「dream + 同格のthat」
dream 1 noun
a dream about something
a dream that
1. the pictures that you see in your mind when you are asleep
had a dream about my dog last night.
After the accident, he had bad dreams (= unpleasant or frightening dreams ).
She often had a dream that someone was following her.
2. something that you want, or that you hope will happen
It was her dream to travel around the world.
a series of events or images that happen in your mind when you are sleeping:
a good/bad dream
a recurring dream
I had a very odd dream about you last night.
[+ that] Paul had a dream that he won the lottery.
2. to have a dream
to imagine something while your are asleep:
I had a dream that I was falling off a cliff.
1. 夢
She had a vivid dream that her bady had been born. 彼女はまざまざと子供が生まれた夢を見た
nouns used with reported clauses
7.84 There are mamy nouns, such as'statement', 'advice', and 'opinion', which refer to what someon says or thinks. Many of the nonus used in this way are related to reporting verbs. For example, 'information' is related to 'inform', and 'decision' is related to 'decide'. These nouns can usually followd by a reported clause beginning with 'that'.
Her referred to Copernicus' statement that the earth moves around the sun.
He expressed the opinion that Kitchener should be made War Minister.
There was little hope that he would survive.
Here is a list of nouns which have related reporting verbs and which can be used with 'that'-clauses:
admission, advice, agreement, announcement, answer, argument, assertion, assumption, belief, claim, conclusion, decision, dream, expectation, explanation, feeling, guess, hope, information, knowledge, promise, reply, report, response, rule, rumour, saying, sense, statement, thought, threat, understanding, warning, wish
この文献には同格のthatが使える名詞をリストアップしています。名詞の"dream"もリストに含めています。この文献では同格のthatが使える名詞を"nouns which have related reporting verbs and which can be used with 'that'-clauses"と表現しています。
【回答】:使えます。"and, but, because"などの意味を表わすことがあります。
Colon コロン(:)
(2) 同じような構文の節が連なる場合に用いる。「対照」を表わすと言ってもよい。(例) God is in his heaven: All's right with the wrold.(神は天にあり、世々はすべて事もなし)[and; but; forなどの接続詞の意味を含む場合が多い] / He alone loves me: him alone can I trust.(彼のみが私を愛する、そして彼だけを私は信ずることができる) / Speech is silvern: silence is golden.《諺》(弁舌は銀、沈黙は金)
Colon コロン(:)
(7) 接続詞を用いないで理由・原因・結果などを示す場合。(例) Strive above all things to preserve health: There is no happnines in life without it.(何よりも健康を保つよう努めなさい。健康でなくては人生に幸福はないから)[理由] / He is inflatuated: to reason with him is vain.(彼は有頂天になっている。(それで)言い聞かせようとしても無駄だ)[結果]
句読法 (Punctuation)について
III. コロン(:)の使い方
1. コロンは、セミコロンと同じく接続詞の代わりに用いられる。その暗示する意味は「すなわち」、「つまり」の意で、次にすでに述べた内容を具体的に説明する場合に一般的に用いられる。
He has at last declared himself: he is on their side.(彼はようやく、思っていることをはっきりと言明した。すなわち彼は彼らの味方であると。)
One of them was the finest-looking young man I had ever seen: he was six feet tall; his face was perfect.(そのうちの一人は、今までお目にかかったこともないような立派な顔立ちの青年だった。つまり背は6フィートほどあり、彼の顔といったら全く申し分のない顔だった。)
I come to the root of the matter, the reason for my starting a diary: it is that I have no such real-friend.(私がなぜ日記をつけ始めるのかという事の本質に迫るわけです。すなわち、それは私にはそのような実在の友人がいないということなのです。)
I don't think there is a danger of falling between two stools: the very nature of my profession prevents it.(どっちつかずになるという危惧はないと思います。つまりそれは私の職業そのものの性質からして、そうありえないというわけです。)
I could think of only one word to describe him : cad.(あいつに適切な言葉といえば、一つしか思いつかない。つまり下司(げす)野郎だ。)
16. 理由を述べてつなぐ
1. コロン(:)
1. I got terribly wet: I didn't have my umbrella with me.(ひどく濡れた。というのはカサを持っていなかったから)
2. Danger: falling rocks.(危険。落石あり)
The colon is used to introduce a list, a quotation or an explanation:
e.g. I used three colours: green, blue, and pink.
e.g. He received a telegram which read: "Return home."
e.g. I like the room: it it light and airy.
2. The respective roles of semi-colon and colon are shown by the following example punctuated in two ways: It was a beautiful day; we played cricket on the green / It was a beautiful day: we played cricket on the green. In the first version, the two statements about the weather and playing cricket are equally balanced and might alternatively be separated by and or written as two distinct sentences separated by a full stop. In the second version, the colon makes the second statement much more explicitly a consequence of the first.
With Phrases and Clauses
1. A colon introduces a clause or phrase that explains, illustrates, amplifies, or restates what has gone before.
An umbrella is a foolish extravagance: if you don't leave it in the first restaurant, a gust of wind will destroy it on the way home.
Dawn was breaking: the distant peaks were already glowing with the sun's first rays.
to separate two parts of a sentence where the first leads on to the second:
And that is the end of the poor man's hopes: there is no return to eligibility.
8《英略式》[動詞の目的語となる節を導いて;it is+形容詞+how節で] …(する)ということ《◆(1) thatに相当し接続詞とみることもできる. (2) 通例動詞はsay,talk,tell,rememberなど. (3) 通例形容詞はfunny,odd,strangeなど》‖He told us 〜 she had arrived at the end of the party. 彼女はパーティーの終る時に着いたと彼は私たちに話してくれた(=He said to us, "She (has) arrived at the ...").
9. [口語]〜ということ(= that) (純然たる接続詞と見ることもできる). ― He told me how it was wrong to steal. 彼は盗みは悪いと言った (how wrong it was to stealならば「程度を表わす副詞」の用法)
〜ということ(that): He told me how he had once been a wealthy man. 自分はかつては財産家だったのだと彼は私に言った
2 (略式)(接続詞のthatと同じに用いて)〜ということ
He told me how he had seen it on TV. 彼はそれをテレビで見たと私に話してくれた
B [関係副詞]
1 [名詞節を導いて]〜である次第:
That is how (= the way) it happened. このようにして事は起ったのです / She told me how (= that) she had read it in the magazine. 雑誌で読んだのだとわたしに告げた.★間接話法でhowをthatのように用いるこの用法は文語的または非標準的
B 関係副詞
1 [名詞節を導いて]
b [tell, seeなどに続く節を導いて]〜であること(that):
She told me how her mistress had disappeared in the night. 奥さんが夜のうちにいなくなったと私に言った.★この古風な語法を口語に用いるのは非標準的とする人が多い)
5 the fact that (something happened, somebody did something etc):
Do you remember how we used to enjoy a game of football after school?
You know how she can fall asleep wherever she is.
1 introducing a clause after asking or telling verbs, etc:
b that: She kept telling me how nobody understood her.
2. That: told them how he had a wife and family to support.
2 that <reminded me how they had places to go>
conjunction (15c)
1 b: THAT <told them how he had a situation ― Charles Dickens>
1.b that <told them how he had a situation ― Charles Dickens>
6 (old use, in indirect speech) that.
He told me how (= that) he had read about it in the papers.