜である。さもないと〜になっていたぞ」です。"if not"や"otherwise"を使ってほぼ同じ意味を表わすことができます→【参照】:『【条件、仮定】を表わす接続詞:otherwise 〜(さもないと〜だろう)

「さもないと〜だろう」の意味の"or"は"or else"の形で使うこともあります。

# 〜, or …(〜しなさい。さもないと…だろう) = If not 〜, …(もし〜でないなら、…だろう)
# 〜, or else …(〜しなさい。さもないと…だろう) = If not 〜, …(もし〜でないなら、…だろう)

"or 〜"は「仮定法」「条件」の両方で使えます。

or 〜(さもないと〜だろう)【条件】

【英訳】:Now eat quickly, or you'll be late for school.
【英訳】:Now eat quickly, or else you'll be late for school.
(= If you don't eat quickly, you'll be late for school.)
(= 早く食べないと学校に遅れるよ)

"otherwise"もほぼ同じ意味を表わします→【参照】:『【条件、仮定】を表わす接続詞:otherwise 〜(さもないと〜だろう)

【英訳】:Now eat quickly, otherwise you'll be late for school.

or 〜(さもないと〜だろう)【仮定法】

【英訳】:The river has recovered from pollution, or we couldn't see such a number of fireflies around it.
【英訳】:The river has recovered from pollution, or else we couldn't see such a number of fireflies around it.
(= If the river didn't recover from pollution, we couldn't see such a number of fireflies around it.)
(= 川がきれいになっていなかったら、川辺でこんなにもたくさんのホタルを見ることはできない)

"otherwise"もほぼ同じ意味を表わします→【参照】:『【条件、仮定】を表わす接続詞:otherwise 〜(さもないと〜だろう)

【英訳】:The river has recovered from pollution, otherwies we couldn't see such a number of fireflies around it.

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【譲歩、妥協】:「けれど、だけど」 先頭へ



whoever 〜, no matter who 〜(誰が〜にせよ、誰を〜にせよ)

"whoever"と"no matter who"が二つの文をつなぎ、接続詞の機能を果たすことがあります。たいてい、「その人が誰であろうと」という「譲歩、妥協」のニュアンスを表わします。


【英訳】:I'll applaud every player whoever wins the first prize.
【英訳】:I'll applaud every player whoever may win the first prize.
【英訳】:I'll applaud every player no matter who wins the first prize.

【英訳】:Whoever we select, various economic and political problems will not be soon solved.
【英訳】:No matter who we select, various economic and political problems will not be soon solved.

"whoever"は関係代名詞として使うこともできます→【参照】:『関係代名詞"〜ever"……"whoever, whomever"


whomever 〜, no matter whom 〜(誰に〜にせよ、誰を〜にせよ)

"whomever"と"no matter whom"が二つの文をつなぎ、接続詞の機能を果たすことがあります。たいてい、「その人が誰であろうと」という「譲歩、妥協」のニュアンスを表わします。

二つとも現代ではあまり使いません。代わりに、"whoever"と"no matter who 〜"を使います。

【 △ 】:Whomever you speak to, you must look him or her in the eyes.
【 ○ 】:Whoever you speak to, you must look him or her in the eyes.
【 △ 】:No matter whom you speak to, you must look him or her in the eyes.
【 ○ 】:No matter who you speak to, you must look him or her in the eyes.

"whomever"は関係代名詞として使うこともできます→【参照】:『関係代名詞"〜ever"……"whomever, whommever"


whatever 〜, no matter what 〜(どんなことが〜でも、どんなことを〜でも)

"whatever"と"no matter what"が二つの文をつなぎ、接続詞の機能を果たすことがあります。たいてい、「物が何であろうと」という「譲歩、妥協」のニュアンスを表わします。


【英訳】:Nobody believe you whatever you say.
【英訳】:Nobody believe you whatever you may say.
【英訳】:Nobody believe you no matter what you say.

【英訳】:Whatever the latest music trend is, I love heavy metal.
【英訳】:Whatever the latest music trend may be, I love heavy metal.
【英訳】:No matter what the latest music trend is, I love heavy metal.

「whatever + 主語 + be動詞」や「no matter + 主語 + be動詞」の場合、be動詞を省略することがあります。

【英訳】:Whatever the weather is, the outdoor practical training is not canceled.
【英訳】:Whatever the weather, the outdoor practical training is not canceled.
【英訳】:No matter what the weather is, the outdoor practical training is not canceled.
【英訳】:No matter what the weather, the outdoor practical training is not canceled.

【英訳】:Whatever the circumstances are, a captain is supposed to keep his cool and lead the team.
【英訳】:Whatever the circumstances, a captain is supposed to keep his cool and lead the team.
【英訳】:No matter what the circumstances are, a captain is supposed to keep his cool and lead the team.
【英訳】:No matter what the circumstances, a captain is supposed to keep his cool and lead the team.



whichever 〜, no matter which 〜(どちらの〜でも、どの〜でも)

"whichever"と"no matter which"が二つの文をつなぎ、接続詞の機能を果たすことがあります。たいてい、「いずれにしても、どちらにしても」という「譲歩、妥協」のニュアンスを表わします。

【英訳】:Whichever direction you look at this picture from, the man in the picture glares at you.
【英訳】:No matter which direction you look at this picture from, the man in the picture glares at you.



wherever 〜, no matter where 〜(どこへ〜しようとも、どこで〜しようとも)

"wherever"と"no matter where"が二つの文をつなぎ、接続詞の機能を果たすことがあります。たいてい、「場所がどこであろうと」という「譲歩、妥協」のニュアンスを表わします。


【英訳】:You must have your passport on you wherever you go.
【英訳】:You must have your passport on you wherever you may go.
【英訳】:You must have your passport on you no matter where you go.


whenever 〜, no matter when 〜(いつ〜するとしても、どんな時に〜しても)

"whenever"と"no matter when"が二つの文をつなぎ、接続詞の機能を果たすことがあります。たいてい、「時間がいつであろうと」という「譲歩、妥協」のニュアンスを表わします。


【英訳】:I get stuck in a jam whenever I drive through the bypass.
【英訳】:I get stuck in a jam whenever I may drive through the bypass.
【英訳】:I get stuck in a jam no matter when I drive through the bypass.



however 〜, no matter how 〜(どんなに〜でも)

"however"と"no matter how"が二つの文をつなぎ、接続詞の機能を果たすことがあります。たいてい、「程度がどの辺であろうと、様子がどうであろうと」という「譲歩、妥協」のニュアンスを表わします。


【英訳】:I don't want to eat seafood however hungry I am.
【英訳】:I don't want to eat seafood however hungry I may be.
【英訳】:I don't want to eat seafood no matter how hungry I am.

【英訳】:However many times I am defeated, I never give up.
【英訳】:However many times I may be defeated, I never give up.
【英訳】:No matter how many times I am defeated, I never give up.

"however"には【逆接、反対】の意味もあります→【参照】:『【逆接、反対】を表わす接続詞:however, nevertheless, nonetheless(けれども)
