名詞 冠詞 代名詞 動詞 be動詞 助動詞
形容詞 副詞 前置詞 接続詞 間投詞
関係代名詞 関係副詞
to不定詞 動名詞 分詞
句読点 接頭辞と接尾辞 疑問詞
時制 仮定法 能動態と受動態
会話の表現 比較の表現
文の種類 付加疑問文
there構文 強調構文 同格のthat
have+目的語+動詞 get+目的語+動詞
挿入句 語順 倒置




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「関係副詞」って何だっけ? 先頭へ



【例文】:This is the island where hundreds of wild deer live.


話し手は"the island"(島)がどういうものかもっとくわしく説明するため、"where"以下を付け加えています。

通例、 "where, when, why, how, that" の五つを《関係副詞》として使います。

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関係副詞は文が二つあるの? 先頭へ



【例文】:This is a good occasion when you can change yourself.

"This is a good occasion."(これはいい機会です)で一つの文です。この"occasion"について、"You can change yourself on the occasion"(この機会に自分自身を変えることができる)という文の説明を付け加えるとき、《関係副詞》を使います。


【例文】:This is a good occasion.(これはいい機会です)
【例文】:You can change yourself on the occasion.(この機会に自分自身を変えることができる)
【英訳】:This is a good occasion when you can change yourself.

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関係副詞の使い方 先頭へ



【例文1】:I still remember the day.
【例文2】:On the day, you first talked to me.

  1. I still remember the day. On the day, you first talked to me.
    ↓……二つの文で"the day"が共通なので、二つ目の文の"On the day"を"when"にする
  2. I still remember the day. When you first talked to me.
    ↓……一つ目の文の"the day"(先行詞)に"When 〜 me."をつなげる
  3. I still remember the day when you first talked to me.

"when"は副詞句("on the day")を言い換えたので副詞として機能します。さらに、"when"は二つの文をつなげてお互いに「関係」を持たせたので、副詞のなかでも特別に《関係副詞》と呼びます。

名詞の代役となる関係代名詞と異なり、《関係副詞》はたいてい「前置詞 + 名詞」の代役です。上の例文の場合、《関係副詞》の"when"は、"the day"(その日)ではなく、"on the day"(その日)の言い換えです。

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関係副詞の和訳がやりにくい 先頭へ



【例文】:Louvre is the museum where we appreciate some works of Leonardo da Vinci.



【例文】:Louvre is the museum where we appreciate some works of Leonardo da Vinci.


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関係代名詞とどう違うの 先頭へ



【例文1】:This is the island where hundreds of wild deer live.
【例文2】:This is the island which is famous for hundreds of wild deer.


  • This is the island where hundreds of wild deer live.
  • This is the island.(これは島だ)
  • Hundreds of wild deer live in the island.(その島には何百匹もの野生のシカが住み着いている)

"in the island"を言い換えたものが《関係副詞》"where"。"in the island"は動詞の"live"を補足説明して「その島には」の意味なので副詞句です。"in the island"の言い換えの"where"も同じく副詞として機能します。

  • This is the island which is famous for hundreds of wild deer.
  • This is the island.(これは島だ)
  • The island is famous for hundreds of wild deer.(この島は何百匹もの野生のシカで有名だ)

"the island"を言い換えたものが関係代名詞"which"。"the island"の意味は「この島は」なので名詞句です。"the island"の言い換えなので"which"は代名詞として機能します。

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関係副詞"where" 先頭へ


"where"は《関係副詞》として働き、二つの文をつなげます。《関係副詞》の"where"は「場所を表わす前置詞(at, in, on, etc) + which」とほぼ同じ意味です。

# 関係副詞"where" = at which, in which, on which, etc

【例文】:The fire brigade rushed to the building where a fire had broke out.
(= The fire brigade rushed to the building at which a fire had broke out.)


【例文1】:The fire brigade rushed to the building.
【例文2】:A fire broke out at the building.

  1. The fire brigade rushed to the building. A fire broke out at the building.
    ↓……二つの文で"the building"が共通なので、二つ目の文の"the building"を"which"にする
  2. The fire brigade rushed to the building. A fire broke out at which.
    ↓……"at which"を文の先頭に置く
  3. The fire brigade rushed to the building. At which a fire broke out.
    ↓……一つ目の文の"the building"(先行詞)に"At which 〜 out."をつなげる
  4. The fire brigade rushed to the building at which a fire broke out.
    ↓……"at which"を"where"に置き換える
  5. The fire brigade rushed to the building where a fire broke out.
  6. The fire brigade rushed to the building where a fire had broken out.
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関係副詞"when" 先頭へ


"when"は《関係副詞》として働き、二つの文をつなげます。《関係副詞》の"when"は「時を表わす前置詞(at, in, on, etc) + which」とほぼ同じ意味です。

# 関係副詞"when" = at which, in which, on which, etc

【例文】:I remember the day when a human being first landed on the moon.
(= I remember the day on which a human being first landed on the moon.)


【例文1】:I remember the day.
【例文2】:A human being first landed on the moon on the day.

  1. I remember the day. A human being first landed on the moon on the day.
    ↓……二つの文で"the day"が共通なので、二つ目の文の"the day"を"which"にする
  2. I remember the day. A human being first landed on the moon on which.
    ↓……"on which"を文の先頭に置く
  3. I remember the day. On which a human being first landed on the moon.
    ↓……一つ目の文の"the day"(先行詞)に"On which 〜 Moon."をつなげる
  4. I remember the day on which a human being first landed on the moon.
    ↓……"on which"を"when"に置き換える
  5. I remember the day when a human being first landed on the moon.
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関係副詞"why" 先頭へ


"why"は《関係副詞》として働き、二つの文をつなげます。《関係副詞》の"why"は"for which"とほぼ同じ意味です。

《関係副詞》"why"の先行詞は"the reason"で固定です。なので、たいてい"the reason why 〜"の形で使います。

# 関係副詞"why" = for which

【例文】:Nobody knows the reason why the Prime Minister abruptly resigned.
(= Nobody knows the reason for which the Prime Minister abruptly resigned.)


【例文1】:Nobody knows the reason.
【例文2】:The Prime Minister abruptly resigned for the reason.

  1. Nobody knows the reason. The Prime Minister abruptly resigned for the reason.
    ↓……二つの文で"the reason"が共通なので、二つ目の文の"the reason"を"which"にする
  2. Nobody knows the reason. The Prime Minister abruptly resigned for which.
    ↓……"for which"を文の先頭に置く
  3. Nobody knows the reason. For which the Prime Minister abruptly resigned.
    ↓……一つ目の文の"the reason"(先行詞)に"For which 〜 resigned."をつなげる
  4. Nobody knows the reason for which the Prime Minister abruptly resigned.
    ↓……"for which"を"why"に置き換える
    Nobody knows the reason why the Prime Minister abruptly resigned.
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関係副詞"how" 先頭へ


"how"は《関係副詞》として働き、二つの文をつなげます。《関係副詞》の"how"は"in which"とほぼ同じ意味です。

《関係副詞》"how"の先行詞は"the way"で固定です。ただし、"the way"は常に省略します。ただし、《関係副詞》howの意味を"in which"で表わす場合は、先行詞の"the way"を使います→【参照】:『関係副詞の先行詞の省略: how

# 関係副詞"how" = in which

【 × 】:I don't know the way how I got home yesterday.
→"the way how 〜"は不自然
【 ○ 】:I don't know how I got home yesterday.
(= I don't know the way in which I got home yesterday.)
→"the way in which 〜"はOK


【例文1】:I don't know the way.
【例文2】:I got home yesterday in the way.

  1. I don't know the way. I got home yesterday in the way.
    ↓……二つの文で"the way"が共通なので、二つ目の文の"the way"を"which"にする
  2. I don't know the way. I got home yesterday in which.
    ↓……"in which"を文の先頭に置く
  3. I don't know the way. In which I got home yesterday.
    ↓……一つ目の文の"the way"(先行詞)に"In which 〜 yesterday."をつなげる
  4. I don't know the way in which I got home yesterday.
    ↓……"in which"を"how"に置き換えて"the way"を省略する
  5. I don't know how I got home yesterday.
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関係副詞"that" 先頭へ



"that"は《関係副詞》"where, when, why, how"の代用として使えます。

つまり、"that"は単独で「前置詞 + 関係代名詞」の意味を表わすことができます。ただし、"that"を使うときはたいてい"that"自体を省略します。《関係副詞》として使う"that"は多少くだけた表現になります。英作文では、"where, when, why, how"を使うほうが無難です。


"that" = "where"の場合


# 先行詞が"place"のときは"where" = "that"

【英訳】:This is the place where we take shelter in case of disaster.
(= This is the place in which we take shelter in case of disaster.)
【英訳】:This is the place that we take shelter in case of disaster.[※ややくだけた言い方]
【英訳】:This is the place we take shelter in case of disaster.[※ややくだけた言い方]


【例文1】:This is the place.
【例文2】:We take shelter in the place in case of disaster.

関係副詞that( =where)で二つの文をつなげる手順
  1. This is the place. We take shelter in the place in case of disaster.
    ↓……二つの文で"the place"が共通なので、二つ目の文の"the place"を"which"にする
  2. This is the place. We take shelter in which in case of disaster.
    ↓……"in which"を文の先頭に置く
  3. This is the place. In which we take shelter in case of disaster.
    ↓……一つ目の文の"the place"(先行詞)に"We 〜 disaster."をつなげる
  4. This is the place in which we take shelter in case of disaster.
    ↓……"in which"を"that"に置き換える
  5. This is the place that we take shelter in case of disaster.
    (= This is the place where we take shelter in case of disaster)

"that" = "when"の場合


【英訳】:I hope there will be an era when poverty and disparity have disappeared.
(= I hope there will be an era in which poverty and disparity have disappeared.)
【英訳】:I hope there will be an era that poverty and disparity have disappeared.[※ややくだけた言い方]
【英訳】:I hope there will be an era poverty and disparity have disappeared.[※ややくだけた言い方]


【例文1】:I hope there will be an era.
【例文2】:In the era poverty and disparity have disappeared.

関係副詞that(= when)で二つの文をつなげる手順
  1. I hope there will be an era. In the era poverty and disparity have disappeared.
    ↓……二つの文で"ear"が共通なので、二つ目の文の"the era"を"which"にする
  2. I hope there will be an era. In which poverty and disparity have disappeared.
    ↓……一つ目の文の"era"(先行詞)に"In which 〜 disappeared."をつなげる
  3. I hope there will be an era in which poverty and disparity have disappeared.
    ↓……"in which"を"that"に置き換える
  4. I hope there will be an era that poverty and disparity have disappeared.
    (= I hope there will be an era when poverty and disparity have disappeared.)

"that" = "why"の場合


【英訳】:Tell me the reason why you were absent from school yesterday.
(= Tell me the reason for which you were absent from school yesterday.)
【英訳】:Tell me the reason that you were absent from school yesterday.[※ややくだけた言い方]
【英訳】:Tell me the reason you were absent from school yesterday.[※ややくだけた言い方]


【例文1】:Tell me the reason.
【例文2】:You were absent from school yesterday for the reason.

関係副詞that(= why)で二つの文をつなげる手順
  1. Tell me the reason. You were absent from school yesterday for the reason.
    ↓……二つの文で"the reason"が共通なので、二つ目の文の"the reason"を"which"にする
  2. Tell me the reason. You were absent from school yesterday for which.
    ↓……"for which"を文の先頭に置く
  3. Tell me the reason. For which you were absent from school yesterday.
    ↓……一つ目の文の"the reason"(先行詞)に"For which 〜 yesterday."をつなげる
  4. Tell me the reason for which you were absent from school yesterday.
    ↓……"for which"を"that"に置き換える
  5. Tell me the reason that you were absent from school yesterday.
    (= Tell me the reason why you were absent from school yesterday.)

"that" = "how"の場合


"how"の場合、先行詞の"the way"は必ず省略して"how"単独で使います。"the way"を付けるとかえって不自然。逆に、"that"を使うときは、先行詞を必ず入れて"the way that 〜"とします→【参照】:『関係副詞の""how"

【英訳】:The police seem not to know how Lupin escaped from the jail.
(= The police seem not to know the way in which Lupin escaped from the jail.)
【英訳】:The police seem not to know the way that Lupin escaped from the jail.[※ややくだけた言い方]
【英訳】:The police seem not to know the way Lupin escaped from the jail.[※ややくだけた言い方]


【例文1】:The police seem not to know the way.
【例文2】:Lupin escaped from the jail in the way.

関係副詞that(= how)で二つの文をつなげる手順
  1. The police seem not to know the way. Lupin escaped from the jail in the way.
    ↓……二つの文で"the way"が共通なので、二つ目の文の"the way"を"which"に置き換える
  2. The police seem not to know the way. Lupin escaped from the jail in which.
    ↓……"in which"を文頭に置く
  3. The police seem not to know the way. In which Lupin escaped from the jail.
    ↓……一つ目の文の"the way"(先行詞)に"In which 〜 jail"をつなげる
  4. The police seem not to know the way in which Lupin escaped from the jail.
    ↓……"in which"を"that"に置き換える
  5. The police seem not to know the way that Lupin escaped from the jail.
    (= The police seem not to know how Lupin escaped from the jail.)
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先行詞 先頭へ




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「先行詞」って何だっけ? 先頭へ



【例文】:Louvre is the museum where we appreciate some works of Leonardo da Vinci.

"where"が《関係副詞》、"the museum"が先行詞です。《関係副詞》の前にあるから、つまり、「先行する」から先行詞

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先行詞と関係副詞の関係 先頭へ

関係副詞は「前置詞 + 先行詞」の言い換え


たいてい、「前置詞 + 先行詞」を言い換えたものが《関係副詞》です。つまり、意味的には、《関係副詞》は「前置詞 + 先行詞」と同じです。

# 意味的には「関係副詞」=「前置詞 + 先行詞」

実際に《関係副詞》を「前置詞 + 先行詞」に置き換えて、意味を比較してみます。

【例文1】:Louvre is the museum where we appreciate some works of Leonardo da Vinci.
↓……関係副詞"where"を前置詞 + 先行詞に言い換える
【例文2】:Louvre is the museum. In the museum we appreciate some works of Leonardo da Vinci.

【和訳1】と【和訳2】の意味は、ほぼ同じです。なので、和訳するときには、《関係副詞》を「前置詞 + 先行詞」に置き換えてみるとわかりやすくなります。【例文1】の場合、《関係副詞》"where"の意味を「そのルーブル美術館では」と考えます。

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数が限られる先行詞 先頭へ



  • where:place, area, country, house, situation, その他「場所や状況」に関する名詞
  • when:time, day, hour, moment, peirod, その他「時」に関する名詞
  • why:reason
  • how:(way)


【例文】:Nobody could assume the situation where these backup generators didn't work.
(= Nobody could assume the situation in which these backup generators didn't work.)

【例文】:They say that 3 am is the hour when even plants and trees are deeply asleep.
(= They say that 3 am is the hour in which even plants and trees are deeply asleep.)

【例文】:Scientists have not yet found out the reason why the soil liquefaction occurred.
(= Scientists have not yet found out the reason for which the soil liquefaction occurred.)

【例文】:In a factory the students observed and learned about (the way) how bread was made.
(= In a factory the students observed and learned about the way in which bread was made.)

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先行詞が遠い場合 先頭へ





【例文】:Earth might be the only planet in the universe where life exists.
(= Earth might be the only planet in the universe in which life exists.)
【 × 】:地球は生命が存在する宇宙の中で唯一の惑星かもしれない。
【 ○ 】:地球は宇宙の中で生命が存在する唯一の惑星かもしれない。




【例文】:Today few areas exist where water supply has been restored.
(= Today few areas where water supply has been restored exist.)
【 × 】:今日、ほとんどの地域は水道が復旧した場所を存在しない。
【 ○ 】:今日現在、水道が復旧した地域はほとんどありません。




おそらく、"Today few areas where water supply has been restored"とすると、主語が長くなり、英語としては不自然と感じられるようです。なので、"where"以下を文尾に置いて文のリズムを整えます。あるいは、"where water supply has been restored"を強調するために、あえて文尾に置くことも考えられます。

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先行詞を省略 先頭へ


《関係副詞》の"where, when, why, how"はしょっちゅう先行詞を省略します。特に、"how"は先行詞の"the way"を必ず省略して"how"単独で使います。




【英訳】:This is the place where we saw a UFO last night.
【英訳】:This is where we saw a UFO last night.
(= This is the place in which we saw a UFO last night.)
→"where"の前の先行詞"the place"は省略可能

"this is where"と来ると、何やら見慣れない構文で戸惑いがちですが、"this is the place where"の意味だとわかると解釈が楽になります。




【英訳】:I'll never forget the day when our first child was born.
【英訳】:I'll never forget when our first child was born.
(= I'll never forget the day in which our first child was born.)
→"when"の前の先行詞"the day"は省略可能

"forget when"と来ると、何やら見慣れない構文で戸惑いがちですが、"forget the day when"の意味だとわかると解釈が楽になります。


【英訳】:I'll never forget the day when our first child was born.)
【英訳】:I'll never forget the day our first child was born.
(= I'll never forget the day in which our first child was born.)




【英訳】:We must think about the reason why wars have occurred.
【英訳】:We must think about why wars have occurred.
(= We must think about the reason for which wars have occurred.)
→"why"の前の先行詞"the reason"は省略可能

"think about why"と来ると、何やら見慣れない構文で戸惑いがちですが、"think about the reason why"の意味だとわかると解釈が楽になります。

《関係副詞》の"why"の場合、先行詞の"the reason"を残して"why"自体を省略することもよくあります→【参照】:『関係副詞の省略

【英訳】:We must think about the reason why wars have occurred.)
【英訳】:We must think about the reason wars have occurred.
(= We must think about the reason for which wars have occurred.)



《関係副詞》の"how"の場合、先行詞の"the way"は必ず省略します。"the way"を付けるとかえって不自然です。ただし、《関係副詞》howの意味を《関係副詞》thatや"in which"で表わす場合は、先行詞の"the way"を使います。

【 × 】:We are researching the way how we decontaminate the areas affected by radiation.
【 ○ 】:We are researching how we decontaminate the areas affected by radiation.
(= We are researching the way in which we decontaminate the areas affected by radiation.)
(= We are researching the way that we decontaminate the areas affected by radiation.)
→"how"の前の先行詞"the way"は必ず省略する

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前にコンマ(,)がある関係副詞 先頭へ



【例文】:The rice field, where an eerie crack was found, is currently off-limits.[※コンマ(,)あり]


【例文】:The rice field where an eerie crack was found is currently off-limits.[※コンマ(,)なし]



# コンマ(,)あり……関係副詞節の補足説明が“すべてに”当てはまる
# コンマ(,)なし……関係副詞節の補足説明が“一部のみに”当てはまる

たとえば、先行詞が"rice field"(田んぼ)の場合、コンマ(,)ありだと「田んぼ」はすべて関係副詞節で補足説明するような「田んぼ」です。コンマ(,)なしだと、関係副詞節で補足説明するような「田んぼ」のほかに、そうでない「田んぼ」が別に存在することを暗示します。

【例文】:The rice field, where an eerie crack was found, is currently off-limits.[※コンマ(,)あり]

【例文】:The rice field where an eerie crack was found is currently off-limits.[※コンマ(,)なし]


英語では、"rice field"の後ろにコンマ(,)を付けると、「ほかには田んぼは存在しないこと」を暗示します。コンマ(,)なしだと「ほかに田んぼが存在すること」を暗示します。

唯一の存在は必ず「コンマ(,) + 関係副詞」


【 × 】:We climbed Mt. Fuji where we appreciated the first sunrise of the year.
【 ○ 】:We climbed Mt. Fuji, where we appreciated the first sunrise of the year.
(= We climbed Mt. Fuji, and there we appreciated the first sunrise of the year.)

コンマ(,)なしだと「富士山」が複数存在することになります。現実とは異なるので不可。「コンマ(,) + where」を使います。

【 × 】:I will visit you next week when I will have my own scooter.
【 ○ 】:I will visit you next week, when I will have my own scooter.
(= I will visit you next week, and then I will have my own scooter.)

コンマ(,)なしだと「来週」が二つも三つもあることになります。現実とは異なるので不可。「コンマ(,) + when」を使います。

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省略が可能な場合 先頭へ



《関係副詞》の"when, why"はよく省略します。また、《関係副詞》として使う"that"もよく省略します。《関係副詞》も省略可能と知っておくと、英文解釈で戸惑うことが少なくなります。

ただし、英作文の場合は《関係副詞》を省略するとわかりにくくなるので、"when, why, that"を省略しないほうが無難です。



【英訳】:Adolescence is the period when boys and girls markedly change in body and mind.
【英訳】:Adolescence is the period boys and girls markedly change in body and mind.
(= Adolescence is the period in which boys and girls markedly change in body and mind.)


【英訳】:Adolescence is the period when boys and girls markedly change in body and mind.
【英訳】:Adolescence is when boys and girls markedly change in body and mind.
(= Adolescence is the period in which boys and girls markedly change in body and mind.)
→先行詞の"the period"は省略可能




【英訳】:It is unclear the reason why the governor permitted to restart the nuclear power plant.
【英訳】:It is unclear the reason the governor permitted to restart the nuclear power plant.
(= It is unclear the reason for which the governor permitted to restart the nuclear power plant.)

《関係副詞》の"why"の場合、"why"を残して先行詞の"the reason"を省略することもあります→【参照】:『先行詞を省略

【英訳】:It is unclear the reason why the governor permitted to restart the nuclear power plant.
【英訳】:It is unclear why the governor permitted to restart the nuclear power plant.
(= I know the reason for which my father doesn't believe what politicians say.)
→先行詞の"the reason"は省略可能



《関係副詞》"when, why, how"の代わりとして使う"that"はよく省略します。


【英訳】:I wonder if the day that all kinds of fossil fuel are unnecessary will come.
【英訳】:I wonder if the day all kinds of fossil fuel are unnecessary will come.
(= I wonder if the day when all kinds of fossil fuel are unnecessary will come.)
(= I wonder if the day in which all kinds of fossil fuel are unnecessary will come.)


【英訳】:There are various reasons that rainforests have been disappearing.
【英訳】:There are various reasons rainforests have been disappearing.
(= There are various reasons why rainforests have been disappearing.)
(= There are various reasons for which rainforests have been disappearing.)


【英訳】:I was really impressed with the way that the female gorilla saved the human boy.
【英訳】:I was really impressed with the way the female gorilla saved the human boy.
(= I was really impressed with how the female gorilla saved the human boy.)
(= I was really impressed with the way in which the female gorilla saved the human boy.)

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省略が不可の場合 先頭へ



《関係副詞》の"when, why, that"はよく省略します→【参照】:『関係副詞の省略(1): 省略が可能な場合


「コンマ(,) + 関係副詞」の場合

コンマ(,) + 関係副詞」は通例、省略不可です。《関係副詞》を省略するとコンマ(,)のみで二つの文をつなげることになり、英語としてきわめて不自然です。


【 × 】:In 1986, I was a young child, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant exploded
【 ○ 】:In 1986, when I was a young child, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant exploded




【 × 】:Rarely a night goes by I don't wake up from a nightmare after the earthquake disaster.
【 ○ 】:Rarely a night goes by when I don't wake up from a nightmare after the earthquake disaster.
【 ○ 】:Rarely a night goes by that I don't wake up from a nightmare after the earthquake disaster.
(= Rarely a night goes by at which I don't wake up from a nightmare after the earthquake disaster.)
